Here's a book detailing Jews murdering all over Europe. The author posed as a Jew to infiltrate their inner circles. When i searched for this book i kept running into kikes kvetching about this guy. Pic related.
https:// The first edition of the German original was issued Frankfurt, 1700, under the title "Entdecktes judenthum", but was suppressed until after a second edition appeared at Königsberg, 1711. Editions of the translation, with preface by J. P. Stehelin, were issued 1732-34 and 1742 under title: The traditions of the Jews.
...Tenth [in conclusion] I say, therefore that the Jews are permitted to kill Christians who cause those to sin; see the Jalkut Schimóni on the Laws of Moses, Folio 245, column 4, number 773, on the words of Numbers 25:17. “Deal with the Midianites as enemies since they deal with you as enemies;” since it is written:
Socrates [the 5th-Century A.D. Greek-Byzantine cleric, not the more ancient Greek philosopher] reports, in one of his church histories in the seventh book, chapter thirteen that the Jews, in the year of Christ 418 in Alexandria, ganged up during the night, braided palm leaves around their fingers as a sign [to each other] and then raised a howl and claimed that the Christian church in that city which was called the Alexander Church was on fire. When the Christians ran out to put out the fire the Jews lay in wait for them on the road and killed all those that they could catch. For that reason, Bishop Cyril, the next day expelled all Jews from Alexandria.
The method Eisenmenger employed in this work has been called both 'coarsely literalist and non-contextual'[7] and 'rigorously scholarly and exegetical', involving the use only of Jewish sources for references, without forging or inventing anything.[8] Having collected citations from 193 books and rabbinical tracts not only in Hebrew and Aramaic but also in Yiddish,[9] all accompanied by German translations[10] ranging over legal issues, cabala, homiletics, philosophy, ethics and polemics against both Islam and Christianity,[1] he published his Entdecktes Judenthum (English titles include Judaism Unveiled, Judaism Discovered, Judaism Revealed, and Judaism Unmasked, with the latter title most commonly used), which has served as a source for detractors of Talmudic literature down to the present day. Eisenmenger made considerable use of works written by Jewish converts to Christianity, such as Samuel Friedrich Brenz's Jüdischer abgestreiffter Schlangen-Balg,(Jewish cast-off snakeskin, 1614) to bolster his anti-Jewish charges.[10]
The work, in two large quarto volumes, appeared in Frankfurt in 1700, and the Elector, Prince Johann Wilhelm, took great interest in it, appointing Eisenmenger professor of Oriental languages in the University of Heidelberg. Eisenmenger's purpose, he avowed, was to have Jews recognize the errors of their ways and what he conceived to be the truth of Christianity.[8] To this end he urged that several measures be undertaken, including restricting their economic liberties and rights, banning them from writing criticisms of Christianity, and proscribing both their synagogues and law courts.[1]
Brody Rogers
The book was designed not only to reveal to Christians the existence of elements in Jewish rabbinical thought which Eisenmenger thought injurious to the Christian faith, but also to appeal to a free-thinking secular public, and to enlightened Jews whom he wished to shock by his revelations. In particular he hoped to use his evidence in order to promote the conversion of 'honest Jews' to his own faith. Paul Lawrence Rose writes:
'Eisenmenger proceeded to amass quotations from the Talmud and other Hebrew sources revealing to all how the Jewish religion was barbarous, superstitious, and even murderous. All this was done in an apparently scholarly and reasonable way that belied the author's evident preoccupation (like Luther) with tales of Jewish ritual murder of Christian children and poisoning of wells. While piously insisting that the Jews must not be converted by cruel methods, Eisenmenger blithely recommended abolishing their present 'freedom in trade,' which was making them 'lords' over the Germans. He demanded too an immediate ban on their synagogues, public worship, and communal leaders and rabbis.'[11]
A further, if minor, element in his polemic consisted of an argument that Germans were a distinct people within Christianity, descended from the Canaanites, whom 'the Jews' were intent on destroying[12] in accordance with Deuteronomy 7:16.[13]
Jayden Johnson
This is why jews keep getting thrown out of every country they move to,
True to his mission, Amalek has historically tried to destroy the Jews. The first traces of Amalek are found when they fought against the Jewish people as they left Egypt circa 1300 BCE, attacking the Jews out of pure hatred – Amalek lived in a distant land and was under no imminent threat (Exodus 17:8-15). Amalek resurfaced later in history, in a battle against King Saul (1-Samuel ch. 15). Again, Amalek arose headed by the wicked Haman who commanded an attempted genocide against the entire Jewish people, as recorded in the Book of Esther. So what happened to Amalek after that?
