Which side are you on?
Which side are you on, Sup Forums?
The European aryan aristocratic bloodline
I'm a good goy
Seite meines Volkes
They rule and the Thule.
Nice Divide and Conquer Shlomo
By taking sides with the capitalists you are also taking sides with the working class. There is only one right answer.
>The European aryan aristocratic bloodline
>by taking the side of the people who exploit workers for profit, you are also taking the side of the people they exploit
Your brethren, mutt.
This. /thread
The Workers in a heartbeat, though I can tell from this thread that you are going to try to sell the idea that the same party who calls the entire state of West Virginia rural retards actually represents their interest.
You're probably the kind of person pic related talks about, who doesn't actually give a damn for the worker but wants to be a Massaic figure and "make a change"
This is unironically what commies think.
It's insane how accurate these commies describe their own ideologies when they try to attack capitalism.
>by taking the side of the people who exploit workers for profit, you are also taking the side of the people they exploit
This is literally what commies are saying.
No different than saying "by taking sides with the slaveowner you are also taking sides with the slave"
Capitalists and workers have opposing interests. Capitalists want to pay their workers as little as possible, whereas workers want as high a wage as possible.
>the same party who calls the entire state of West Virginia rural retards actually represents their interest.
Then why did West Virginians support Bernie over Trump?
If Killary didn't cheat the primary, Bernie would be president right now after winning WV, PA, MI, etc.
>Capitalists want to pay their workers as little as possible, whereas workers want as high a wage as possible.
Then they meet eachother in the middle at a reasonable point that both parties agree with. Both happy.
Meanwhile commies screech autistically in the distance because no one in their right mind would even employ them for minimum wage.
Soviet managers only exploited their workers for profit after the death of Stalin. From 1917-1953, there was no exploitation of labor for profit in the Soviet Union.
Is that what your retarded tranny liberal American teachers told you?
Ah yes. This is the same Bernie Sanders who the DNC shut the fuck down, truly he represents the Democrats
>Then they meet eachother in the middle at a reasonable point that both parties agree with. Both happy.
The reason they shut him down is because he would win the general election if he won the primary.
Both capitalism and communism are the tools for jews to enslave whites.
Not sure what sub-human Mestizos killing eachother has to do with anything.
Jew bankers from New York assassinate people who try to organize unions to get higher wages. It has everything to do with everything. Capitalists don't accept negotiations or diplomacy. If someone threatens their profits, they simply order their assassination, paying off government officials to look the other way. They even assassinated the US president because he didn't want war in Vietnam.
Nice try commie. Go back to CNN.
the side thats not schizophrenic
lol. Ancap is quite a threat to (((them)))
Also, "whats your opinion on ______ Sup Forums?" threads are data mining threads. They are there to gauge opinion.
Theres a lot in the catalog right now
Right wing anarchism in the Turner Diaries sense, user. The Jews are already Capitalist.
>The Jews are already Capitalist.
Debt is not capital. This system is not capitalism
Are coal workers the only workers?
Alos the dems just race bait and suck off illegals creating lower wages.
You are tools of the elites
>capitalists doing things for profit isn't really capitalism
its debt. debt is not capital.
MY side.
when all seems lost, the slumbering NEET shall rise and take pluck his crown from the ashes
I'm with me