Goblin Slayer

Chapter 15 out

>wet sounds intensifies

stop making general for the shitty manga you fucking adaptation fags ruin everything


We already had several threads.

>learn that there's no more gobbo rape after the first book

Reminder that the god reality is literally Sup Forums and wants to kill Priestess becauae she is ruining his "autism gob exterminator".

We only had one

Is there a way to read it now without having to buy the chapter?

Check the archive, it was dunped in last thread

>GS face is similar to a generic MC.
I dont like it.

Also why are you browsing here instead of killing goblins Sup Forums?

>GS face is similar to a generic MC
Nice job baiter, maybe if they did actually show his face people would believe you.

What a gay.

check the previous thred, it has the dump

It's pretty clean he's not a steely eyed ugly asshole who doesn't give a shit about a messed up face, shaves his head because who needs hair, and just wants to kill gobs.

>Goblins are Realities creation. A kind of 'Fuck y'all' to all the other gods, who now have to deal with them in some way. But most particularly to Fantasy. Goblins don't need to breed with women just because. They need to do it because Fantasy's self-inserts are almost invariably women, and he, personally, wants to screw her over by showing 'Yeah, having a super-powered beautiful woman as your character is fine BUUUUT here's ten thousand rape rats on her ass, oops she wasn't wearing a helmet get literally fucked'. He's a dickhead.

Any LNfag here can confirm this?

just because you are correct, doesnt mean you are right

goblin bump

>Amazon getting sitting down right next to GS with a smile ear to ear

This person seems to have inside info as the character that appear on their comics always end up being the actual designs. Here you can see how Fantasy looks she is literally ultimate madoka with long hair.

Stop making generals, and besides this month's low quality fetish bait is kakegurui

Try again later

>OP didn't start with a "general thread" structure
Fuck off, goblin.

Wanna go to Africa with me user and bash some black goblin heads in?

>boob windows

What a slut holy shit. Elfs truly are quick at recongnizing.

Actually, she is full red because she is drunk, not because crazy blush

She is just drunk, stop your busted old memes.

Sup Forums pls go3900 thiers

Well the translation actually makes the 'evil' god Truth and the goddess Illusion. The reason why Truth is 'evil' is because blunt truth with no filter can be very cruel.

And yes, Illusion gets fucked constantly by Truth, but the main reason why Truth uses goblins is because they're cheap and easy to use for all of his traps and dungeons. The fact it's much harder to get favorable rolls 30 times against small fry than only 5 good rolls against one big guy is just a bonus for Truth. Truth just likes to make complex stories and dungeons with little disregard to the lives of the pieces.

Priestess is actually one of Illusion's newbie parties before she decided to make a random girl the Hero. When Goblin Slayer showed up, Truth got pissed because GS always fucks up the story and made Illusion happy because he actually made it in time to save her personal favorite of the party.

So the user saying truth liked GS was lying?

It's a love-hate kind of thing.
Would probably result is some divine angry sex once GS dies one way or another and Truth gets a hold of his soul.

so now that a Lord Goblin has been defeated, is there any stronger goblin GS gonna face or it off to fighting generic dragon for him now?

Still hunting gobs like no tomorrow

Why someone so shit is so cute?

Remember that he did say he wanted to try and become an adventurer. Don't forget that they still have a demon lord hanging over their heads.


Thought he died.

At the point were the manga is, is still alive. But haruhi will kill hom off offscreen.

Yes, but as long there are gobs, he will not stop. Later in the LN, Netero managed to make him talk about what he wanted to do as a kid and he said he wanted to be an adventurer, but when he asked why he is not doing that now,GS answered "because there are goblins".


You had one job, ONE JOB.

I really like the idea that mc became an adventurer and the reference to D&d (or similar systems) at the end
I hope it's gets to at least 20 volumes

Gets his shot at a Goblin Champion in Vol 2.
Goblin Paladin in Vol 5.

He said he may become pne, but gobs are still around. Up to volume 6 he is still hunting gobs, except for one time when lancer and guts managed to take him out inn a normal quest to kill an evil mage. GS failed to kill the mage xuz he attacked him like he was a gob, i don't remember exavtly how it went.

You mouth breathing cocksuckers trying to do the mods job and missing the point need to swallow poison

Give me a break. Right now I'm more drunk than that elf.

>"and his thing was as long as... my finger!"

Hello Enami, how's aeveryone? I still look forward to technology progressing to the point where you help realize my sabotaged dream. You're not getting all your bang for the amount of buck you spend, y'know.


Whywould his face be messed up if he always wears a helmet?
Checkmate atheists.

Wrong thread?

There was rape. It was brief but good.

Blunt trauma.

You are so desperate for rape that some small flashbacks with whos is enough?