Sennacherib, the King of Assyria, circa 500 BCE, mixed up all the nations (Talmud – Brachot 28a). When he conquered a country, he would take a large segment of the population and send them to other countries. This caused confusion among the population so they would never be able to muster enough strength to cause a rebellion. In this way, Sennacherib was able to retain control. Many of these peoples intermarried with each other and their old nationalities became mixed together. Amalek also was mixed in at this time. This means the identification of a particular individual or group, as Amalek by the means of genealogy is absolutely impossible.
Does Amalek exist today?
The story is told about the great Rabbi Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld, the revered spiritual leader who lived in the Old City of Jerusalem at the turn of the century. When the German Kaiser Wilhelm visited Jerusalem in 1898, Rabbi Sonnenfeld refused to greet him. He explained that the Kaiser exhibited the classic signs of Amalek (a tradition passed down from the Vilna Gaon).
Shockingly, the Talmud (Megillah 6b) identifies a nation called "Germamia" as the descendents of Amalek.
Colton Long
>Shockingly, the Talmud (Megillah 6b) identifies a nation called "Germamia" as the descendents of Amalek.
https:// The oldest city in Germany is Trier, a city whose inhabitants say was founded around 2000 B.C. by the Assyrians.
Josef K.L. Bihl writes in his German textbook In Deutschen Landen, “Trier was founded by Trebeta, a son of the famous Assyrian King Ninus. In fact, one finds … in Trier the inscription reading, ‘Trier existed for 1,300 years before Rome was rebuilt.’” To this day, this story is used to attract tourists to Trier.
According to Greek historians, the ancient Assyrian capital of Nineveh was built by Ninus. The biblical account tells us that the builder of Nineveh was Asshur, the son of Shem, who became the progenitor of the Assyrians (Genesis 10:11). Ninus is simply the Greek name for the Asshur of the Bible.
The original Ninus was Nimrod, grandson of Ham, of the black race. Asshur, son of Shem, who was white, also took the name Ninus. He is the Ninus II of ancient historic record who founded Nineveh.
Archaeological data reveals that shortly after Xerxes’s disastrous campaign, a great migration of the Assyrian people from the Black Sea region occurred. With the Persian Empire weakening, the Assyrians moved from Asia Minor and the southern shores of the Black Sea to the sea’s northern shores—to a land called Scythia. Here they began to be called Scythians, and their identity was eventually obscured. But these people didn’t just disappear into thin air. They migrated west and underwent a name change!
Predominant in Scythian territory were numerous tribes from two races in particular. “[T]wo major currently recognized racial types, Caucasoids and Mongoloids, are considered to have existed historically in geographical proximity on the steppe,” observes The Cambridge Ancient History (Volume III, Part 2).
Adam Parker
Archaeology gives further insight into the area. “Archaeologically, it is clear that the eighth- and seventh-century B.C. ‘Scythians’ were not the same as the fifth-century ‘Scythians.’ Both were mounted elite war-bands originating in the more easterly regions of the steppe, and the Greeks, quite naturally, called both groups by the same name” (ibid.).
Archaeology shows five major phases in the area between 750 and 250 B.C., “with a fresh nomadic component arriving in three of them: 750-650 B.C. (‘Cimmerians’ and ‘Scythians’); 475-430 B.C. (‘Scythians’); and 300-250 B.C. (‘Sarmatians’)” (ibid.). These great migrations were the effects of great population displacement in the Middle and Near East resulting from the collapse of various empires and kingdoms. (They even included the movement of the Israelites following their overthrow by Assyria.)
