What do we do with the niggers of the white race? Are they too far gone ever to undo their (((brainwashing)))?
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Gnostic mysticism mixed with talmudic magic and buddhism
Sounds awesome how do we do it?
this is actually the perfect blend add the caste system of Hindu
>Gnostic mysticism
>talmudic magic
Jesus already taught a lot of Buddhist values.
>Jesus already taught a lot of Buddhist values.
You mean the Buddhas teachings were used in the kike desert chronicles
It's amazing that like 99% of the Christians don't understand the close relationship/origin between their religion, Islam, and Judaism. With that, they usually also don't comprehend that the prophets and shit in their holy books came from the middle east, bearing no resemblance to white Europeans, even though they like to depict them as such.
Christianity is the worshipping of non-whites and the disregard of cultural histories/differences. For that, Christianity does not belong in the white ethnostate.
Christians don'tr understand anything because they are the niggers of the white race they are pretty stupid
>It is a Jewish reworking of ancient pagan myths of the dying and resurrecting Godman Osirius-Dionysus, which had been popular for centuries throughout the Mediterranean.
You hear that motherfuckers? You can't kill me! I'm born again in this new age.
Israel was white as fuck. You don't know yourself yet. Our fathers had their white ethnostates and they lost them to the same rats that ruined Israels name and will steal our birthright if we let them but those ethnostates ain't got shit on the Kingdom I'm building.
>It is a Jewish reworking of ancient pagan myths of the dying and resurrecting Godman Osirius-Dionysus fictional historical figure lying rabbi communist redneck antisemite bigot pupil of Buddha black man con-artist hippy magician prophet of Islam hate-enabler enlightened anthropomorphization of the true Christ Gnostic philosopher space alien, which had been popular for centuries throughout the Mediterranean
I don’t understand how God’s patience can take this much blasphemy.
There is some truth to this actually anyone interested in this should go to the channel son of Saturn
He is actually right the Jews are not Israelis they Israelis were their enemies in fact one sec
watch this
This truth is finally coming out. (((They))) have been shilling against it hard for a week.
Wew lad. I can literally smell the neck beard sweat in this thread.
Christian crpto kikes are very easy to spot. You argue exactly the same. You know the difference between the kikes (((Christians))) though? The kikes only pretend to be imbeciles
I think I'll be a clown, this time around.
That sentence doesn't make a lot of sense... Maybe I'm not too clued up on edgy talk.
And why comment on my argument method when i haven't even started a debate...
D-Does she have "taco" tattooed on her knuckles?
Check out, I suppose, given the circumstances....
This, Israel was an Aryan kingdom. Germanics are the Israelites that went into exile by the Neo-Assyrian empire. Israel was an ancient Germanic kingdom in the Middle East. Why do you think the Jews hate Germans so much, they have had enmity for millennia.
I liked that. He explained it well and was easy to listen to. I even learned something new.
>man appointed mortal sorrow the blessed God shall come down teaching his death shall bring the despairing comfort.
Is there no end to the layers of knowledge folded into that book?
The second coming of Christ is in the hearts of men. The birthright is ours, its time to claim it. If we refuse, the enemy WILL destroy the earth. We must stop them. No one else is up to the task.
If read correctly it is a masonic cipher, there is a lot of wisdom and truth in it when you know how to read it correctly, it is allegory and metaphor however there were no zombie space jews. It is ancient wisdom from the global vedic empire of the ancient Aryans
Everyone should burn down their local (((church))).
Chances are the building is near or on top of traditional places of worship.
Native Americans and Native Europeans have this in common.
What are they paying you?
kek desu we can't be terrorists but that image is top kek. We cannot defeat ignorance and we can't create and army of idiots to burn us the stake. We have to do what the fuhrer did and mold them to our purpose with a program like positive Christianity until we can ween them off of the kike tit
>paying you
please gas yourself you delusional fucking faggot
maybe we should start a shaming campaign calling them schizo, people that weak minded are very susceptible to following the crowd or they would be Christians to begin with, we just shame them out of existence pointing out what idiots they are all the time they will give it up like the brainlets they are for a substitute
>we just shame them out of existence
Kek he thinks that the real nazis are Richard spencer tier faggots.
Just wait faget.
>Richard (((Spencer)))
Christians are the stupidest fucking people on the planet white you truly are the niggers of the white race, you are truly are clueless about every fucking thing, you need to be a mental institution
Real nazis are more prone to watching Varg fyi.
They like him because he killed a communist and burned down churches.
While your kids are busy praying and taking bible study, Varg has been converting people to think that burning chirches is right. (which it is).
Keep shilling though
Satan=arrogant man
Christ =perfect man
You literally lower yourself from being white to being a shitskin voluntarily, you are a Kike, Muslim. You are not white motherfucker and need to leave white lands or be executed
>you are truly are clueless about every fucking thing
So it should be easy for your little tiny braing to choose an example....I'll be here waiting to BTFO you.
>Y-you cant into identity politics or y-your a nigger
Fuck you.
Whites are wking up and they're going to worship Odin
The jew subversion with christianity is so dumb.
In revalations it says that jews that deny christ have shunned God. That they are the ones that will bring about the false christ.
> Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.
Christcucks is modern thing that started in ww1. The catholic church got infiltrated.
Saturn=Satan=the first sun
The Black Sun
Christ=the living God=the anointed one
What planet represents Odin bhodi?
What European god represents Saturn?
Well Christ is a title not a person and JeZEUS never existed but yes some decent metaphor and allegory.
