Serious question
If Iraq invaded Turkey from the rear, would Greece help?
Serious question
If Iraq invaded Turkey from the rear, would Greece help?
Why would they do that
No, Greece is run by faggot commies
It's a joke. Heard it on a job site and figured y'all might appreciate it
I think that is question for brussels more than athens...
Nobody appreciates anything on this board. You need to lurk more before posting or making a thread.
Those drywall lifts are awesome, did my whole basement by myself with one of those. I got one for ya too.
Why are women just like KFC?
Cuz when you're done with the breasts and thighs all that's left is a greasy box to stick your bone in.
They are super nice
What do women and tile floor have in common?
If you lay them right the first time, you can walk all over them for years
I've been lurking since 2010 you goddamn roody-poo
Ñext time