Should the age to own a gun be raised to 21?

Well /pol?

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Absolutely. The average age on Sup Forums is around 18 now and you are all dumb kids with no life experience raised on smartphones with shit for parents. Raise it to 25.

ya we need to raise the voting age to 21 also

>t. nogunz

I love gun grabbing foreigners. worry about your island, abbo


And then we raise it to 30. And then get rid of it entirely. Good plan goys. One step at a time.

we need to raise the voting age to white, land-owning males


Unconstitutional. Go ahead and try it.

Awwww wow, shes so cute. I would marry her


it should be raised to 84.
and fuck you.

once we raise it to 21, we can do your decision right away

wow. stationary targets that don't fight back.

I'd certainly pet her kitty.

>t. winces at the recoil of a rifle

fuck no give guns to any law abiding citizen

get the fuck out of my cunt-ry you 457 commie mother fucker.

No, no it should not. Lets put aside all the people who live in rural communities and rely on their rifles as a means of livelihood, and the millions of sportsman in this country who enjoy hunting / target practice.

This is a country where if you're 18 years old, our government has deemed you old enough to fight, kill, and potentially die while in the armed services. Let me repeat that. The united states government trusts 18 year kids, in a fucking war zone, to fight for their country. But now we need to raise the legal age of owning the most basic of firearms?

I bet you would tremble like a leaf if someone handed you a full automatic rifle, faggot.

Should the right to free speech be raised to 21?


def. voting should be.

only 18 ?? you can go in younger here.
man up seppo bros

>old enough to die for my country but not old enough to own a gun
argument is too compelling.

And the same establishment corporate Jews pushing for gun control WOULD NEVER want the age of enlistment raised to 21 because they wouldn't be able to find enough cannon fodder to fight their wars for them.

There used to be videos of her opening her presents on Christmas and getting guns when she was very young. I can't find them anymore

yes, so should the age to enter military and the voting age.

No, fuck off shill.

>says the cucked aussie

Someone should lower your height to 6 feet under.

>dat trigger discipline
gen A is going to be alright

How do they get away with limitations on hand guns?

That's not a very practical color for a weapon.

Get in here!

yes, and raise the voting age too


But I have an idea if it were to happen..
Make it so kids can't use their first amendment until 21 to...
Shut these fucking kids on CNN up.

>How do they get away with limitations on hand guns?
they couldn't raise all guns to 21 because the constitution says 18, so they had to leave longarms at 18. They wanted to raise everything to 21 but couldn't legally.

No make it so only married males with children and jobs can own guns and vote.

If they are old enough to serve in the Military they are old enough to smoke, drink alcohol, and buy guns.

In the military, they are extremely supervised.

Depends. How old should you be to have the right to defend yourself under the second amendment. The constitution seems to be pretty clear on this subject.

Only if the age of adulthood as a whole is raise to 21. So no voting until 21.

I thought of a fair half measure though. Make it so schools can contact the FBI and put a hold on the students ability to own a gun, if the school suspects the kid has a problem, which must expire no matter what at age 21. Also, when the kid becomes 18, they can go to court and have this hold removed but its subject to a judges ruling based on their school record.


Raise it to 25 for guns, voting, alcohol, and weed.... but only if they grow up and move out of Mommy's basement and get jobs and pay taxes like American adults.

This kinda convinced me

It should be the same as the age you can drive, same threat if not more, a well aimed vehicle in a public setting could do alot

It's simple but if you think about it all the problems would be solved with one law.

Only if we take away guns from senile boomers above 45.

You might have a point

only for visible minorities.
Whites mature slower and need an equalizer.

i agree

Its wasnt already?

Sure, anything that disarms others while letting me keep my gunz. Especially if those others are dumbass kids.

The law would become perverted when liberals use affirmative action to ensure more minority men get jobs and also push liberal women to not marry conservative men in order to deny them votes.

This was actually the target audience of the constitution (and white because all voters were white men in those days)

Thing is its a right, so this can only be done if the whole age of adulthood is raised.

Just make it so the second amendment only applies to men.

Then change the legal definition of a man to a male who is married, has children and has a job.

voting age should be

Women ruin everything, boys instinctively know this which is why the tree club is always a coochie free zone.

yeah, but you can't deploy until 18

Wtf m8 I could deploy when I was around 14 or so.