It is clear that the Germanic people comprised, at least in part, this second phase of Scythian migration. We can know this because Roman records show the Germanic people first began invading central and western Europe in the late second century B.C., soon after their northern move.
Archaeology confirms these Scythians migrating all the way into Germany proper. “Nomads and fierce warriors, they lived in Central Asia … and their culture spread westward to southern Russia and Ukraine, and even into Germany …” wrote Mike Edwards in National Geographic (June 2003). This German migration would have been a result of the pressure that the newest migrants into Scythia, such as the Sarmatians, were placing on the Germanic people who occupied the territory. After the Sarmatians began to move in during the third century B.C., the Germanic people were forced further west.
>check these digits
David Foster
>>Germans were a distinct people within Christianity, descended from the Canaanites, whom 'the Jews' were intent on destroying >>Shockingly, the Talmud (Megillah 6b) identifies a nation called "Germamia" as the descendents of Amalek.
Kikes have a long standing racial hatred aginst Germans which most people don't now about. This is what WW1, WW2, and now the multiculturalism is about. They want to destroy the seed of Amalekittes and Canaanites.
According to the Bible, Amalek was the first enemy that Israel encountered after the crossing of the Sea of Reeds.
In the biblical traditions, Israel, after sinning through cowardice and lack of faith as a result of the discouraging report of the spies, turned around and "defiantly marched to the crest of the hill country" (Num. 14:44–45) against the divine command and was punished by sustaining a shattering blow at the hands of the Amalekites and Canaanites who inhabited the hill country, the former no doubt being confined to its southernmost end (Num. 14:45). In this particular case, therefore, YHWH, who according to Exodus 17:16 had sworn eternal enmity to Amalek, permitted Amalek to defeat Israel, but, since He had specifically warned Israel against this particular undertaking, there is no real contradiction between Exodus 17:16 and Numbers 14:45. It is possible that this tradition is based on abortive attempts by Israel to expand its holdings in the South during the premonarchic period (see Num. 13:29; 21:1–3, 4–34; Deut 1:44). More closely historical than the Pentateuch's accounts of Amalek are the traditions set in the period of the Judges and the monarchy. During the period of the Judges, the Amalekites participated with other nations in attacks on the Israelite tribes. Together with the Ammonites, they joined Moab against Israel and were among those who captured "the city of palms" – apparently Jericho or the pasture lands of...
Jackson Bell
Do you actually buy this (((kike))) narrative? Don’t make me post the 40 Biblical prophecies proving whites are Israel.
Daniel Williams
Jews are infiltrators. They mime you long enough to open the gates and stab you in the back. I think we should do a meme campaign pointing out how inbred the semitc and Jewish population is. When they accuse jew haters of being anti-Semites I think they're cueing you in on their inner fear, being a Semite. Semites are inbred, dysgenic freaks that need healthy blood to mix with occasionally to fix their genetic problems. Semites ran/run the most brutal and murderous slave trade in the world. I think we should promote actual antisemitism. It's like the hole in the death star to them. Goyim women don't want genetic retards, and sadists to breed into their tribe.
Define "white" and I'd love to hear some.
