*blocks your path*

*blocks your path*
“user, I’m going to need you to hand over your guns.”

Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?q=how to make an exit bag

god she's so pretty



> she

I don't speak spanish

Tired thread. Saged, disliked, reported, unsubscribed.

I have guns, what is she going to do?

How did that work out at school?

Hello hat

Where's that GIF of the female police officer getting raped when I need it?

The fucking mutt meme is true, I swear. Stop breeding with these disgusting shitskins and we wouldn't be 56%, idiot.


I'd say, "you're in the wrong neighborhood, globalist".

And then I'd stick my .50 cal in its face!


>blocking the path of someone with a gun

shed be 7/10 if she had long hair

I'm currently using my gun, but I can spare a few bullets.

>>triforcers, lend me your ears. Correct ANYONE who is on board taking our US rights. ANYONE. AT ANY COST. Make examples on my orders. Tonight, you become the personal army of Sup Forums

I'm going to need you to take a long walk of a short bridge.

Let’s fight these dumb hicks together babe.

All those years at D&D have not been in vain for slaying goblins.

>blow her brains out for forcing me to give up one of my rights without due process
>grab a ice-cream cone
>go back to minding my business


I'd just laugh in his face.


Look at that fucking brainlet's carapace

Sure, catch

>green text

Jesus christ, how do you burgers do it, she looks like my brother, he's ugly and we're 100% native americans
seriously its better to just be an injun than an amerimeme

el goblino

>A single woman represents 161 mil female population
Indios cant into math

>le edgy meme
lmgtfy.com/?q=how to make an exit bag

Call ICE and get her deported

>its just her
>its just her
>its not our average
most of your women look like that

*flips off saftey*

*flips down sks bayonet*
"sorry goblina, i only answer to god and the powers of nature."
*swings buttplate of sks onto her face*
"good day milady."
*tips bayonet back up*


Did you know that occultists of old, especially black magicians, would shave their heads at the beginning of an important ritual. Interesting isn't it?

put my m9 to her forehead and say "lights out mutt".

throw her corpse off the nearest overpass for fun

Never fails to make me laugh. The mutt meme really has evolved into something actually funny.

two brown hairy sticks supporting a burnt pot roast
That’s what mexicant woman’s look like

Sure, hand over your phone, valuables, and any cash on you.

Hmm, it has tits, but that hair and that skin color....

and all of your will too, except of course, your masters, the jews

surprised no one has found wins of this chick yet.

if criminals are not following current laws, what makes you think they would follow a gun ban? murder is illegal, but if someone wants to do it, they still find a way to do it.

also, do you really think organized crime will not be able to traffic weapons into the country? hell, humans are easily trafficked, why couldn't weapons be? and what about people building their own?

this whole charade is people wanting to do something - anything. and that is a big problem because it often leads to poorly thought out legislation. even a bump stock ban is only symbolic because it was used in ONE mass shooting.

You are not helping us kill the yuro with these comments, mutt.




Jesus Christ.

> A beaner comments on americans

Back to your brown shithole, paco.

why would i?
both of our countries look the same

>I'll gladly give you the bullets"

*teleport behind her*
Psh, nuthin personnel kid
*do a 360 and moon walk away*

>he wants to end up like that /k/ulak

Sorry babe, (wink, flex) these guns need a licence to carry you don’t have.

Ugly asf

Smile and wait for the flash.

*procedes to deport*
"Stay on you side of the wall this time jose. "

>implying we'll be at a speaking distance when your chest cavity gets cored out like an apple with no warning

The first known report of Amerimutts comes from the Spanish missionary Hernando de Luna y Arellano, member of the jesuit mission of Ajacan, in the current Florida. A kind and religious man, he suffered a crisis of faith during his mission in the Americas, before returning to Spain and dying in his birthplace Toledo. The forensic report written by his personal doctor states that he died while screaming the words "el monstruo" incoherently. After his death, a piece of paper that seems to describe his encounter with an Amerimutt was found among his belongings, the contents of which are reproduced in its original Spanish in the following post.

"¡Oh, Santa Maria Auxiliadora, a ti me encomiendo, pues mi espíritu se halla sumido en el más profundo de los pesares! Quiso el fatal de los destinos que mis pasos se encontraran con una de las mas abyectas criaturas del diablo, cuya forma detallaré a continuación como aviso para futuros viajeros de aquestos lugares. Sirvan, pues, mis palabras como guía para rehuir a estas bestias.

Paseaba por la bahía de Santa María, contemplando dichoso el bello paisaje del lugar, cuando de un arbusto cercano surgió el feo ser que nos ocupa. Su piel era de un sucio color cobrizo, más oscuro que el de los indios que habitan estás tierras. Extrañas marcas y símbolos adornaban su piel, la más distinguida de ellas una especie de letra eme de color amarillo que lucia en su ancha frente. Medía unos siete pies de altura, siendo su envergadura considerable, como de jabalí o cerdo en matanza. Anchas narices y unos ojos diminutos y separados adornaban su grotesca faz, que parecía retorcerse y deformarse con extraños caprichos. Vestía ropaje harapientos adornados con varias rayas blancas y rojas y estrellas blancas en fondo azul. A primeras pensé que esta criatura era no más que una extraña especie de macaco que los nativos habían disfrazado a modo de chanza, mas mis pareceres cambiaron cuando la criatura habló.

En el momento en el que la bestia abrió su enorme boca, todo sonido alrededor cesó. El graznido de las gaviotas, el bramido de las olas golpeando la costa, e incluso el sonido de mi propio aliento fueron ensordecidos al instante. El bello cielo azulado tornose negro y la luz del sol se extinguió. Una ponzoña se extendió por los alrededores, pudriendo y matando rápidamente la frondosa vegetación del lugar. Tras una eternidad, el monstruo pronunció las siguientes palabras:

"whiter then u mohammed"

La voz de la abominación se oía desde todas las direcciones y desde ninguna, la sentí en mi mente y en mi oidos. Tal fue la intensidad del encuentro que sufrí un ligero desmayo y tuve que ser socorrido por Fray Cosme, que achacó mi descompostura a una simple insolación. Desconozco del origen de las palabras que pronunció aquel siervo de Belcebú, pues no parecían propia de la lengua de los nativos del lugar, o de ningún lenguaje cristiano, mas al oirla se instauró en mi persona un pesar que me impide continuar mi labor religiosa en estas tierras. Retorno, pues, a España, con esperanzas de limpiar my espiritu."

Hernando's mental health deteriorated quickly in the ship back to Spain, and he died shortly after arriving to his country.

O-of course here you go. What else do you want little boy? Pls dont hurt me


"Your friends are dead and no gun laws will ever get passed."

*unzip dick*
