Anons, if you don't have one, and lean the slightest to the right, you had better have yourself a rifle, or go get yourself one this week. Already have one? Go get another, or buy yourself some new ammo. The Jews, niggers and spics want you disarmed.
Modern Sword
Within 30 days I will have one. I've been clearing some debts and this month was a hard hit month because I settled 2 debts leaving one outstanding left.
I... had financial difficulties up until mid 2016...
Not that it matter much but I already have a shot gun and a hand gun. Nothing special with either, but they do the job.
With Ohio Senate Bill 260 though, I've decided I have been putting it off long enough.
Alright, but the daniel defense rifles are too much for a typical arming sword. What brand do you recommend, you faggot?
Should have bought one during the post-Trump price lull.
If anyone has a Twitter and they want some OC for #oneless and #onelessgun, post this. Extra goodboi points for destroying a brand new rifle and the ammunition to boot
That's nice user, but you need to able to reach out and hit your target. It doesn't have to be an AR platform. Go get an AK or mini 14 if the money is low.
If that's the modern sword, this is the modern dagger, and the modern dagger is all I can afford. Because I have a shitload of work to do on the modern horse, and it's gonna cost a lot of the modern coin of the realm, and I need to get it done so I can keep showing up to till the modern field.
I have a DD. That same set up is mine, but on a DDM4V5. I recommend the Springfield Saint for a budget AR.
/k/ here, you must be a Canadian. In the US a mini 14 or an AK will typically cost double that of an entry level ar15 in the last year or two.
It's so....colorful.
Which was ongoing until last week.
Nigger, you're right about the dagger but you can get a rifle for under a 1000.
Gun sales always spike after a publicized mass shooting.
Srsly anybody who had been putting it off and didn't buy low was just being lazy.
No, I'm in Florida. I thought a mini 14 was cheap.
Evertime, but you never know when the laws might change.
they used to be the cheap option, but nowadays a mini 14 will run you about $800 while an entry level ar15 can be had for $500 or less
t. Simo Häyhä
wat is that
The Nigger Popper
Deport all gun-worshipping Nativist freaks!
Deport all gun-worshipping Nativist freaks!
Deport all gun-worshipping Nativist freaks!
Deport all gun-worshipping Nativist freaks!
AR-15 Clones run at about 450 starting out. I cleared out my savings over the month and March is the month of savings. I prefer the AR clones since I spent 8 years using an M16A2 and am quite proficient at it. I prefer sticking with what I know.
Delusional Gun owners are risks to public safety!
Delusional Gun owners are risks to public safety!
Delusional Gun owners are risks to public safety!
Delusional Gun owners are risks to public safety!
Agreed. Still, anyone can get a decent rifle for under a grand.
But OP, I'm trying to save money!
Thanks for the genuine answer; I've been looking at them Springfields.
Aggressive gun owners have to prove they are not violent!
Aggressive gun owners have to prove they are not violent!
Aggressive gun owners have to prove they are not violent!
Aggressive gun owners have to prove they are not violent!
This. You aren’t an American man unless you own the means to entire battle. Don’t just stop with the gun, get a carrier and some plates.
Make gun owners prove they need a firearm!
Make gun owners prove they need a firearm!
Make gun owners prove they need a firearm!
Make gun owners prove they need a firearm!
Aggressive gun owners are bullies and terrorists!
Aggressive gun owners are bullies and terrorists!Aggressive gun owners are bullies and terrorists!
Aggressive gun owners are bullies and terrorists!
oops on that one
But black dynamite, I sell drugs to the community!
>if I say it enough it will become true!
And if you could spot me
>Daniel Defense
Good call. Love my M4V3
The S&W AR's are decent for the money. Or you could be a buildfag and BCM the shit out of it.
Should I get a rifle first or just get a handgun? I only have enough for one of them.
try to deport me
sucks to be you poorfag
Nice California compliant AR.
Lock YOU UP!
Lock YOU UP!
Lock YOU UP!
Lock YOU UP!
I'd noticed, thanks.
you are supposed to say something mean back, now I actually feel bad for you
Gun worship is a mental illness!
Gun worship is a mental illness!
Gun worship is a mental illness!
Gun worship is a mental illness!
Do it bitch. Start a hashtag, see if I give a fuck
Good brand for plates/carrier?
shhhh, your insanity will end soon
Impose HIGH taxes on machine guns!
Impose HIGH taxes on machine guns!
Impose HIGH taxes on machine guns!
Impose HIGH taxes on machine guns!
shit like you need guns to feel powerful, you pathetic impotent loser!
...fine. *Ahem*
>I'm only poor because I blew all my money fucking your whore mother, she's raised her prices since she got her case of the clap cleared up.
Violence worship is a mental illness!