Jaxson Kelly
1. Israel to be great and mighty nation. Gen. 12:2; 18:18; Deut. 4:7,8. 2. Israel to have multitudinous seed. Gen. 13:16; 15:5; 22:17; 24:60; 26:4, 24; 28:3, 14; 32:12; 49:22; Isa. 10:22; Hos. 1:10; Zech. 10:7,8. 3. Israel to spread abroad to the West, East, North and South. Gen. 28:14; Isa. 42:5, 6. 4. Israel to have a new home. 2nd Sam. 7:10; 1st Chron. 17:9. 5. Israel's home to be north-west of Palestine. Isa. 49:12; Jer. 3:18. 6. Israel to live in islands and coasts of the earth. Isa. 41:1; 49:1-3; 51:5; Jer. 31:7-10. 7. Israel to become a company of nations. Gen. 17:4-6, 15,16; 35:11; 48:19; Eph. 2:12. 8. Israel to have a Davidic King (a perpetual monarchy within Israel). 2nd Sam. 7:13,19; 1st Chron. 22:10; 2nd Chron. 13:5; Psa. 89:20, 37; Eze. 37:24; Jer. 33:17, 21, 26. 9. Israel to colonize and spread abroad. Gen. 28:14; 49:22; Deut. 32:8; 33:17; Psa. 2:8; Isa. 26:15; 27:6; 54:2; Zech. 10:8,9. 10. Israel to colonize the desolate place of the earth. Isa. 35:1; 43:19, 20; 49:8; 54:3; 58:11, 12. 11. Israel to lose a colony, then expand, demanding more room. Isa. 49:19, 20. 12. Israel to have all the land needed. Deut. 32:8. 13. Israel to be the first among the nations. Gen. 27:29; 28:13; Jer. 31:7. 14. Israel to continue as a nation forever. 2nd Sam. 7:16, 24, 29; 1st Chron. 17:22-27; Jer. 31:35-37. 15. Israel's home to be invincible to outside forces. 2nd Sam. 7:10; Isa. 41:11-14. 16. Israel to be undefeatable - defended by God. Num. 24:8, 9; Isa. 15-17; Micah 5:8, 9. 17. Israel to be God's instrument in destroying evil. Jer. 51:20; 51:19-24; Dan. 2:34, 35. 18. Israel to have a land of great mineral wealth. Gen. 49:25, 26; Deut. 8:9; 33:15-19. 19. Israel to have a land of great agricultural wealth. Gen. 27:28; Deut. 8:7, 9; 28:11; 33:13, 14, 28. 20. Israel to be rich by trading. Isa. 60:5-11; 61:6.
Caleb Carter
21. Israel to be envied and feared by all nations. Deut. 2:25; 4:8; 28:10; Isa. 43:4; 60:10, 12; Micah 7:16, 17; Jer. 33:9. 22. Israel to lend to other nations, borrowing of none. Deut. 15:6; 28.12. 23. Israel to have a new name. Isa. 62:2; 65:15; Hos. 2:17. 24. Israel to have a new language. Isa. 28:11 (The Bible, by means of which God speaks now to Israel, is English not Hebrew). 25. Israel to possess the gates of his enemies. Gen. 22:17. 26. Israel to find the aborigines diminishing before them. Deut. 33:17; Isa. 60:12. 27. Israel to have control of the seas. Deut. 33:19; Num. 24:7; Psa. 89:25; Isa. 60:5 (F. Fenton translates this last, "when rolls up to you all the wealth of the sea". That could not be unless Israel controlled it). 28. Israel to have a new religion (New Covenant.) Heb. 8:10-13; 9:17; Matt. 10:5-7; Luke 1:77; 2:32; 22:20; John 11:49-52; Gal. 3:13. 29. Israel to lose all trace of her lineage. Isa. 42:16-19; Hos. 1:9, 10; 2:6; Rom. 11:25. 30. Israel to keep Sabbath forever (one day in seven set aside). Ex. 31:13, 16, 17; Isa. 58:13, 14. 31. Israel to be called the sons of God (i.e., accept Christianity). Hos. 1:10-11. 32. Israel to be a people saved by the Lord. Deut. 33:27-29; Isa. 41:8-14; 43:1-8;44:1-3;49:25, 26; 52:1-12; 55:3-10, 13; Jer. 46:27, 28; Eze. 34:10-16; Hos. 2:23; 13:9-14; 14:4, 6. 33. Israel to be the custodians of the Oracles (Scriptures) of God. Psa. 147:19, 21; Isa. 59-21. 34. Israel to carry the Gospel to all the world. Gen. 28:14; Isa. 43:10-12 (witnesses), 21; Micah 5:7. 35. Israel to be kind to the poor and set slaves free. Deut. 15:7, 11; Psa. 72:4; Isa. 42:7; 49:9; 58:6.
