>A CNN investigation found over 100 David Hogg threads in Sup Forums‘s archives.
Other urls found in this thread:
oh no the horror.
Oh no.. people have conspiracy theories. Newsflash these things have been around forever. There were conspiracy theories about pearl harbor, the zimmermsn telegram, the fucking tea party
literally who?
Boss Hogg is the man of the hour.
His face is so punchable, that it looks pre-punched.
well you faggots ran for the conspiracies so fast you tripped on your own feet, got it all wrong, and now you're sucking dick to pay rent.
LOL you guys are gonna get that kid a free scholarship.
CNN is so fucking slow they get their news from Sup Forums archives.
Let that sink in.
Good heavens, there are even conspiracy theories about Russia.
Meanwhile, CNN has spent the past 18 months pimping a Russian conspiracy theory based on a *still* unconfirmed "dossier" Hillary Clinton and the DNC paid to have cobbled together.
Talk about the pot calling the kettle black..
That the earth was round was a conspiracy.
Sup Forums and Sup Forums aren't really under the radar with a the edgy normies who cite things from the site on (((social media sites))).
Squaker's article may have drawn some more attention to the topic.
You laugh you lose.
Dogo is watching
You guys realize that the existence of crisis actors doesn't necessarily mean the event didn't happen, right?
Maybe news networks have a hard time finding people to interview, and it's easier to just recycle these crisis actors.
That being said, there was definitely more than one shooter. But often times you faggots read too much into shit and overanalyze to see what you want to see, not what is reality.
Oh my I wonder how this could have happened on pol
Nothing to see here. Just two concerned kids
They're here right now....
Trying to look down her shirt disgusting sexual predictor on CNN.
They probably google for their own name and all the results are on Sup Forums Cuz nobody watches
Its all part of the plan, they would never talk about conspiracy theories if they weren't allowed to.
UH OH! They said "conspiracy theory." Time to shut off my brain and trust the most dishonest people on the planet.
well he must have been busy. im here all day and only saw like 98 threads about ghey shool shootings
Good ole' David Zogg at it again
Honestly that makes it worse because having crises actors who openly push for political action, such as gun control, confirms 100% people's fear of conspiracy.
Hi (((CNN)))
Why in the fuck is a dog driving this vehicle
and they live the attention
Conspiracy theorists say the Gulf of Tonkin incident was a hoax!
explain your pic
why isnt a dog driving the vehicle. dont you know what timeline youre in?
>more than one shooter.
Agreed. The 2nd shooter was black and specifically targeting white students only so the MSM has totally silenced it.
Article about Parkland shooting was posted two hours BEFORE the event.
'Everytown for Gun Safety' and 'Moms Demand Action' are anti-gun front groups of the billionaire Jew Michael Bloomberg.
The conspiri-fags were a lot more active than in previous events. It was like a year's worth of Sandy Hook threads condensed into a few days. Wouldn't be surprised if it was a raid/shill op.
>Canacucks can't see the ((((((((((((them))))))))))
And what?
90% of the posts on Sup Forums are from Russian AI bots, 5% from Hillary's Correct The Record/ShareBlue and the other 5% from trolls/humans.
So who is really responsible here?
Conspiracy theories are bad?
So are they finally giving to stop taking about Russians rigging the election?
Jesus Christ, those arms are skinnier than most soyboy arms. When I was in middle school I had more muscle on my arms than that future cuck.
Of course not, CNN assured them that's conspiracy fact!
Cnn is so bad, they have to pay airports to show their propaganda bullshit. They used to own every story, now they go to Sup Forums to get stories. Ted Turner got his baby turned into a steaming pile of shit, and he was stupid enough to be paid in AOL stock for the sale, which ended up being worthless paper in no time. He got jewed. Let this be a lesson, only accept hard cash if you ever sell a company.
valentines day and
The gulf of Tonkin is an actual, confirmed conspiract tho, desu senpai
The nose knows
No weight room at that highschool?
The girl has bigger arms than him. Holy shit
Fuck the Beatles already!
oh no that sucks
You guys...CNN has job openings..quite a few actually.
When's the last time you actually punched someone?
But it's not a theory
yea I wonder who kept making them??? What a mystery
This. Can't they see they're really not helping themselves? If I were calling the shots at CNN I'd drop the whole story and hope everyone forgets. Maybe make some quick revisions to my retirement plan too.
>gaming jobs
>get paid to sit on my ass all day playing vidya
Might have to apply desu famalam.
I have a job but user's who wants to work inside the belly of the beast?
>implying he isn't already under contract
Right up your Alley...eh?
UN elites rape children.
This seems to have been going on a long time even after they were caught.
Pedogate/Pizzagate are REAL!!!
60,000 known cases, how many unknown???
pol is just like the kkk now, all cia fags
I'd volunteer to be this guy's armed bodyguard, free of charge.
>slow clap
AWFUL FUNNY how CNN still can’t manage to find where the infamous piss dossier was made up LARPing bullshit on this board. But they manage to find their way here to try to spin a victimhood narrative for their manufactured golden child.
>Here, put on this white culture t-shirt we got from walmart. Put it on quick, you're about to be in front of naive goyim.
They're not actually victims then?
so basically, instead of preventing crime, they covered it up?
wut? I’m a neat who lives with my grams in the basement.
Not the ones CNN keeps parading around. They’re sick kids with visions of being famous, eager to be CNN’s anti-gun puppets for the limelight. CNN is exploiting them, making everything worse, and it’s disgusting.
I don't man, I've brought that up in multiple threads and no one seems to be even slightly curious wtf is going on there.
Sometimes I'm legitimately worried that the majority of people on the internet are now just bots.
they aren't on to us
we're onto them
People should keep track of them.
I'd be curious how many will have... tragic accidents, once they're out of the lime-light.
wtf, shes like a grandmother of the fucking mafia, everyfucking evil person has a clinton contection
How do you know anything about their motivations?
I saved all of it
Welcome to the future
>actors taking talking points
>staged event
nah mang yall fugged up.
This level of damage control means we got their ass. otherwise they would ignore it. keep memeing ignore shills
Wtf? I love the beatles now
where is archive.is link ho