Did Trump just declare journalists fair game?
Did Trump just declare journalists fair game?
Well, if the super honest and trustworthy CNN says so, it must be true!
The fact CNN even acknowledged it says Tucker was right. If it didn't hit so close to home they never would have bothered
But they did provide questions to Hillary Clinton... AT THE TOWN HALL? Is anyone calling them on this?
Only the beanie man
This. CNN is lying.
This. Trump gave us the go ahead. so let’s go ahead.
Guys, CNN would never lie to us! They're telling the truth.
Boy, all this posting is making me sleepy. Anyone else feeling a bit tired? Maybe we should all lie down for a bit and rest our eyes...
>We're not lying because we said so!
full damage control. CNN is in a downward spiral.
since cnn doxs tax paying citizens. id say its on
>Oy Vey! We never provide script questions and answers Goyim!
>And we can prove it
>doesn't prove it
He can't keep getting away with it
Just ask any of the people who asked questions that night and they'll tell you they weren't scripted questions.
In fact they'll give you the same answer word for word.
This is our moment. They are on the defnse. Bombard twitter with video evidence of CNN lying. No iffy ones, legit red handed lying videos. They have lots. Spam twitter. Tweet it at them. We could push them over this time. They came out saying they never lie, ruin them!
A year ago, Donna Brazile, a cnn employee gave Hillary questions. Why are they denying ever doing it?
drudge had this old story up today:
>But this is the campaign of the former secretary of state whose staff bragged in emails released last fall that it had “planted” questions with CBS News’s “60 Minutes” in 2011.
>And this is the woman whose 2008 presidential campaign staff admitted to providing prefab queries to a Grinnell College student in Iowa. Muriel Gallo-Chasanoff exposed how a senior Clinton staffer approached her with “a binder with pre-written questions.” She told CNN — attention, CNN! — that the “top one was planned specifically for a college student. … It said ‘college student’ in brackets and then the question.”
>Gallo-Chasanoff conceded to asking the question, which read: “As a young person, I’m worried about the long-term effects of global warming. How does your plan combat climate change?”
>Upon reflection, Gallo-Chasanoff felt ashamed of her cooperation with Democratic Kabuki theater and condemned the charade as “dishonest.”
God Speed, user.
Pic related. Do it fagggotttsssss
In the past real men is this country never would have suffered scoundrels to lie with impunity in such a public and insulting way. They use lies, slander, false testament and deceit to poison minds in an attempt to erase rights and laws that are at the foundation of this country. We are all shamed that they are allowed to continue.
An Ode to CNN - my.mixtape.moe
Absolute shameless self bump. Come on autists, they have been set up perfectly. A blanket statement like that, so easily proven wrong. We can destroy the last of their credibility in peoples eyes.
We've seen the emails!!! I'll bet Assange calls CNN out tomorrow.
Yesss keep the ammo coming!
My local Subway just switched from broadcasting CNN to Fox News, for what it's worth.
>Facts First
Well, this is rich.
>It's true because we say it's true
>Only CNN can tell you the truth
I DREAM of the day CNN anchors, producers and executives get the rope.
So..this proof they speak of?
Controlled (((News))) Network
Today is your day! Tweet out all the videos and picture evidence of them blatantly lying, scripting people etc. They brought their own credibility to the front line and left it open for attack.
Do it, faggots! Blizkrieg the fake news peddlers with the fury of a thousand panzer divisions!
I still laugh at this one.
>Did Trump just declare journalists fair game?
Trust me, if he did, you'd already be hearing about it.
>...and we can prove that.
Good luck proving a negative, you rats.
Why is CNN attacking the child that pointed out that they gave him a script?
He is a brave survivor of a shooting. And they obviously hate children.
>we can prove that
What option do we have they have us by the balls our forefathers sold us out to kikes and they've herded us like sheep from birth with mass scale gaslighting
Morreee I can't do this alone, I'm not far enough on the spectrum.
need some #factsfirst memes to shit post cnn. any anons got some?
plz bump my local anti commie thread
This is pretty insane. CNN should pay for capitalizing on this MKultra operation with its antigen debate nonsense.
No. Fuck your shilling kike.
LOL this shit was obviously scripted to anyone with a brain.
Kill CNN.
What are some Kike-run elementary schools?
I want to see these people publically shamed and humiliated in the most psychologically excruciating way possible. Then I want to see them get arrested for treason. After that I want them to be lined up single file and take turns getting in front of a firing squad to be executed for their crimes. This is of course streamed live on the internet, and on TV and I'll be here shitposting on Sup Forums
That's what I want.
It seems like the FBI is doing now what the CIA was caught doing in the 70's
Call to all autists! For the love of god, make them pay for this stupid remark. Blast them with all the evidence you have. They gave us a perfect opening to slam them and open the eyes of normies by bringing their reputation out in defense like that.
Cant wait for an active shooting or firebomb.
I don’t have a Twitter but I’ll throw in some bumps leafie
I request a list of ALL JEW schools.
Appreciated burger.
>hey it I end the tweet with #FactsFirst that means I’m right
Just Google "CNN+green screen". That should provide enough detail to make the point.
No need, they're doing a fine job themselves
SHOW ME YOUR WAR FACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Use #FactsFirst, get it trending with evidence of CNN lying.
Have a list of all Jewish elementary schools?
Weird, they didn't deny it so adamantly when they were accused of giving Hillary the debate questions.
when this thread dies make a new one. with the hash tag. get all faggots on this. we can take them down tonight.
Also I'm quite literally talking violence here
How specifically would they go about proving that?
I am interested to see.
EVERYONE who participated in that Town Hall, Rubio, Dana, Israel, and those other two faggots all deserve the rope.
Picking on CNN is so much fun.
Saying it is enough....to an organization with a documented long record of deliberate deciet and malfeasance. How does anyone not in a nursing home with dementia watch CNN let alone take it seriously?
A justification for defensive combat could be proposed.
Lies can lead to murder, rioting and war. Those who deal in lies play a dangerous game. On a fundamental level, a propaganda/misinformation company that masquerades as rational and trustworthy news while aiming to sew discord in countries and inculcate race war and insurrection could be considered a "weapon". CNN could also be considered a terrorist group, so it may very well be completely justified for the government to shut them down or for a milita to engage them and shut them down.
Firebombing CNN is so much more fun.
You mean like with Donna Brazille and Hillary? CNN (((Town Halls))) are all the same.
Literally, I would kill every single one of those traitors if given the chance.
Never made a proper thread before for something like this. But will get on that, this shit could be huge. its meme war time
what is wrong with these stupid faggots?
Name ONE (1) time CNN broadcast an actual, provable lie. Not just negative spin, but actual objectively false information.
We need to spread the email with the contents of this on twitter.
Everyone who participated in last night's Town Hall should be hung from the rafters, including the kids.
this shit is gonna be biblical.
use this as the template.
What about the time an anchor reported on air that it was illegal to read the Wikileaks DNC/Podesta emails?