You know the memes

Post em

Fuck America. Fuck the KKK. Fuck Donald Trump.



Come to Texas and say this shit boy

Holy shit Jews make my skin crawl.


what are you gonna do? block the highway with one of your several chins to cause a car accident?

>D-don't m-mess with Texas
You won't do shit, Mutt. The few actual white people in your state are rural cattle ranchers who reenact Brokeback Mountain with each other.

if you see an american flag there is a 55% chance that the poster is non-white
daily reminder


texas is mexico at this point





Texas is a hemorrhoid on the nation





Go to bed Alex. I know you're mad. Just go to bed.



















Just gotta know when to shut your cock trap, that is all.

Lol Amerimutts are such dfns

TayTay is a jew/niggerfag loving whore


i'll stick with your theme.
