Why are black female / white male marriages 64% more successful than ANY other racial marriage union of any kind, in the United States?
Even white people marrying each other, even Asian people marrying each other, is not nearly as successful. Black male / white female is quite unsuccessful.
But a white male / black female marriage is by FAR the most successful union there is in the US. It's bizarre. Outright
Why are black female / white male marriages 64% more successful than ANY other racial marriage union of any kind...
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they arent. they did a restudy with alot more couples and the divorce rate between white men and black women is extremely high
black people are not enjoyable people to live in close quatres with
Because black girls are beautiful and loyal
That was one study done in america. What about european countries?
Oh no. Not this JIDF thread again.
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theres a infographic somewhere
it was like 30k couples and black people had the highest divorce rates in every field
black people are not human it only makes sense relationships between them and humans would fail
Unless they're with black men. Fuck those niggers.
Black girls do have better personalities than the white ones desu senpai.
here it is, dont fall for the propoganda
theres a reason these "people" have so much trouble assimilating into society
marrying black is a one way ticket to financial ruin
who the hell would marry a nappy headed nigger?
Black women, contrary to popular belief, are extremely submissive to a dominant male. They may come off as abrasive initially, but that's to weed out the bitch bois. Obviously, with white males, they're more likely to stay on top of their shit, hence the success rate.
i've wondered about this too. i've met some black girls (NOT sheboons) and they're actually extremely feminine.
Black women are harder on the front end but much more loyal on the back. White women are the opposite.
marrying a high quality nigress and colonising her is one of the most redpilled things you can do.
thats an older study that only used a couple thousand couples. its not valid
marrying black is a death sentence bro, if you're marriage does survive (it wont niggers are unbearable) you'll be significantly poorer than if you had just stayed with your own
if your gonna race mix an asian is the only acceptable race but you're better if just sticking with your own, marrying black is a death sentence
Yelah, no I'm calling bullshit on yours. Mate
Black women are better at sex, won't complain about every little thing, can cook and clean, are fun to be around most of the time and are horny 24/7
because the only white men who go after black women REALLY like black women, and the black women who like white men are smart.
notice how they dont give a source. this fucking image is pure propoganda. theres probably unironically been white men who have ruined their life because of this image. black women distribute that pic on their forum like its a manifesto for their life
Just a picture, I could change that to whatever I wanted and post it.
It ISNT good enough.
How is it Hispanics compose 11% of families and Blacks 7%? Numbers don't add up.
because negresses know how to treat a man, and they appreciate witebois who act like they ought.
you gotta remember that these statistics are interesting and informative, but a marriage splitting up and lifetime income are not things that happen by chance. They are the results of your choices.
I guess it could have to do with wymon hypergamous instincts. They know they cant get better so they control themselves
Black women who mary white men are grateful. They act that way too.
Because white men are the builders of the world. Pretty self explanatory really.
Is that why they divorce white men at a high rate as seen here ?
>implying black people can just choose to no longer have 400,000 year old archaic dna
lol doesnt work that way
too bad your yellow fever generally ends in tears and divorce settlements.
do you retards seriously believe a group of women who cant even maintain basic standards of quality of life are gonna make good wives?
these black bitches cant even assimilate into a high school or office. they create 3rd world shit holes everywhere they go
and you wanna let these bitches into your home to raise your child? hahahaahaha
refer to this stop falling for the propoganda
black people are not compatible with real people
>austracuck spreading pro slanteyed propaganda
> Philip N. Cohen
November 13, 2014 at 9:53 am
These race data are on individuals, not couples. Those are people who identified multiple races, not interracial couples.
nah im just spreading the truth. i dont recommend race mixing period
but race mixing with black people is a whole different animal. black people are literally animals
Because generally in each case it's the gender that is the bread winner of their respective tribe so it ends up being a productive relationship. Probably why it isn't shilled as much, if at all, in the media.
we've been chinked long ago, don't fall for it though see he's obviously a chinese spy spreading misinfo.
Most middle eastern cultures have arranged marriages that are abusive. The wife cannot divorce.
Why are there so many kikes in here. Fuck off.
>Most middle eastern cultures have arranged marriages that are abusive
sure but look at the indian couple divorce rate, it's on par with middle eastern cultures but they aren't islamic and have far less arranged marriage.
It's always a fucking Canadian.
Who can also be their own cousins quite often.