>Man, finally a non-isekai fantasy manga without videogames bullshit and-
>this chapter
I'm out

>goblin paladin

what the hell is that

What? He has been using Priestess barriers for killing since chapter 4

So Illusion didn't give a fuck about monk-girl and that sorceress and only really cared about Priestess, which GS saved and made her happy?

I'm talking about the "world is a rpg game" shit

Is not a rpg, is a D&D and kpt, is jpt the se thing nigga.

Holy fucking shit, how i messes up "not" two times. I am fucking high?
And the other word is "same".

Since volume 1 of the LN we have know GS is literally a D&D game between gods, you fucking slowpoke.

Lawfully Good. According to Goblin law & customs, rape is both lawful & good. He shall bless everyone with his holy penis.

>blunt truth with no filter can be very cruel
>possibly the greatest source of internal inconsistency is very cruel
This is some meta shit right here.

Just a gob that happen to obtain a magic sword

That is really a cute face she is making.

a paladin dosen't work that way

>GS literally creeps around the game board, throwing the dice away

This part losses me a little.
How can you not let the gods roll the dice with you?
He doesnt follow them or doesnt let things to chance?

Dunno, ask someone a LNfag or /tg/.

>God roll dice
>Instead of letting the dice hit the board normally Goblin Slayer moved on his own and kick the dice
>Hence he was the one who rolled the dice not the God

Strong independent man who aint need no god

>Goblin Slayer is the dice
>Because you never know what he's up to

You guys remember that faglord who always spread rumors about how it'll be toned down and it goes generic harem routes during the early threads?

What about him?

he love to lurk here, maybe he already shitposted in this thread

You don't like burgers unless you eat 50 in a row.

Real men go lawful good when their faggot edgelord DM is being a dick.

>Dis nigga expect me to read all that shit


Sleepy anvil.

>inspect image in GIMP for five minutes
>nothing wrong
>immediately find some shit to fix
Every fucking time.

>Then came the moment of truth. She flung the dice as hard as she could…
>But it morphed into an awful thing.
>Unhappily, unluckily, the girl’s swords and spells missed by a mile.
>The monsters, who should have been no hindrance at all, landed crushing blows and wiped the girl and her party out.
>Not even the gods know if this world is ruled by fate or chance.
>Thus, the dice alone are absolute. They cannot be rerolled.
The way I see it, it's not even like as if the gods rolling the dice actually does anything. He just rejects being part of their game, and does it so hard it actually works.

Summarize it, niggard

What girl and party was that?

Lawful Good is best

The idea is that because he does not act like other people, which means he does not act like he's in some jrpg, his over preparedness and meticulous nature makes it so that there is no room for randomness. Now this is a load of horseshit because as anyone who has played any form of tabletop RPG can attest to, you can prepare every spell reagent every item every piece of equipment you want, you can still get fucked by a bad roll.

The idea that despite Goblin Slayer being a completely normal person, he is able to circumvent the rules of this world, is just a cab yet you have to swallow in order to enjoy the story. In reality his character would have died when he was at low level trying to take on Goblin hordes by himself.

>NPC ignoring your game
Time to drop rocks.

Demon Lord got one shotted by Haruhi.

Extremely eligious edgelord says being good doesn't mean being soft and uses fiction to make his point. I'm not even joking.

Isn't that obvious? Guys like Batman are good yet they're far from soft.

The problem is that you guys are assuming that this D&D game play exactly like one on real life, is not, there are shitloads of things the gods can't control, i woild say is only 50% D&D

Batman is Chaostic Good, not Lawful Good

That just makes things worse. Then there could be random factors which not even the gods are aware of. It's not just the dm said so therefore it is, things are beyond their control too.

>Goblin Slayer being a completely normal person
>normal person

I see /tg/'s autism is triggered again.

>being good doesn't mean being soft
Where did it say lawful? Besides, Batman frequently works with people like Commissioner Gordon despite not being affiliated with law enforcement.

The image isn't even relevant, it's just an extrmely long rant-blogpost filled with strawmen. I doni't even know why user posted that image.

Did someone say /tg/?

According to user, Truth acts exactly like a triggered /tg/fag mad over how Fantasy is ruining his perfect sotry aboit a insane loner by giving him a girl companion. But i can't confirm if this is true.

I read that & somehow things from Narnia to the Bible to D&D is a strawman?

>In reality his character would have died when he was at low level trying to take on Goblin hordes by himself.
No doubt the spin-off prequel will involve him just surviving by the skin off his teeth. At some point it will involve him deciding to cut the horns off of his helmet. And he did have Bilbo Baggins as his trainer, he wasn't a complete greenhorn.

I'm pretty sure /tg/ would be the guy complaining about the setting in opposition to Truth. The kind of guy who would derail the game too.