Most Absurd Holocaust Denial Theories

Please post the dumbest conspiracy theories about the holocaust. They can be whatever you want.

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Dumbest conspiracy theory about the Holocaust?

The Holocaust.

This one:


Theory 1: The jews lose
Theory 2: the Jews news
Theory 3: the Jews crews
Theory 4: the Jews muse
Theory 5: the Jews booze
Theory 6: the Jews snooze
Theory 7: the Jews glues
Theory 8: the Jews clues
Theory 9: the Jews stews

The holocaust wasn't about the jews at all. It was when whitey stole our history and technology and brainwashed the world. - Heinrich Himmler literally says that the Nazi Party is exterminating the Jews - Famous Holocaust denier David Irving acknowledges the Holocaust and the 5-6 million death toll. - Mark Weber (director of IHR) says he abandons Holocaust denial and says Holocaust denial is pointless - Index of Published Evidence on Mass Extermination in -Auschwitz and Auschwitz-Birkenau - Contemporary German Documents on Homicidal Gas Vans - Contemporary German Documents on Carbon Monoxide Gas and Bottles Employed for the Nazi Euthanasia

----Mass graves:

--- Hydrogen Cyanide found in gas chambers (proving that Zyklon B was used), Leuchter's&Rudolf's report refuted


Thanks, but I was looking for dumb and grandiose conspiracy theories.

It was alien technology dumbfuck. Do you even Yakub?


I like the roller coaster theory :D

A jewish ferrytale.

The one about the Nazi masturbation machine that masturbated Jews to death. Was that really in a published book?

>Jerkoff machines
>Eagle and bear
>Let the bodies hit the floor
>Swimming pools
I'm not even scratching the surface.

Has anyone ever heard of the theory that Auschwitz is not a real place, or am I imagining that?

bump that Zyklon B doesn't kill people when it's used to kill death row inmates.
Hydrogen cynaide=Zyklon B

It happened.

First two posts, best posts

and there are ppl say Sup Forums is shit

No Jews died, the missing millions were covertly transported underground and formed a breakaway civilization on the Moon.

That's pretty good

That it happened, exactly as Jews described.

That cash strapped Germany would round up and transport Jews to far off locations for them be killed in inefficient methods rather than killing them where they originally stood.

It should have been shoot them where they stood, with stacks of corpses piled high on trains sent to nearest ravine to dispose of them.

That the nazis killed jews for being jewish and not that the nazis were against the death penalty and sent their sex criminals (most sex criminals are jewish even the nafri migrant crisis hint:Ahmed, Samir, Nassim, Hassan are nafri mid east kike names) the nazis sent sex criminals to concentration camps but with the breakout of the war the camps couldnt be fed properly and around 837,00 people died. It was an extra charm for zionist scheming after theyd successfully lied and destroyed the ottomon empire to popularize the idea of nation state military industrial complexes for their insurance and banking schemes along with their kike white supremacist bleaching policy of raping and breeding with europeans for sadistic along with skin bleaching purposes

Are you downs? Zyklon B looks nothing like hydrogen cyanide.

That's a Hate Fact!

good source of passive income for jews

Nice kike interaction thread


Hey dumbass the active ingredient in Zyklon B is hydrogen cyanide

that 6 gorillon died is the biggest conspiracy theory


>Most Absurd
that there were MANY jews who actually HELPED herd other jews into the gas chambers?
oh wait

> During the Holocaust memorial ceremony in Brighton Beach last June, each of the neighborhood's synagogues sent forth one of its faithful to light a candle. A stooped old man named Jacob Tannenbaum represented Temple Beth El, and those who attended the service recall that as he lit the wick he began to cry. And so did the friends who knew that Mr. Tannenbaum himself was a survivor, the sole survivor from a family of 12.

>Now the same Mr. Tannenbaum is accused by Federal authorities of wartime atrocities; of viciously beating his fellow prisoners while serving as a kapo, or overseer, in a forced-labor camp. The Justice Department has moved to rescind the 75-year-old Mr. Tannenbaum's citizenship in the first step toward potential deportation. Only three times before has the United States charged a Jew with collaborating with the Nazis, and only once was the man ordered out of the country. Resurrecting the Pain

>into the gas chambers
No they were just herding them into movie brainwashing centers that injected them with hydrogen cyanide to hyponitze them because they were good jews capturing sex criminal jews.

*blocks your path*
heh, nothing personal commie
and mark weber never says he abandoned holohoax denial you giga kike, he had to downplay it because they wanted to throw him in jail for "hate speech".

just take our word for it.

How much are ya paid?

get on the holocaust survivor gravy train. jewish pension plan.


Watch this fake bullshit the US government put out.