Can we accept that blacks are superior than white people.
Can we accept that blacks are superior than white people
I'm gonna need to see a "world conquest" and "creation of modern world" first
No but we can accept that all goyim are superior to Jews.
But are they superior to asians?
>inb4 pol calls muh reverse racism.
Underage have the news always been filled with shit like this or is this their last desperate attempt to stay relevant?
IM so cool it’s effortless
lol they still need to invent the wheel.
so being a convict is cool? that makes hepC cool because thats what convicts get in prison
>control and invent a world meticulously designed to obsess about brown people
whites confirmed the most cucked race in all of history.
Whities are getting worry that the black fol is taking over
>blacks are superior than white people
wrong. blacks are superior from white people
Superior at stealing and shooting each other I'll give you that.
our average IQ is to low, we shouldn't be proud of anything until we save our people from the savages within our own blood
How about we start at "being able to feed yourself" first?
>dress up pet
>haha pets are so much better than humans!
>effortless cool
>spends four hours getting white t-shirt, tube socks, and sneakers correct to go out
Tell me more.
they have the narrative on their side
real life plot armor
we are not even the masters of our own continent
the world sees us as beasts of burden
it's ok neither are whites
its not ok and I wont make any excuse for it
we're all slaves to the eternal Jew
What's "cool"?
Subjective. That's what.
What an individual defines as cool can remain constant for decades or change every day. What a majority define as cool is just as variable.
So what's your point?
A race's "coolness" is an undefinable, unquantifiable trait.
Does the media labour endlessly to portray blacks as cool, and whites as dorky losers? Absolutely
Not while there are leaders fucking up their countries and blaming it on the actions of white men who died over 200 years before they were born.
Eventually African Nations will have to step up and take responsibility for their own, self directed failures.
Only then will they have a chance of succeeding.
we have some work to do
Clearly not.
just watching that ogre even try is a comedy show in itself, would watch
Good leadership can turn a low IQ people into a highly productive workforce.
Tell me,, who is cool?
Criminals are objectively cool and boring white faggots who only act edgy in their safe spaces are objectively dorky losers. This has been a fact since the beginning of time. Media is a reflection of society not a cultivator of it.
it will only last for a short time and then expect the same results as any other African nation
Typical niggers more worried about their appearance and how they look than creating a functional society
Gassing ((them)) is always cool. Objectively.
and you'll never be. just accept it
>White people are not cool.
>Acting and dressing nerdy is cooler than ever.
Nothing that black people do is considered cool anymore. People bought into it in the 90s and early 2000s when the media was pushing black culture on us, but they are waking up to how ridiculous and embarrassing it is.
there is a way but I might have to copy someone's playbook
Criminality is not objectively cool.
Nothing is objectively cool.
If criminality was postively regarded, why do we remove the freedom of criminals and punish them?
The sort of people who thinks criminals are cool either grow out of it when they become an adult or remain a perpetual child and end up joining the ranks of the "cool" kids on the cell block.
Because functional people realize that caring about 'cool' beyond maybe first year college is the path to becoming a lifelong loser.
Just look at the guy in the OP picture.
First of all, he is wearing what used to be white people's clothes.
However, even when blacks try to dress well, they still cannot help but have to stand out, so their 'elegant' or 'smart' outfit just ends up looking tacky, ridiculous, and over the top.
They are just caricatures of humans. Children imitating grownups.
>see ogre comment
>reverse image search on to also get a chuckle from the video
>get pic related
lol damn
No, white people are just held to a higher standard. When a monkey makes a fool of himself, no one thinks his behaviour is anything out of the ordinary.
Why is the guardian enabling this racism?
lol, good catch
Criminality is in fact objectively cool.
Criminals are people who break the rules, they're the ones crossing the lines and pushing boundaries. They're the trail blazers and the people not afraid to do whatever it takes to make progress. They're the ones causing controversy and clashing ideals that pique everyone's interest in one way or another. They thrive in a world against them and sometimes mold the world with their actions.
Cool does not mean "positively regarded", cool means in control of the elements around you.
>niggers are so fucking dumb and unaccomplished that they need to have fluff pieces written about how great they are, even though whites have handed them every last thing they have on a silver platter
>niggers are so retarded that 80% of Africa is still a shithole, 10% is the infrastructure left by white colonists, and the other 10% is shit made by Arabs that enslaved them to build the pyramids (but dey wuz kangz)
>they know this and so they recently release a movie about "technologically advanced" blacks in Africa and the characters are still spear chuckers with plates in their lips
I might feel bad for niggers if they weren't such rude, violent, disgusting animals. People call them apes, but apes are smart enough to pilot spacecraft and learn sign language. Niggers can't even hold down a job or feed their kids. A park bench is better suited to support a family of four than the average male nigger.
Except when they do things like steal, rape, kill... or is that also "trailblazing" to you, asshole?
>funny to see cultural appropriation by nogs
What do you think white society is built off of? Hugs and kisses?
yeah, so go back to Africa
we clearly need some "bloodletting" but don't for one second put us in one box
If by cool you mean ridiculous. C'mon, they're clowns usually so much so that even the though of Michael Myers or Jason being black instantly removes a large part of the fear and brings one right back to stereotypeville.
The media has to run articles like this since blacks haven't done or created anything. This way we can give them a pat on the back and say, "good job, you're cool" in hopes that one day maybe, just maybe they will start acting like human beings.
The idea of being cool and why that's supposed to be desirable really doesn't make any sense if you think about it enough. Also, if you find yourself thinking really hard about what it means to be cool, then you probably aren't cool.
bad parents - bad upbringing - have kids early ie opportunites for education detonated - repeat
there is about 5pc that dont follow this model ie successful people. this applies to everybody white or black. /thread. op is a faggot
If knowing my father, having an MBA, well paying job, and nicely funded 401k makes me less cool than niggers, I'm ok with that.
In reality, they're the most uptight, lamest people on the planet.
uptight yes. lame? not all but most
The news has been nothing but that in regards to blacks since at least 1992. Welcome to the new world disorder.
I wish I was black
>Dexter Thomas
Look at how cool this nigger is.
Cool doesn't matter after high school. Be superior or be inferior. I don't care anymore.
Lol, is this /80spol/ or something? Who's voting for Reagan here?
they are pushed as cool in all media and cherry picked. average nigger from gheto doesnt look like that.
fuck off canuck
Oh yeah sorry, you're right that a race of dumb, effeminate perpetual children who are basically an IRL "children of the trough" is COOL n shit MAYNE
nigger op
Only in Hugo Boss tho
I know the Guardian was never a very good paper, but I do distinctly remember it being considerably less shitty than it is now and has been for the better part of the last 5 years
Yep whites are very inferior to blacks, until we stole their knowledge and they stopped being kangz. The pic says it all.
False flagging just a little too hard there, fellow white dude
>not recognising the Italian conquest of Ethiopia
"Cool" is a synonym for "retarded" now, cool.
the super jew
6 7 8 9 digits super jew eats the jews
Yes, I concur. They should leave the shithole western countries and show the world the glory of Wakanda