Why doesn't your country just hire unemployed young people to do those jobs that you "need" migrant labor for?
Why doesn't your country just hire unemployed young people to do those jobs that you "need" migrant labor for?
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Because that wouldn't serve the Jews' purposes.
I'm 27 I only worked 7 months free, 3 months for 480€.
Been neet for like 4 years, I'm a programmer, should have fleed.
desu you sound like a faggot. I've found a job in under 2 weeks, it's not a job I wanted, but it's a job nonetheless.
Oh I sound like a faggot.
Well I'm not going to be a working poor, for that I prefer to be a leech.
If there were opportunities and meritocracy then you would be right.
Being a programmer for the salary of a cleaner or less than a cashier?
Funnily enough that was the argument against the 1965 immigration act. We had, like, a five percent unemployment rate and many opposed to the bill were concerned about where unemployment would be if the bill passed. We now know
I found a jobs like being a real estate agent. You don't get paid as much as you'd think. Shitty jobs, but whatever. Pays the bills.
send more niggers
That has to be a made up number considering how fucking retarded the Labor Statistic words shit
Because that wouldn't undermine the nation. Are you new to the Jew?
Talked to a guy the other day who has a vineyard and also a trucking company.
He can't find young people who actually WANT to work.
He needs pruners for his vineyard, spring is coming. Can't find anyone who will do the job.
He needs a yard boy for his trucking company. Can't find anyone who will do the job.
I asked if he was paying enough money to attract people. He was paying 25% more than local minimum wage, can't afford to pay more. Said every kid thinks they should all make $15/hr just to show up and do a shitty job until they quit or are fired.
He hires migrants at his wage. They are all eager & hard workers. They do a good job with no BS.
Just one anecdote.
memeflag, where?
The Republic of Wakanda
>Socialist policies like a high minimum wage which prices youths out of employment
>Culture of laziness and entitlement (MUH GAP YEAR!)
>Heavily subsidized university costs and cheap student loans encouraging the pursuit of useless libarts degrees
Europe, you need to fix this.
Those rates include full time university students as unemployeds or only the society leechs and parents burden?
Your a shillfag why don't you get a job
Do freelancing if you're any good. Sure you'll be competing with pajeets and chinks, but I have some macaco friends who were doing much better than 480€/m.
Being a shill is his job.
>Uses minimum wage as a talking point
Have you even taken the inflation redpill or know anything about the purchasing value of currency and it's rapid decline? If minimum wages were 4x what they were now, it MIGHT be something approaching what it should be.
>Wanting to see other cultures and places is entitlement
Yeah man how entitled to not want to immediately start grinding for the rest of their lives so they can never own anything because of inflation and spiralling property prices.
I live in a city where literally 1/4 of the population are students. You'd think there would be a lot of people were eager to work 4 and 6 hour shifts, right? No. I'd bet that not even 10% are working.
I know that minimumbwage isn't that attractive, but it's better than living off scraps from your parents, and if you are bright you can find something decent.
The bright side is that there is a high demand for workers, so every boss becomes your bitch if you mention that you might quit.
>I would rather leech than work as an able bodied male
You should be gassed desu you have no pride in your nation and are a drain on it's system. You should suffer a traitors death.
>what it should be
Should be according to who? The minimum wage is an artificial price for labor. The market should set labor prices. What is known for a fact in economics, is that minimum wages price youth out of employment, especially when allowing millions of migrants to flood in.
See: sciencedirect.com
>Yeah man how entitled to not want to immediately start grinding for the rest of their lives so they can never own anything because of inflation and spiralling property prices.
So you've just finished being supported by your parents for 18 years, then being supported by student loans living the fantasy life of uni, then you believe that you're entitled to travel for a year before starting a career? You're the fucking cancer that's killing the west. Get a fucking job.
>Still doesn't address the fact of dropping purchasing power
I actually own almost a million dollars worth of property and I have a job. But hey I guess all those kids should hop on the treadmill to fund the tax machine for the rest of their lives and never see the world.
A fucking leaf talking about having pride in a nation. You are the first post-national country remember.
In California you do. Made$100k my first full year
>getting a job to prop up the zog machine
What a cuck
Good answer to dumb thread
How dare you expect businesses to train people!
>reddit spacing
Go back to forocoches
Because the jews dont want them to.
Fucking retard. We cant beat around the bush. GAS THE FUCKING KIKES
we don't have minimum wages
Complete bullshit. Also stop reddit spacing. There's always a supply and demand. If people are not coming to work for you you are doing something wrong. There is always a greater supply of eager workers for non-specialist positions than there are jobs. If you can't get people, you are not paying enough or your business is horrible and you shouldn't be in business.
Sure if you have a bad business that can't compete on the markets you will like cheap labour that fucks up the rest of the market. Having a business that takes advantage cheap foreign workers does not only hurt the workers, but other business that are succesful while hiring locals.
Only a greedy capitalist will profit from importing cheap labour. Everyone else, local workers and honest business owners, will suffer.
Rather be a leech than leeched.