"you pro gun guys always say that if guns were illegal people would just use knives...

>"you pro gun guys always say that if guns were illegal people would just use knives, well the difference is people can actually survive knife attacks!"


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Ever see a knife fight? It's not pretty.

People can survive being shot. What kind retard argument are you trying to make?

An attack by knife-wielding men at a railway station in Kunming in south-west China has left at least 29 dead, the state news agency Xinhua says.

not me, eavesdropping - also heard him bring this up:


>knives are more humane
t. someone who has never seen stabbing crime scene photos

They call it dope for a reason, dope.

People survive getting shot everyday, faggot.

>people can't survive fun attacks

Why stop at knoves? Ever read about the bath school massacre?

Ever watch the "Mr. Hands" video? Dude died later that night.

No. We say that people would just use knives to attack people. If guns are made illegal we would be building them in our garages.

People can survive gunfights too senpai.

See here, a liberal just like you, too scared to carry his gun on him thus leading to his demise.

>Ever watch the "Mr. Hands" video? Dude died later that night.

Holy shit I haven't seen that in years. Got a link?

Apparently people keep uploading it now and again. Too much effort to upload it myself.

>Gets shot in the shoulder

knives are pretty deadly. I think I'd rather be shot than stabbed, acid attacked or run over.

American posters here think UK is some huge knife crime dangerzone but its always niggers stabbing each other in London.

The big story on tuesday was about how there had been two (!!!) unrelated fatal stabbings on the same day which almost never happens .but then you read the article and both victims were somalians in londonistan

if those men had guns ALL of them would be dead


Spoons, acid, vans, trucks, swords, spears, crossbows, lasers, uavs, knuckleduster, hate speech laws, sage

They don't usually report on black people crime here. 17 56% people dead and it's a week of ree. 50 nigger shootings in Chicago alone over the weekend and you're lucky if anybody even mentions that it's a typical weekend in Chicago.

Or they could use a truck and easily rack up a higher kill count. Eat shit

I wasn't agreeing with him I was merely quoting something I heard in public

Why would I buy a knife online

Not likely considering paddocks high kill score with far superior weaponry and concentrated targets beats the knife attack count by so few.

How many survived the truck attacks in Europe, m8?

Protip - there are bigger, better, more destructive, and more convenient killing methods beyond guns and knives. One of the USA's largest mass murders was committed by a guy who used just a gallon of gasoline to set a nightclub ablaze after blocking the door and killed over 70 people in the process. Kill yourself for being so goddamned stupid for thinking in terms of hand-held weapons like a liberal faggot.

Multiple shooters and full auto, you mean? And all COMPED? Yeah, not a fair comparison.

>133 Dead, 30 Injured in China Shooting Spree
if China had no gun control like America.

stop joking about such things
my dad died in 2 seconds because he took a .22 to his left toe

Price? Selection? Convenience? Are you retard, user?

Actually I say in America; if guns were illegal criminals would just use guns.
(you can't uninvent guns, they're here to stay)

Hey idiot, people survive gunshots too.

i saw a knife vs. log fight at a rainbow gathering in Montana, at the a camp of course.

Storytime, nigger.

b but what about gun free zones. Surely no criminal would break that sacred law

I have not bought a knife for like 3 or 4 years at least, I don't give a shit about some minor regulation that only stops autists buying klingon blades on amazon. Just buy your cutlery at ikea like everyone else

Can you survive arson?

Ikea doesn't carry Spyderco last I checked. p. nifty EDC knives at a good price.

Large Five gives you a good deal on cold steel

People survive shootings all the time. There's a reason people count non-lethal (not counted in your score) injuries when talking about shootings. That being said, getting stabbed is about as bad if not worse than getting shot whether or not you survive.

No one wants to get stabbed or shot. However, those who do have no control over whether or not they stabbed or shot and people who advocate for all these laws are just scared people who cannot accept reality and cannot accept that there are things they cannot control. These shooting scare people under the liberal delusion because they are reminded that they do not have the control over life that their personal phantasmagoria prescribes to them.

learn some history
knives are
and mudslimes
you are just empowering them
if we got pissed you'd
see a couple dozen events
like this

If you win a knife fight you die in the aberlamps.

