He said just make it easier to lock up mentally ill people. He said if someone is mentally ill they should be locked the hell up. I think this is brilliant, in the 50s it used to be easier to lock up the mentally ill why did they stop? Oh right Reagan let them out because MUH COSTS
Ben Shapiro Has Solution for Mass Shootings
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Are Jews mentally ill , pol? Is it time to lock them up? Hmmm...it seems like this has been tried before.
Pretty sure it was JFK actually. He's the one who shut it down.
Okay meme flag
I thought Reagan did it. I'll look that up now actually
No that's antisemitic bigotry
>GOP hate thread?
Yeah and who was it that gave all those beaners amnesty?
Ahh yes. The standard copout mental illness stance. Durr this guy believes in crackpot conspiracies he's clearly mentally ill durr lock him up durr. The easier they make it to send people to the gulag on a subjective hunch of "mental illness" the faster the dystopia will take place.
Reagan released as a nod to Roslyn Carter, who supported rights for the mentally ill. I remember that time because suddenly all these supreme wtf skerry schiziods were hanging around my bus stop and I had to keep away. I couldn't figure it out and thought maybe it was contagious
>inb4 in five years all conservatives are locked up for being mentally ill
They’re already trying to make it sound like anyone who even thinks about owning a gun is an unhinged psycho. Don’t you see how this could turn out desu
Keep in mind the Soviet Union locked up and/or stigmatized vocal anti-communists as "mentally ill", and you can imagine why that might not be such a good idea.