Aren't there thousands of other rifles with the exact same features? Are the gun-control advocates only calling for this one to be banned by name, or are they trying to set a precedent to make all similar rifles illegal as well? What is an "assault weapon" anyway?
What specific feature makes the AR15 an "assault weapon"?
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It's spoopy
The only real things that matter is a detachable mag and semi-auto
grips, stocks, bipods, shoulder things, all irrelevant.
They need something to focus on so they can get the thin edge of the wedge in.
Being iconic.
>tacticool options
One of the most owned rifles in the USA and its spooky to libcucks who don't know anything.
what the thing on the side? a flashlight or a rangefinder?
The shoulder thing that goes up of course, AKA the barrel shroud.
It fires child-seeking missiles.
"Assault weapon" is a made up term it doesn't mean anything
>What feature
the idiot holding it
>an intermediate-caliber semiautomatic rifle
to stupid not to realize that
This. It's the Goldilocks method of gun banning
>this one is too small
>this one is too big
>this one is too fast
>this one is too black
>this one is not for hunting
>this one is not safe
before you know it, your 2nd Amendment rights are just like Mexico's. You'll have the right to buy a single .38 revolver from one store in D.C. after passing a background check and getting a license.
it fires the same rounds that we dropped on Hiroshima
The answer is- theres nothing. And libs know this. If it gets banned then they will turn the logic around and use its banning as evidence for every other semi auto to be banned.
And you'll need an RFID chip to fire it and if it's ever more than a mile away from the chip it melts itself.
That isn't such a bad thing, grug
I just want to say good luck to Americans. If your 2nd amendment is revoked then you guys are 420 fucked by alien cuck.
Nice scope, idiot.
black one has a flash light for blinding victims
a foregrip for steadying your shots for additional murders.
a pistol grip for holding the gun easier while reloading for genocide.
you aren't good at this are you...
also its black so you can hide in the shadows super easily. fucking idiot.
>foregrip and bipod
Had my AR set up like that once. Kinda front heavy
All the 2nd really says is that we recognize that the federal government has no legitimate business infringing on everybody's God-given right to bear arms. At the end of the day, the question is what happens if anybody tries to physically take them away from us.
The answer is socio-economic collapse that would probably spill into a global deflationary financial collapse.
Polymer body and picatinny rails.
It's an assault rifle: lightweight, small caliber, semi-automatic, box cartridges, designed to tolerate sustained fire. The perfect thing for running around firing a lot of shots that are accurate at longer ranges than most people can aim accurately at, impractical to armor against, and difficult to find effective cover from.
"Assault weapon" would be the same idea, but not necessarily a rifle, including stuff that can rapidly fire large volumes of pistol ammunition (like submachineguns and their semiautomatic variants).
Is a 20-round .308 rifle an assault weapon or does the higher caliber bullet allow it to qualify as a big game hunting rifle? Where's the boundary exactly?
mini14 has that, and it's considered a grampa gun
Don't shoot the cops, shoot the politicians, their family and the local rabbi.
m14 just doesn't get the love it deserves
>What specific feature makes the AR15 an "assult weapon"?
It's the most cromulent of all gun types, by far.
The problem is if somebody breaks in to my house I'm going to shoot at them. There's a pretty narrow range of circumstances that would make sense for me to out and shoot somebody else.
Ideally the cops would decide to do something about the politician problem (which is arguably their job in the first place) rather than get shot at.
Putting some restrictions on retards getting rifles is a step in the right direction
It's not. People are uniformed assholes. Oh, and it's black.
Good point. Could a cop refuse an order to confiscate firearms on the grounds it's unconstitutional?
That's racist.
You already have to leave the house and talk to people. Used to be you could mail order one :(
benis in anus
That's a couple hundred $ you'll never get back
Used to be rather popular, then the AR boom happened, and you can get the exact same performance for half the price now.
Cops are basically civilian employees of the local city or county with extra fancy legal plot armor. I'm not sure what they usual take in terms of an oath, but it arguably wouldn't technically be in violation of the constitution for the local mayor to tell them to go on a gun grabbing spree, especially if there were extra plot armor like a state of emergency.
The logistics of doing that on a mass scale are retarded, though. All they can feasibly do is go take down specific individuals who for whatever reason legally shouldn't have guns or are dangerous or whatever else, which they do all the time already anyway.
This. It's fundamentally a Trojan Horse. Once they get it passed it sets a precedent for other bans.
this. most gun restriction laws are focused on the detachable magazine.
AR-15 stands for Assault Rifle 15, meaning 15 kills per minute. Obviously only police should have these.
It’s an assault rifle if I have one and you don’t.
Antigun faggots kys.
Yes, liberals are retarded and don't even know what it is they want.
None because it’s not
No dumbass, the 15 means in testing it could shoot one bullet clean through 15 innocent diverse children, like the ancient Samurai Katana sword body cutting test
AR-15 = Automatic Reloading 15 rounds per second via bumpstock magazine clips with beltfeed bullet casing strippers. Red dot laser, scope strobe, IR bayonets, ALL NEED TO BE BANNED because CNN says so.
I'm convinced they go after them because they're popular. When they did the gun ban here, they claimed it was to remove "military style semi-automatics" but really they were after semi-auto .22s and pump-action shotguns, as they were by far the most common and versatile guns people owned. Taking them away really fucked over a lot more people than just taking away our ARs.
Its not about safety or they'd go after handguns. It's just about annoying the shit out of gun owners.
>Are the gun-control advocates only calling for this one to be banned by name
its the only one they know, they like to pretend to be knowledgeable by saying the name
It's the same reason why the overhyped stories always involve an AR. It's very simple, obvious propaganda.
