Hit me with your spiciest Hitler speeches. I've got nothing to do for the next few hours and I'm curious about the speeches he actually made.
Hitlers greatest hits
Other urls found in this thread:
I'll just post one for myself to get the ball rolling out of boredom.
No tasty Hitler speeches then...
theyre all great
What's your favorite hitler speech?
You'll find a bunch of others there too. YouTube basically curated all my favorite stuff
>supporting an ideology with socialism in it's name
These are more edits of his speeches than full unedited ones, but still amazing
fuck, second link is supposed to be this
Thanks for these.
People always talk about how bad Hitler is. I'm the type who enjoys challenging his assumptions. So here I fucking am.
He was very bad at a lot of things, however, orating is certainly not one of them
>Almost all of his speeches have been blocked or flagged in some way, thus requiring you to watch it on youtube.
I don't know what to think of this...
Sorry, but that's the way youtube does its thing I guess
Fuck this shit, user. Use your free time for something useful.
I don't have a twitter.
I keep my social media exposure to the absolute minimum. 1 FB profile for normie activities. 1 for shitposting spicy memes. CNNs facebook doesn't allow images either.
to be honest i only replied because you posted a cute anime girl i havent watched a hitler speech in years
Listen to the Mein Kampf audio book. It's very interesting because Hitler was pretty much the original Sup Forumsack. Almost everything in the book is something that could have been said by some conservative who has realized his party has abandoned him.
My chronological playlist
Then which AR clone would you advise getting? I've been kicking around a couple for a while.