Finally a leader brave enough to stand up to the virtual jew.
Fucking FINALLY.
>inb4 braindead Sup Forumsturds
Finally a leader brave enough to stand up to the virtual jew.
Fucking FINALLY.
>inb4 braindead Sup Forumsturds
Other urls found in this thread:
>Killing Nazis in COD
The left just takes it too far they can't separate fantasy from reality
yeah people are freaking out about this but it's a good thing.
Trump is basically saying that movies and video games can't have independent secret groups like the MPAA deciding the ratings of shit.
video games do not cause violence.
Violent crime has only been on the decline since video games were invented
of all the fucking lines to cross
fuck you Mr. Trump.
Im going to be blowing heads off in VR and you better not try to stop me
No, but good thing it doesn't happen. Nice try, shill.
i dont want the ESRB or MPAA to be replaced by government groups either. The internet is making those agencies irrelevant, and new censors with the backing of state force will set us back
lmao yeah totally not the
they won't be replaced. This is trump talking not taking action and you MUST differentiate between the two.
Iran still has a nuke deal. He said he was getting rid of it.
How long until he says that video games cause sexism?
Did he really say that or are they twisting his words so they can relive the Jack Thompson days?
>virtual guns cause violence
>but not real guns no
he right though. kids are exposed to the type of violence you used to only see in war. The weaker of the bunch cant process it. Movies too, psychologically it affects people. How can it not? A person's subconscious takes that in there is no distinction made from reality
I wish he would address the elephant in the room. The removal of God from our lives by marxists...
Exactly, crime rates in America peaked in the 70s and 80s. If anything, vidya is a way for men to let off steam.
We have to remember that Daddy is a Boomer, and he's not perfect. He's going to slip up from time to time. It doesn't change the fact that politically, the past year has been a joy ride.
>get pissed feminist are messing with video games
>elect most anti-feminist presidential candidate possible in retaliation
>he messes with video games
baka senpai
>The right is too pussified for fake violence
When did Trump supporters become soccer moms?
Research says he isnt wrong.
"On Killing" by Maj Grossman details this exact topic in ome of the chapters. The short version is all modern military training revolves around killing and getting people used to it. Video games helps make that ultimate taboo a little easier to break
Nah. Americans don't even know that's happening
He's right and you all know it. Anyone triggered by this is one of the children he is talking about.
pretty sure he said this back in 2012-2013
Trump is going to destroy his base if he doesn't stop fucking caving to media and cuckservative bullshit.
>pre 80's mass school shooting = 0
>post 80's mass school shooting = 27
you may want to rethink that sport
have you ever played a video game in your life?
video games dont expose you to violence, video games exercise strategy and fine motor coordination
SSRIs can expose you to violence though, the first time your brain seizes up and you hear atom bombs going off all around you
And funny how the people bashing trump are the same one who really believe video games causes people to hate women.
It does, but in the blown out jelly donut kind.
He's talking about children. Men aren't children. Then again, if they behave as children, they probably are children.
>27 school shootings somehow cancel out the general decline in crime in the US
Now SJWs will defend video games again
4D chess!
>SocJus have infiltrated and subverted AAA studios
>Trump is blaming the games they make like Wolfenstein: CISquisition: Kill All White Males Edition and wants to shut down SocJus Studios
>meanwhile, Bannon plays Kingdom Come: Deliverance
9th dimensional water polo
This has been disproven soo often that a number of lawyers running this as a frivolous lawsuit have been disbarred.
Video Games and Video Game Culture are two different things, since no actual scientific source proves the link between violent video games and violent behavior.
This man right here is no longer a lawyer due to this after his 4th frivolous lawsuit the Bar Association revoked his license.
Surely this couldn't be yet another distraction, could it? Another bone for the lefty lapdog media to gnaw? The MSM couldn't possibly be that easy to manipilate, right?
Uh-oh, he's going for the golden goose of millennials.
Will Sup Forums stand by this?
yeah, i guess i got trolled. this is a tweet from 2012? still, hope i made my point
Someone got the actual quote?
I think you mean golden calf.
>Trump will outlaw the virtual synagogue in your lifetime
this.... its likes God has delivered him to us as a miracle.. I cant believe it...
Because it's a fucking fad now.
video games are part of the problem, but banning them won't change anything.
the problem is a total moral decline, violent video games are just a symptom of this.
>tfw no matter what, any new laws passed won't affect me.
He's probably right. Dumbass parents buy their kids debauched fucking videogames the stores wouldn't otherwise sell them. Man up parents.
