i've been browsing mainly this board for the last 4 years.I am now despondent,depressed and in the edge of dropping out of my degree.I have lost friends,girlfriends and at this point,i don't even bother to hide my power level.If i continue like this i will probably be found in a ditch,i tried many times to escape this hellhole but it's not possible.
How do i escape this website?
grow some balls and stop browsing.
Nothing will change if you leave for 3 months.
Start like that.
haha, welcome to hell
The only real solution is to enjoy social life again.
In 2018 england none the less.
this picture disgusts me
unironically the meme flag faggot tells me to grow some balls,this site is worst than crack
>fucking boomers
idk why i havent killed myself honestly, i guess i am waiting for the civil war
hey at least you have us
me too. I've lost all but my friends who are in the military even though I am not. I've no place at work being surrounded by normies and liberals (I work in advertising - got into it by connections and the pay was good) I regret it. I want something to change in the world. I'm too stubborn to become a normie bluepilled faggot.
Leaving 4chins is not an option. Once you're here....
You can get addicted to anything. But this isnt a drug. Try being more organized. If you have something you need to do but didnt do today, say fuck it. Do it tomorrow. But have a time setup. Do what you need done at 12:00, then do that other thing by 4:00. Get organized. Browse Sup Forums when you are done with your bullshit. Set your time, stick to it.
Don't do anything stupid like suicide. Just keep swimming. The fireworks will begin soon enough. Our hero will entire the arena. The narrative will be juicier than ever and it will be a fucking show worth being alive for.
>Here forever.
story of my life
>Boomers falling to the nigger artist meme
Ride the tiger and hang in there user. Stay sharp, physically and mentally. We'll need you in the coming years.
You can't escape
your here forever
I learned a long time ago that once you come here.. you’re here forever.
can relate. what are you studying?
Embrace the darkness.
God damn boomer cucks
This is where it all began...
this is somewhat true
Surf the Kali yuga
The truth is the most addicting drug, but not everyone is strong enough to stay composed. You failed the test and you're here forever. Don't make deals with the devil, boy, Sup Forums is a devil of this world.
That pic is harrowing, Jesus Christ..
>posting a simpsons image, but not this one
You have yet to experience what it is like to have accepted and adapted to the reality you are now perceiving. Trust me, user, it gets better. Find the way.
Its been 11 years now for me buddy.
Actually doing pretty well. But that's because I do plenty besides this. I work my ass off, eat well, drink well, do all the right drugs, try to maintain a semblance if a social life. I come here for my doom and gloom, to argue with strangers so I don't argue with colleagues, laugh at the misfortunes of the world.
If you're here, at least embrace it. Were a sardonic bunch, enjoy.
And get a fucking job you like dummy. Drop out if you want who cares, go cut trees down or sling blow or work on diesels, its all good senpai.
What did you do to become attuned to and active in the real, user?
He is fucking doomed then
>4 years
Lightweight. I’ve been here since 2007. Just remember, you’re here forever.