Odin is Saturn all the Supreme deities are Saturn desu
You have no clue what you're talking about. You're re-meming something you saw on jewtube.
Wrong answer.
Do you have any knowledge of the summer solstice rituals?
No it is not wrong stop posting jack ass
>Castrated Christianity is dead boys
>No point in kickin it when its down
>But here's the thing
>There's a new sheriff in town
>We're gettin a new name goys
>The king is dead
>Long live the King
Oh sorry bro thought you were the Christian my bad. Saturn is the supreme deity in all ancient religions but they sometimes fuse and merge
Saturn is not Wotan
That's a different God. And no, I'm not going to spoon feed you.
>spoon feed me
you literally don't even know Spencer is kike bro. My credentials and knowledge are beyond question buddy, sorry your opinion does not matter
Ever wonder why all of the pagan religions are so similar?
>you literally don't even know Spencer is kike bro
Kek, out of no where!!!
What are you even talking about you stupid idiot
don't worry about it desu people that know what they are talking and know what they are doing are on top of it just stick to shitposting leave the thinking to us
Who is saturn in Traditional native Germanic religions? I'll give you a tip, it isn't Odin
>Argument makes absolutley no sense
>don't worry about it desu
S-so this is the power of christian libertarians
Constantly remind them about the demiurge
I made the thread you retarded nigger how would I be a Christian are you brain damaged? Richard Spencer is a kike this is not hard to find the prob on the internet. If you do not understand that image you have no business posting about anything other than x is white
No one brought up richrd spencer in this thread besides you?
Really makes me think.
One eye. Broad brimmed hat. Father of Thor god of thunder. Not the same? You sure about that?
>You sure about that
Read a book about druids and the summer solsctice before you come on to Sup Forums trying to act like some kind of sage or i'll shit on you again.
>Kek he thinks that the real nazis are Richard spencer tier faggots.
Ok kike you gotta go now
Read a book about reincarnation and druidism faget
>pro tip: We're back
>waking up
Stupid cunt.
"Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss."
Will you morons ever learn?
>Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss
Odin is actually White
01/26/18 stop nigging nig lol
>Muh Odin
God loves you stupid heathen faggots. Gnosticism is a Foxfire. Christ is King. You guys making these antichristian threads are so persistent that Christians are not even debating on these threads anymore. What is the point? All of your criticisms have been shut down. There is no reasoning. There is this preternatural hatred of Christ. I wonder why...
Proverbs 26 verses 4 and 5.
Was this supposed to be some type of argument?
The lying psychopath who led you by the nose before is cut from the same cloth as the lying psychopath who will lead you next.
Grow up and use your brain for something other than a counterbalance to your arse.
Wait, who is "the lying psychopath" you speak of????? kek
>wishful thinking is now logic
Intelligence is a bell curve? Ah...I see it now!
Whoever wrote the bible/Koran/Talmud, shit4brains. And every priest since.
I know more about all this that would take you a decade to figure out half of what I know, I know you think you know things and it is adorable really it is but believing something just because it is written is nigger tier Christian thinking, you are clueless about where all of this really comes from lol
Pro Tip: find Atlantis
Stop copy pasting bible verses as arguments. Makes you seem stupid desu.
>Whoever wrote the bible/Koran/Talmud
Good goyim!!!!!
Worship White gods instead.
Its already found but will get you killed if you attempt to go there
Divide and conquer, eh, OP?
As for now, Christian countries are the ones opposing massive immigration. And secular ones are flooded. So there's no reason in your claims.
Are you really trying to talk me out of Aryanism while posting Aryan civilization builders (What niggers called gods)
The Pharaohs were Celts fyi
>Worship White gods
Easy Merlin. Your real name is Levi. I know its a bit disorienting so stand on the threshing floor and face the rising sun. The Gnomon knows where to find Boaz and Jachin.
This guy has a fascinating blog oldeuropeanculture.blogspot.com
Atlantis is/was most likely referring to NA (who whites landed on first by the way, pic related)
It may also allude to one of the two poles.
You have no idea what Aryanism is desu I am trying to show you but you don't seem to want to listen. You know some, the druids, celts etc, but you are only at the very tip of the iceberg
you still have a looooooong way to go
Jesus was a Amorite
Are you saying that atlantis existed? Got any proof with this?
Because worshiping a dead kike makes you the goodest of goyims
I'm a gnostic, not a christian, and a adogmatic gnostic at that.
When choosing a belief, you should be sure to pick one that is true, not one that appeals to your feelings
start with this playlist
then watch the Atlantis playlist
I saved a decade of work giving you those playlists desu that I spent years of research uncovering all this through the lies and disinfo, you want to know what true Aryanism is it will take you years to discover the truth but I made it as easy I could at that channel I would watch all the playlists first
what if we memed trump as christ reincarnated, and the idea that the jews (liberals) want to crucify him again?
that seems like a potential way to get these dimwitted fucktards to finally realize they should stop sucking off israel
What planet does Odin represent oh wise one? You already answered wrong, but i'll give you another guess
>inb4 laughably wrong, again
>Worship White gods instead.
I am a follower of the biggest, most powerful and successful "cult" the world has ever seen. The evidence for this is all around you!
The "truth" in this cult stands until someone shows that it isn't, using a set of rules that are universally agreed on and invariant. To be a priest in this cult, you have to think of a truth no-one has ever thought of before, and you remain a priest only until it is proven to be false after all.
It's beautifully simple, and simply beautiful.
When I have this, why would I want to grovel to an imaginary fairy tale?