Adrian Torres
36. Israel to be the heir of the world. Rom. 4:13. 37. Israel to be God's Glory. Isa. 46:13; 49:3; 60:1, 2. 38. Israel to possess God's Holy Spirit as well as His Word. Isa. 44:3; 59:21; Hagg. 2:5. 39. Israel to be God's Heritage, formed by God, forever. Deut. 4:20; 7:6; 14:2; 2nd Sam. 7:23; 1st Kings 8:51, 53; Isa. 43:21; 54:5-10; Hos. 2:19, 23; Joel 2:27; Micah 7:14 -18. 40. Israel is the nation appointed to bring glory to God. Isa. 41:8-16; 43:10, 21; 44:23; 49:3.
John Torres
I don't see white or Germanic in there. Prophecies are not proof of anything.
Jaxon Foster
>throwing them out instead of killing them
Cameron Phillips
>Why doesn’t the Bible use names that didn’t exist when it was written? The Bible cites the Israelites being related to Greeks. I’ll get those verses too if you want.
Carson Adams
>>In the biblical traditions, Israel, after sinning through cowardice and lack of faith as a result of the discouraging report of the spies, turned around and "defiantly marched to the crest of the hill country" (Num. 14:44–45) against the divine command and was punished by sustaining a shattering blow at the hands of the Amalekites and Canaanites who inhabited the hill country >>Germans were a distinct people within Christianity, descended from the Canaanites, whom 'the Jews' were intent on destroying >>Shockingly, the Talmud (Megillah 6b) identifies a nation called "Germamia" as the descendents of Amalek.
^This is the reason for the constant attack on whites. Jews are the Nazis they meme about. Their anti-Nazi shtick is just a red herring to pull aggression from themselves.
Yes get them.
Adrian Myers
Nathaniel Bell
“Arius king of the Spartans to Onias the high priest, greeting. It is found in writing concerning the Spartans, and the Jews, that they are brethren, and that they are of the stock of Abraham.” 1 Machabees 12:20-21
Anthony Jackson
Some words from Josephus as well
"Areus, King of the Lacedemonians, to Onias, sendeth greeting ... we have discovered that both the Jews and the Lacedemonians (Spartans) are of one stock, and are derived from the kindred of Abraham ... This letter is four-square; and the seal is an eagle, with a dragon in his claws"(Ant.12:4:10).
Gavin Myers
Spartans were traitor Greeks that constantly took Persian sheckles and enslaved fellow Greeks.
Jacob Ortiz
>Amalek All this is jewish fantasies, researchers have actually dug into this and it's false. I actually read a bit about this some time back my self.
I was however looking for some iranian tribe that I mean have a similar sounding name, that's my only connection, north of from todays iran that moved into germany in ancient times. It's name only lol
Germany has also always been called Deutchland/Tyskland/Þýskaland
Samuel Cruz
Do you have any sources?
Matthew Walker
It may be Jewish fantasy, but it's real in their mind. That makes it dangerous to you.
Easton Cruz
While it is important to acknowledge (((their))) perverted beliefs mean they will do anything to kill us, it is also fairly important that /we/ know the actual truth. The modern (((jews))) are actually Esau, whom is foretold to have control over the world in the endtimes, but will be defeated and usurped by the sons of Jacob.
“6Then did I consider these things, and they all were made through me alone, and through none other: by me also they shall be ended, and by none other. 7Then answered I and said, What shall be the parting asunder of the times? or when shall be the end of the first, and the beginning of it that followeth? 8And he said unto me, From Abraham unto Isaac, when Jacob and Esau were born of him, Jacob's hand held first the heel of Esau. 9For Esau is the end of the world, and Jacob is the beginning of it that followeth. 10The hand of man is betwixt the heel and the hand: other question, Esdras, ask thou not. 11I answered then and said, O Lord that bearest rule, if I have found favour in thy sight, 12I beseech thee, shew thy servant the end of thy tokens, whereof thou shewedst me part the last night.” 2 Esdras 6:9
There are also verses in the Bible that say the Israelites will be the ones doing the Holocausting, not the Hooocaustees. Would you like me to grab that scripture too?
