What memes do you think were wrong/a trap/a waste of time?
Do you think pol jumped the shark with something specific? soyboys, mutts, etc?
Meme graveyard
worst meme of all history
There haven't been very many good ones in the last year or so, but Khazar Milkers and COMPED especially stand out as forced. Notice how they've both largely died out in just a few months. Also why do I suspect that this a slide thread...?
I wish the BRAAAAP meme would die
What is there to slide?
BRAAAAAAAAAAAAP (It's not the best but I've seen much, much worse.) Also checked.
Dunno, but I will retract this statement now that you've made a second post in the thread.
Everything about pic related
Sup Forums exhausts every meme within days. It's like little kids when they learn their first swear word, the proceed to use it three times in every sentence. I think Uncle Ruckus had it right when he said, "I say the next time you wanna call a darkie a 'nigga', call the coon a' jungle bunny' instead!" Sup Forums really need to mix it up a bit more and go back to their creative roots.
Anime characters are white. Anzu is a dirty turk roach. She is no anime girl!