I usually try to go with a mom & pop style internet vendor if I'm pretty sure I already know what I want. Back when I was lurking knifeforums and stuff like that the CS options didn't quite look like what I wanted for the money. Seems to be a pretty solid choice tho.

I see you know nothing of knife fights. Are you filled with bliss ?

I'm tired of coming here and seeing the same faggot threads about guns everyday. So the murder rate in many South American and African countries eclipses that of America ...but yet you idiots think if we just get rid of guns, somehow the problem will be drastically decreased.

Or maybe 10 dead and 3 attackers mowed down by samaritan with a gun...stupid fucking game you are playing here retard.

Truck of peace is actually the preferred weapon in European countries with strict gun control.

Ive got a navy officers knife from ww2 pacific theater I’m willing to part with

Distracted from the reason to have guns. Its for use against the government.
To fight tyranny

There was another one with about 20 dead recently as well. Crazy chink ninjas can weild a blade

Silent, easily concealed. breddy effective

I'm not that much of a knifefag. Most I've ever done was buy a golok made from retempered leaf springs, dutch wood shingles from SE Asia and buffalo horn just to see if a properly swung draw cut really could go through a decent branch.

I wound up throwing it on the ground and bending it, so it became the trophy to use once I learned how to put a mean convex edge on with a belt sander.

tell me how that goes vs. an apache attack helicopter. retarded, dated argument.

Knife wounds are actually harder to repair. Especially if they're deep or very long. You're actually more likely to suffer permanent disfigurement or death from knife wounds than you are gunshot wounds.

Criminals will still have guns only law abiding citizens will have to use knives

i hope your face gets shaved off with a box cutter

cartel barbarinos know

The American left will be disemboweled and hung screaming by their own dripping entrails like fresh deer and they don't have the guns or the police and military support to prevent it.

The Taliban laugh at people like you.

>it's only a knife

And these were the lucky ones who survived.

They wouldn't use knives.

They'd use bombs.

Isn't gun survival rate still around 95%.
What is the rate on stabbings?

Of course, those statistics don't really account for serious mutilations and disabling cognitive / physical function, which I'd expect to be higher with guns still.

>full auto

you dumbfucks dont even know what full auto is for. full auto is for target suppression and area fire. in the military, m16s only have a burst fire selection anyway and the full auto is relegated to the teams automatic rifleman. full auto is harder to control than semi, and the military teaches you to to fire semi when point firing on a target.

while full auto is scarier, it is not any more or less lethal than semi fire and burns through a shitload of ammo.



Can the apache target me when I am in civilian clothes and I walk up behind you in the mall and pop you twice with a suppressed .22 with subsonic rounds and walk off before people notice?

Hence why COMPED STEVE needed, allegedly, 27 ARs and 50 mags or whatever it was to create enough scare splattering a lot of bullets with comparatively little effect. Quite the strange incident. Anything else other than demonizing some phantasm about full auto with no good motive could have killed a lot more people more quickly and effectively.

The real issue with the US, is that is literally too late. It isn't like confiscating weapons from people willingly like UK and Australia. It'd be more like Japan.

You're confiscating an insane number of weapons from almost 100 million people, many of whom consider their gun ownership a part of their American identity (for better or worse, it does not matter) and are more likely to turn hostile. A gun ban may actually help the murder rate in the long run, but it'd take sometime, a lot of money, and probably cause a spike in murder, as the first ones who turn in their guns are going to be law abiding citizens, leaving only criminals armed for a number of years.


the only occasion where you could cause more damage is shoulder-to-shoulder packed groups of people. and even then, paddocks weapon wasnt fucking full auto, its a spring in the stock that utilizes the recoil to bring your finger off the trigger. you can achieve the same effect with a belt loop, rubber bands, a fucking pillow taped to your shoulder, and even then you can fire a semi automatic just short of the same rof.



>implying steve didn't comp other shooters
>implying steve was using a bump stock on all 27 ARs
Keep going.

The FBI agents trying to shoot up your Brownshirt rally dont need to survive.
Idc if banned. Guns anyway.

Knife and bladed weapons assaults are generally more lethal then gun based ones.

Is being stabbed to death morally superior compared to being shot?

>niggers stabbing each other
>niggers shooting each other
I'm noticing a common thread

I'd watch that show for a bit.