Violence worship is a mental illness!
Violence worship is a mental illness!
Violence worship is a mental illness!
gideon tactical sells a set of two ceramic lvl4 plates for about $200 each, and spartan armor sells cheap plate carriers, although obviously the more money you spend the nicer these things will be
>shit like you need guns to feel powerful
Nah, it's just more fun with them. Does this get you wet?
Balancing quality and economy is the lesson I learned from my hawk industries shotgun.
Hi. It must be your first day here. Let's make it your last too
I've got two. One for myself and one to give to a comrade here if the shit goes down.
What should I buy if the money isn't an issue?
>flint lock pistols
god damn, son.
S&W Sport II
sick rejects use firearms for fun, no different than terrorists!
sick rejects use firearms for fun, no different than terrorists!
sick rejects use firearms for fun, no different than terrorists!
sick rejects use firearms for fun, no different than terrorists!
the plates from gideon are good, and I just checked, they are $130 a plate right now. They go on sale at $100 each from time to time. The Spartan Armor plate carrier appears to be a Condor brand, which isn't too bad for an entry level carrier. I modified mine a bit and I love it, personally.
if you dont have a killdozer, you're just a cum guzzlin poser
I have a Turk"d Gew 98 8mm, a 20 gauge shot gun, and a 1891 Argentine mauser. I was thinking about getting a ar kit.
Besides protecting your torso, they also make good weight training vests.
the left can't meme.
this x 1000
>sick rejects use firearms for fun, no different than terrorists!
Call me what you want to. I stopped caring a long time ago.
>tfw when you'll never use a flintlock pistol to execute a communist
feels bad
desu a handgun has more in common with a sword.
The equivalent to a rifle would be a spear or halberd.
and get yourself some rings, springs, seals ask an expert, not too much of an investment. Get a buddy to teach you to reload. Reloading .223 isn't as much fun as .45ACP because they are small and tedious to handle, but you can pick up and sort range brass and stockpile 1000's of rounds at a very low cost.
if you don't mind me asking, how'd you mod it?
Yeah, I recommend S&W and Colt.
Do you have anything to say about it?
Looks like shareblue shills have finally run out of compelling arguments. Now they have no other choice but to autistically screech.
>Terrorists kill innocents to further their agenda of conquest.
>No different from Patriots using for defense of their family
>and Hobbyists shooting paper targets for fun
Brainlet Female detected
is this thread about modern swords or ar-15s?
Depends what you want it for. My first purchase was a shot gun, as that seemed for a variety of reasons good for the minimum necessity of home defense for a gun noob.
This good enough?
>buying an anodized Paramilitary II
>not even using it enough to need to touch up the edge
That's a good looking bullpup.
we really need to legalize nationwide OC swords. the amount of joy that reading a report of a rapist cut down in a street with halberd would bring me, i cant describe
nothing wrong with that knife.
Watch some vids on the jew tube and build your own from a Palmetto kit. Dont get the "PSA" stuff, get the Palmetto kit maybe with a blemished receiver and nitrided barrel, spend what you saved on the blem, no mfgs tax, labor, markup to install a better than stock trigger and a mil spec bolt. You'll have exactly what YOU want with no extra parts to be replaced. I built one like this for $550 and it shoots great.
They're great. I've got two of them and carry one all day long. But the anodization is silly and even with supersteel-of-the-week it still needs to be sharpened back up if you actually use it for much.
rapists are the good guys, though
I had just bought it when I took that piC
Tavors are fun as fuck to shoot and despite the shit they get they hold up well, I ended up switching out the trigger because it sucked, but overall it's a pretty fun rifle, not the best, but certainly does it's job fine.
The trick is to buy something that is unregistered. A old nugget or a 1911
>phoneposting to find old pics
The buckles had a little bit too much wiggle room so they would get twisted out of place like pic related. Uncomfortable. I sewed a double layer of jean material over them and reduced the amount of wiggle room they have so they can no longer twist, and if the buckle breaks the strap will still hold on
Fuck that's hot
If you're low on money, I don't see what's wrong with ARmalite?
Save your life first ya kike
I would love to own a gun or a rifle, but I would have to be a member of a shooting club for at least a year, then buy an extra safety locker and have some government faggot visit my home at random times without announcement to check that I store the weapon correctly. An assault rifle is out of the question anyway.
That's some good shit MacGyver.
trying, the people in my house are bleeding heart liberals who watch fucking msnbc all day they "don't want a gun in the house"
I'm looking into making guns at home (for personal use), it can be legal done right. I'd love to make a bolt action rifle. Something at least as good as a rough machined mosin nagant. They got kind of poopy mid war. If i could build something like that it would be great.
This. I mill my own lowers as well and the 80% arms stuff is great.