How did we become such a globally uniting force, because if there is something everybody the world over can agree on it's that they hate black Americans. How did we become the most despised ethnic group in the world?
Black Americans
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Because the Jew used you as a weapon to perfect the art of "destroying peoples and cultures by being really obnoxious"
post the i wunt milkies gif
I only hate the nigger males id BLEACH a nigress
It’s the gibs
you are not hated , the " hood nigga culture" is hated. and the dumb ass mother fuckers in africa running around being led about by russian and chinese communists are.
Because you smell bad and commit crime
Africans who just got off the boat can see your bitching is basically lies.
The Jews hate everyone who isn't Jewish.
And everyone else at hates black people from knowledge of a long history of cultural experience.
Only Europeans were convinced that you could ever make anything of yourselves. Even for a breif window and only those who had never directly interacted with your natural state. But, enough to shape our cultures for the worse.
So, why does everyone hate American Blacks specifically? Because you destroyed everything handed to you, and bitched that it wasn't enough while doing it.
white asf thanks jihad man.
what i hate about blacks can be said of what i hate about stupid people
being loud, arrogant, obnoxious, violent, indignant, pervasive, criminals with no regard for other people and society.
basically they are lazy and violent and get pissed whenever they are challenged in their beliefs or actions and get even more belligerent and violent
blacks have no culture and no unified class within society
you have aspects of culture but the unifying glue that makes you as black people move together as a society to help build it for the general good and not just for your immediate future is what sets your people back
the thing that angers white people most is that you have gone through this now for hundreds of years yet still want and blame others to change the situation you bring upon yourselves
fuck you black man, pick up your shit and get a job
if you have a job, fuck off and quit being a dick about it, we dont owe you shit
honestly you are all just lazy,ugly,stinky parasites and i dont like you, deal with it faggot.
Black Americans live in your country?
Thank you for that picture,the "elites" and satan yeah everyday, everybody either thinks your monkeys or savages because of them and evolution lies.
They live in the same galaxy, too close for comfort.
So you don't have any actual real life experience with them. It's oddly obsessive. It would be like me hating on gypsies or abos even though I have no real life experience with them. It's strange and highlights my OP.
I have experience with them, been to america twice and let's face is somalis etc that live here are exactly the same they just don't whoop and holler as much.
The entire world has access to the American Nigger through our media exports.
Not just our dramas and movies, but the way they act through direct means like their own words on our TVs and their deeds through sites like World Star Hiphop.
>East Africans exactly the same?
But if we were to talk about punt or Axum etc. All of a sudden they would be "Caucasoids".
These levels of inconsistencies are indicative of some underlying white complex.
You can find whites doing degenerate things or any other ethnic group for that matter, but it is only with black Americans that their worst elements are highlighted and held against them by everybody else. There is something pathological about it.
Because every other group denounces those things, or at least acknowledges them as stupid.
Blacks idolize their worst elements.
>white complex.
You're right, most white people have a natural reaction of disgust from black people. It's normal and you're reading into it too much.
>Blacks idolize their worst elements
I disagree, you a will always have edgy kids and such like whites who idolize school shooters, but that in no way is representative of the mainstream "silent majority" views.
>gib kween gf
get back on the boat
the Scarborough doesn't exist anymore, it sunk near port royal jamaica in 1805. How else can I get back to Britain?
So they're jealous of our American inheritance. I figured that was/is a major part of it, if not the fundamental reason.
No just get on a boat and drown out at sea you nigger