Shit, you're right. Muh gamerzgate created alt right autism army.
Here's the full quote:
>“We have to look at the internet, because a lot of bad things are happening to young kids and young minds, and their minds are being formed, and we have to do something about maybe what they’re seeing and how they’re seeing it. And also video games. I’m hearing more and more people say the level of violence on video games is really shaping young people’s thoughts. And you go one further step and that’s the movies. You see these movies, and they’re so violent, a kid is able to see the movie if sex isn’t involved, but killing is involved, and maybe we need to put a rating system for that.”
.... Yeah thats why there's so much violence in South Korea.
45 Is the biggest retard that has ever stepped into office, by far.
What's with the video games cause violence narrative reemerging? This has been disproven multiple times already.
What did that have to do with the shooting in Florida?
If you dig through Trumps tweets or stuff involving him in general you'll find he does believe this and has for some time. Not good or bad imo just an older man a bit out of touch.
>Sup Forumsirgins in denial
Video games are an opiate preventing you from becoming a chad. Trump is just brilliant enough to see through the bullshit and know you have to be cut off from your drug of choice, as much as it might pain your fatass.
kill yourself shill rat
I wonder if this is just a move by him to shift the conversation away from gun control.
Some stormniggers will because they are autists. And we've had an influx of old cuck Boomers lately. Otherwise, no.
>passionately defending children's toys
Kys .also
>giving children murder simulators
>can't possibly affect their thinking of brain chemistry
But keep defending your isolated zetamale lifestyle
It's a manchild hobby that blurs the line between fantasy and reality.
Also this
This whole week has been a black pill.
He's not wrong at all. Americans are getting lost in virtual worlds and blurring the lines between fake violence with real violence (looking at PUBGfags especially).
BTW I like that people are assuming he thinks negatively of video games.
>violent video games are shaping young mind's thoughts
>and believe me people, it's shaping their minds beautifully
>I once heard about this thing, it's old now
>Some guy gave me this device with the buttons and put the game, in it
>I spent, it's true folks, 8 hours, 8, valuable, useful hours that otherwise would have been invested in business, on Tetris
>but my mind had never been sharper before
We must put an end to these violent video games.
So are we talking about banning games like WoW or games like Hatred here? Where’s the line going to be drawn?
He didn't "cave to media" you dipshit, he flipped the script.
Of course he's right it's an issue but don't get your panties in a bunch unless he tried to roll out some new restrictions/censorship. I expect his message will be "These hypocritical hollywood fucks who glamorize violence, and these lazy parents who let their kids spend 6 hours a day killing in VR should take some responsibility instead of blaming everything on law-abiding gun owners. Also, the incompetent and corrupt FBI and that cowardly deputy also have something to answer for"
He's not going to take your playstation away retard he's just fighting back against the media narrative that has been 100% focused on disarming America.
>we need to look at the Internet
>AND video games
Good luck trying to ESRB the whole Internet.
We're talking about Wolfenstein 2 :)
That is how we handle this.
>Literally blaming video games like Hillary did
Trump, you better fucking not go down this path
He has no base, his boners are just a dangly shaft.
Happy Valentine's Day drumpfkins XD
that guy looks like he could make for a good GTA protagonist
>video game violence increases exponentially over last 30 years
>violent crime among youth has fallen steadily over last 30 years
All I'm seeing here is Trump speaking about our culture and how media is distributed to children. A direct proposal for a more stringent ratings system would probably be received well at the ESRB because they already make distinctions like this anyway. For example, sexual violence is almost always an instant Adults Only rating, and AO rated games don't get sold at major retailers usually because of company policy. Nobody wants to deal in smut.
In this day and age self published games are the big thing. The ESRB works as a gate for children and their parents as far as console games are concerned but digitally published games and mods can get pretty raunchy and bypass the system altogether. Even Steam has started distributing Hentai games, although often with the smutty bits cut out and sometimes sold separately by the company who made the game.
The real question is this: How can we control our culture, can we control culture and how children are exposed to it, and what's the fucking point if things like Rick and Morty or South Park talk have children and teens talking about sex off-hand?
You fucks are retarded
is there any games were you can be a nazi?
Watch out, you're gonna hurt the brains of these 45lets if you use big words like exponentially.
Also South korea has the most gamers per capita in the world playing violent games like PUBG, and still its one of the safest places to live.
He used videogames as an easy to remember example of how we need to look at the Internet.
ESRB for Facebook? Bankruptcy in 5 minutes.