Charles Johnson
Robert Gonzalez
People usually complain when people take fiction as facts, yes OP
Xavier Brown
nah that's the thing user, I was trying to track my self back there now again. I actually tend to read just the stuff this thread if I can't sleep and so, but it's not something I know by heart
I couldn't find it really annoying. I don't even remember if the ones I think about was a scythian tribe or not now, but I think so. They did some havoc and stuff in cooperation with other german tribes, but they were just a small group.
This just my theory here due to the name, this things are often right so I wanted to dig a bit in it my self but can't find it. No I have no idea who these people the jews talk about here are. For all you know it can be people that lived/live, it often is some truth to these old things.
I should start a file for this I think, I really want to review what I read again and how they came to this conclusion, that is that those guys where not the germans
Dylan Mitchell
>There are also verses in the Bible that say the Israelites will be the ones doing the Holocausting, not the Hooocaustees. Would you like me to grab that scripture too? Not in the Jewish Bible, no it doesn't say that.
Brody Thomas
Btw scythians are called skyttere here, and this means shooters but with bow and arrow.
Jaxson Butler
“For, behold, a day comes burning as an oven, and it shall consume them; and all the aliens, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that is coming shall set them on fire, saith the Lord Almighty, and there shall not be left of them root or branch.” Malachias 4:1
Grayson Phillips
I'm convinced jews are jotuns
Luke Thompson
>I should start a file for this I think, I really want to review what I read again and how they came to this conclusion
Definitely do this. Copy and paste interesting finds into a notepad file when you see them.
Gavin King
>The author posed as a Jew to infiltrate their inner circles. Actual Rabbi son of famous Grand Rabbi wrote a book about judaism and human sacrifice. No need to infiltrate, he admits it here.
First of all there is no 4th chapter of Malachi, this is 3 chapter, verse 19. And it's a terrible terrible translation. Here's what is actually much closer to the original hebrew:
>Chapter 3 >18 And you shall return and discern between the righteous and the wicked, between him who serves G-d and him who has not served Him. >19 For lo, the sun comes, glowing like a furnace, and all the audacious sinners and all the perpetrators of wickedness will be stubble. And the sun that comes shall burn them up so that it will leave them neither root nor branch, says the L-rd of Hosts.
Anyone who bothers to look up that verse and reads it in context immediately realizes that it means G-d will punish the wicked, it has nothing to do with the Jews doing it themselves. Verse specifically says He will do it Himself
Brandon Taylor
fake quote
Leo Perez
lmao, that would actualy explain a lot
Isaac Lopez
>(((better))) translation >uses (((g-d))) instead of God
Ryder Ramirez
>Actual Rabbi son of famous Grand Rabbi wrote a book about judaism and human sacrifice. No need to infiltrate, he admits it here. Ariel Toaff is not a Rabbi either.
Isaiah Price
This tribe of black gentry work more effectually against us, than the enemy’s arms. They are a hundred times more dangerous to our liberties, and the great cause we are engaged in. It is much to be lamented that each State, long ere this, has not hunted them down as pests to society, and the greatest enemies we have to the happiness of America.
Benjamin Lee
I am so fascinated about this really old history, of which we don't know. From all over the world really. There is so much we do not know, were they went where all peoples of the world later come from.
Look at this forinstance. this is schytian, it is a rock carving something we do have really much of here, and here you even find a symbol too which is really common. The sun cross which means the same as the swastika. And they have gravemounds too. All the tribes here today are made up of two different people, one was native from before and the other one was coming from that area which was east of don at least by the black ocean sometime before christ. Back the one parted europe and asia by that river, so they were simply called æsir derived from asia.
You find a lot of similarities with this culture for instance. Sliding off topic a bit it is a very cool subject. It is written that the æsir brought the language, which would be indo euro while we do not know anything about the language of the native vanir, they have probably mixed a bit. At school we learned that the only thing on knows at least that survived from the old language was the river names most of the big rivers in europe today
Jack Wright
this is from here
Christian Flores
Look into the first gold finds in the world, found near Varna Bulgaria. They gold art uses the 1.618 ratio found in latter classical art.