Kind of like when they tried to radicalize "Anonymous" using a mask and an assault rifle. Which one? Well it was an AK, of course. AKs are for rebels. ARs are for crazy right wing school shooters.
Like the EU which is fucking over legal gun owners with the new law because terrorists attacked paris with illegal AKs?
All gun control is a slippery slope
it's black
literally the pistol grip. That makes every weapon 100x scarier in their eyes.
My mistake. I just re-read my manual and there it was in the box. It came with a bump stock loader. I'm going to cash it in at the next gun buyback.
Is this real?
>Aren't there thousands of other rifles with the exact same features?
And yet somehow many school shooters use this model in particular? hmmmmm yeah interesting. I guess I'll just chalk it up to
If it fires a handgun round (9mm, .45, .380, etc.) in full-auto, it's a submachinegun.
If it fires a full-power rifle round (7.62NATO, .308, 7.62x54, etc.) in full-auto, it's a battle rifle, or possibly a light- or medium-machinegun
If it fires an intermediate round (5.56NATO, 7.62x39, 6.8mm, etc.), that is something between handgun rounds and full-power rifle rounds, and the user can switch between full-auto and semi-auto (and a few other qualifications), it's an assault rifle.
"Assault Weapon" is a term made up by anti-gun politicians, and what does or doesn't qualify varies by the laws of where you live.
That's the French Mistake, you philistine.
yes, its sadly real. just google "chainsaw bayonet"
It's still up.
Gotta upgrade you bump stock with a rumble strip per my dude, more bumps per shot means a higher rate of child murder.
An assault rifle should be fire a low to medium power cartridge having reduced recoil, which allows it to be fired on the move. Also, allows more control when fired from the shoulder in full auto. the rifle and ammo should be light weight to allow more ammo to be carried as part of an assault. A battle rifle can be heavier and fire higher power cartridges as they are meant to be used in defensive positions, and should involve less movement and easier resupply. At least that is the theory.
liberals know their guns too you idiot
The concept of an "assault weapon" makes sense, though, as a gun that's light, handy, and designed for rapid, sustained fire, therefore as well-suited to mass murder as it is to fire-and-move tactics.
It's almost like people are more concerned about the ability to kill multiple people rather than the idea of killing people in the first place. It's the latter that is important and how you solve the problem.
It's not an assault weapon. If you could select automatic fire, then yes. Calling an AR and "assault rifle" is based on idiot journalists that thought AR stood for Assault Rifle. When it actually refers to the company Armalite that created it.
no it needs to be select fire and detachable mag.
And the word is arms, which to the people who signed the Constitution meant swords, spears, javelins, knives, axes, pikes, cannons, shoulder guns, hand guns, and hand grenades. Support your right to keep and bear hand grenades. That will make schools and the rest of us really safe.
And by the way, I used to open carry a javelin. it was a couple of months before anyone noticed.
Just set fire to the building, chain alternate exits close, and wait outside the main one with a baseball bat.
I love that doubling down by the faggot author.
>They're totally out there guys! Gears of War is realistic!!!
But if we ban guns then those at least wouldn't be "gun deaths" and we reduced "gun violence". It worked in Australia where most mass killings are done by arson.
.223 is about the top end for medium power. .308 is a good high power. .30 carbine low power.
My potato canon is sized to be able to fire molotovs. I have to reload it the same awy as a musket, though, so it's double-exempt from a gun ban.
That's not an assault weapon. There is no definition of an assault weapon. An Assault rifle is an intermediate-caliber select fire rifle. It seems like you're an idiot using a made up definition for a made up term designed solely to scare the sheeple and good goys of the world.
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I was not aware they had standardized the caliber of molotovs.
a select-fire, detachable magazine-fed individual weapon that fires an intermediate range cartridge effective to 300 meters
That's why I works like a musket. The wadding means it can fire anything that's close enough to the bore.
Anybody who actually thinks the 2nd amendment will be revoked is a fucking idiot. In order to nullify the 2nd amendment you need to create a new amendment, which requires a 2/3s majority of congress, and 3/4s of the states to ratify it. It's never going to happen...
You could probably fit a molotov in an x-products can cannon. Not that I would know....
That's why they try for things like the UN arms treaty like Hillary was going to sign. People have short memories about just how different the Hillary time line might be when they complain about Trump.
It's black and scary. It's why I moved into a gated community.
Nothing. There's no such thing as a "assault weapon". You're thinking of a " Assault rifle" which an Ar15 is not that seeing as it is only semiautomatic.
They're so easy to build from scrap stuff in the shed or the garage though. Not at all like trying to be a gunsmith.
do you know what the sustained rate of fire is for an M4 or an AR-15? Gotta be like 200-300 rounds per hour, right?
AR-15 = Automatic Revolver. 15 degrees is how much the barrel rotates to load the bullet into the magazine cartridge clip, 5 children per second. This isn’t funny, pay a fucking tention user.
>posting your own shitty tweet cuz you got no (you)'s
its sad that you seem to approach self-awareness in the image
it shoots
here's a secret, they want all guns banned
Sustained rate is usually 300 Jew teens per hour. Less if with suppressor: the smoke rises.
they attacked the AR15 first because they believed that hunters wouldn't care. They only thing they accomplished is making the AR the most popular rifle on the market now.
Here is the info you need OP.
This covers all of what classifies as an assult rifle in California and is simular to the former federal level ban.
>Putting some restrictions on retards getting rifles is a step in the right direction
never. I don't trust the person put in place to decide who is a retard or not. Do you think Obama would put a pro gun guy in charge of psych evals?
At which point you'll realize why the 'Nam guys hated the platform and carried extras around with them, and why they tried to say Steven Paddock needed 27 ARs.
Only a fool would discount the current high score holder.