Google search, rated G for Gay.
This can be bad (NONONONO NO CENSORSHIP OF MY INTERNET REEEEEEEEEEEEE), this can also be good (YouTube rated R)
The current rating system is one of the few regulatory systems that I think actually does an honest and decent job.
If only parents actually cared about those ratings.
Hopefully this starts the discussion on our society's fascination with the culture of violence. Guns are not the real problem here, it's all the shit that leads up to people loosing their minds.
Oh no! We should march on Washington against Trump making a remark that was likely taken out of context ability it a hobby that can be abused if done in abundance.
Call CNN.
Yeah! Lets have the government control our entertainment!
Jeeeeezus you fucks are retaaarded!
He's right about violence in video games shaping impressionable minds, that's a motherfucking given. Your brain is exposed to something long enough and it rewires. There are plenty of countries with legal gun ownership, none of them have the intense exposure to violent games on the level of America. Games are the problem and it's just soyboy manchildren who won't admit it.
Prison Architect
Alternatively, the Papers Please mod is a fine gulag simulator.
Everytime i play cod i shoot up a school aftwards.
The image has a valid point, but is hypocritical considering the context.
Even if it's against literal Nazis, a bit of self awareness would go a long way. There are so many other ways to put yourself on the moral high ground, why use the most easily BTFO-able point possible?
Trump is becoming more and more retarded
Ackshually it's not violence that's the problem, it's the lack of differentiation. Violence used to stand up to a bully is punished as severely as if one were the aggressor. Meanwhile, feminized and sociopathic boys use the anti-bullying machinery to wreck havoc upon their healthy male peers. Heirarchies that used to be settled on the playground are now settled in the guidance counselor's office. There is no dignity in it; even the loser of a fight can be held in higher esteem if he loses well. It's War on Boys all the way down.
No Mr President! Don't do it! It's a libber trap!
The problem is with current tech and future tech it is becoming more and more realistic. The uncanny vally is being crossed. This shit is practically mind controll at this point. Keep in mind the US military uses "video games" to help train it's soldiers. The current state of war/violent video games are practically becoming an instruction manual.
Battlefield 1942
He's not wrong. Let's not forget that the majority of AAA companies are now SJW tier. Just look at Ubisoft and Far Cry 5. White, Christian males... Who are painted as a psychotic cult.
Don't except much understanding from Sup Forums. These are the same imbeciles who rant and rave over Jews but run out to buy the latest new Jewdroid device and sell their privacy to Google. While at the same time shitting on Starbucks for being SJW.
Most of the posters here are too young and idealistic to know what the fuck they are talking about. The other half are 15 year old faggots who are just trying to be funny. The rest are legit shills and liberals trying to create confusion. Sup Forums has been beaten... Actually it was long ago.
It seems to make sense that the things we engage in influence our ways of thinking. The problem then becomes quantifying this influence.
So we all know that our primary education is formatted in order to brainwash us into believing certain things like equality of race, sex and other lies. And we know that this fails because we can't remove innate truths from people. They can pile it on and create a zombie that refuses to think as that is what is conditioned to do but, it can't remove the truth and this results in an anguished being at odds with nature and itself. So I would imagine that playing violent video games isn't going to cause someone to be violent or to act in ways they wouldn't otherwise. That is the realm of the deep programming ie monarch. Biology has primacy over the environment.
So basically Trump is just full of shit? Ya I'm not impressed this isn't 4d chess it's just pathetically reacting to the news cycles cucking him.
>t. someone with a complete understanding of
everything in the universe
Shit-tier rant and shit-tier spacing.
based arabs
based glowing eyes
it's just like the animes.
He just did and there's not a good damned thing we can do about it. I'm a #CruzMissile now.
Hate to spoil this for you but expect a salt flow cause the “rapid Christian cult” has black people in it who are just as fanatical in far cry 5
Call of Duty: WW2
you can play as nazis in War mode.
The announcers even talk in german accents and say to "kill the dirty shwine!!"
>Video games are an opiate preventing you from becoming a chad.
Fact check: True. Vidya is a dose dependent neurotoxin, just look at what it does to normies.
I would argue against the exposure. Of games being more intense here than in other countries with stricter gun laws. Read: Many European nations and Japan. Maybe violent games are more prolific here but that can be attributed to the culture of America, one that has a large fixation on war and guns.
Hell, I don't see that as strictly a bad thing, just something that causes some issues. There are other ways to solve this problem rather than pinning the blame on video games.