16 to drive. 21 to drink. 18 to smoke, fight in a war, or purchase a firearm.

If they raise the age of consent, the ability to join the military, and the age of trial as adult to 21 as well. Something tells me the kikes wouldn't like the first, chickenhawks wouldn't like the second, and the prison industrial complex wouldn't like the third.

Honestly just raising the age isn’t going to work. Cruz was 19 so he was already out of high school and if a crazy person wants to shoot up a school they’ll just obtain the firearm illegally by stealing it from someone who isn’t home. Whether it be someone they know or not. So this still won’t fix the problem. It just makes it more of a pain in the ass for a legal adult (18+) to protect themselves from said crazy person.

I think that handguns and semi-automatic centerfire long guns should be restricted to people over the age of 21.

This is the solution:

>A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of men* to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
*Men: Males who are married, have children and a job.



this ain't coontown, we don't need the age raised as we were fine before then so why raise it?

>tfw 25

Do it. Let's raise drinking and tobacco age to 25 too. Is there anything more biologically fulfilling them taking away from those younger from you?

Anyone under 6' shouldn't be allowed to own a gun

Putting your dick deep up inside a woman the same race as you, emptying your balls and creating those younger than you.

Why are americans so stupid?
Every other sane country in the world the age for guns is 18

incorrect, the average serving age was 16

opinion discarded

>Can fight and die for Israel at 18 with automatic weapons
>Can't buy a hunting rifle as a private citizen until your 21

Anyone defending Trump over this needs to fuck off.

>tfw ywn get executed by a trained loli gunner
I cannot express my depression

Same old bullshit. If your old enough to die for your country you should be old enough to drink, and you should be old enough to own a gun. It always...always...always comes down to the mental state of the shooter. Millions of gun owning law abiding citizens will never fire their guns in anger. Yet we decide to flip the table over when some completely insane individuals that should have been gassed or at minimum locked up in the loony bin for life gets to. We need to reverse what regan did and start the mass holding of dangerous mentally unstable individuals.

How does it feel that i can buy a pistol under age 21 mutt?

The age to own a gun should be the age of an adult.
If you are old enough to live on your own and be tried as an adult in the eyes of the law, you are also old enough to defend yourself.

Should be lowered to 0.

I can do the same faggot

Drinking is a privilege. Also what's this law going to do? Delay the school shooting by 2 years? Solve the real problem instead of punishing law abiding citizens by treating the symptom.

You can't buy a new a pistol from a dealer if you are under 21

>total handguns canada: 1.1m
>total handguns USA: 114m
>self-defense against a human attacker is not a legally valid reason to own a gun in canada
injun got BTFO

hugh grant was an idiot

I still say it needs to be closer to 30, Being white, or owning land has nothing to do with being a responsible constitutional conservative. You try buying land in the Tri-state area under $500k. Hell I live in Dallas, and I own several condos and a house on the “M” streets. And I’m fucking Greek! You telling me I can’t vote? But some low IQ guy who owns a double wide on half acre next to a nuclear plant has right to vote over me????

No , the voting age should be raised to 21 as it was before 1973 , repeal the 26th Amendment and you will have some sanity again in your university system and political discussion.

Ever since you muricans lowered the voting age you have not build a nuclear energy plant ,an hydroelectric plan , a fucking route.
Because everything has a cons , and when you give children the vote you can´t discuss this crap.

No I think it should be that kindergarten kids can shoot the fuck out of each other..
> look America I’ll be fucking shitty if you cunts stop mass shooting each other..
> it brings me delight to see you turds doing this so that it keeps me entertained

actually I can

wtf is this dying for your country shit? so you can die for all the jews and mutts?

True - back then they just should have raised the draft age to 21.

>promoting pornographic use
>promoting jewish laws restricting defense use
fuck off kike shill

I'd say it's a pretty good indicator.

How can people be against preserving the white race? When I see white children like that I feel like I want to protect them despite not being related to me in any way.

nice. she is a little slow on the reload

Lets just abandon all the cons on the coasts. They are already out numbered, and pretty much in hiding. This would strip them of the little power they still have left.

read where it says laws very on state, as my state is lax on gun laws so I can buy anything up too a nuke.

No, lower it to 16. People die every day from reckless drivers, yet we don't raise the age you can drive to 18 or 21.

wow cute