Celts, Nords, Atlantis?
Where does red hair come from?
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Ancient Egypt
Atlantians originally from alaska
Aryans, just like blond hair does, whether an Aryan population has blond or red hair is dependent on natural selection.
It's far older than Celts or Nordics, you dumb fuck. It's present from Northern Africa to Siberia to Mesopotami. It's most common among the Udmurts too, not that you'd've heard of them.
The balls.
Fallen angel DNA
Stupid cunt. Why are Americans so ignorant? The man in this photo is from Iraq.
Comes from fighting Jews
Whiter than you muhammad skin.
Why in the hell we condemn the "race-mixing" with unmixed caucasoids like Persians or Syrians? We are from the same fucking race
the "muhammad" in the pic is whiter than you
The only really white looking Syrians and Lebanese left are the Christians, as it against the culture to take a husband/wife outside of your religion there. That's why most of the muslims there look super Bedouin. that are super Bedouin looking. Awesome people regardless though, as long as they aren't beheading anyone.
A bottle, generally.
Celts have a deep and rich history. They have both lived and ruled all over the world. The link between Celts and Scythian's is well known. Still to this day Red hair is found among the Russian people where where ancient Scythia used to be.
>mine were priests in the temple of Solomon
euw, I got bad news for this serpent
>tfw living with red hair
What is your point? The ancient Galatians were Celts. Galatia is where Turkey is today. So, yeah... of course there are Celts in Turkey and the middle east.
>The Galatians (Latin: Gallograeci; Greek: Γαλάται) were a Gallic people that dwelt mainly in the north central regions of Asia Minor or Anatolia, in what was known as Galatia, in today's Turkey.
>They spoke a Celtic language, the Galatian language
There are Celts all over the world.
Are the Irish and Scottish have the highest portion of red hair. Why is this?
from god. Red hair is a sign of god tier genetics.
These two Syrians aren't Christian.
Is he Syrian? Syria was a cross road for all manner of peoples, just like Palestine, not surprised they have some Aryan blood. Aryans like Mittanni, Kassites, Persians, Medes, and Kurds ran through the area.
>The link between Celts and Scythian's is well known.
Stupid fool.
>ancient Galatians
I know all about them, imbecile, but the ginger man in my pic is a Mesopotamian Sunni Arab. He does NOT have Galatian ancestry. Sure, his type are rare, but they DO exist.
Untrue, you idiot. Udmurts are redder.
They are the Keltic Peoples. Jews hate them.
Hitler: A Keltic genius with Hallstatt blood – John de Nugent
Dumb ass, Middle Easterners and Central Asians aren't White anymore. God you are stupid.
>Middle Easterners and Central Asians aren't White anymore
This is your brain on varg
You are a Shepardic Jew demon. The Keltic people are going to destroy you.
>Is he Syrian?
"Izzat Ibrahim al-Douri (Arabic: عزت ابراهيم الدوري ‘Izzat Ibrāhīm ad-Dūrī; born 1 July 1942) is a former Iraqi statesman and military commander. He served as Vice Chairman of the Iraqi Revolutionary Command Council until the 2003 U.S.-led invasion of Iraq and was regarded as the closest advisor and deputy under former President Saddam Hussein. He leads the Iraqi insurgent Naqshbandi Army.
Born in 1942, al-Douri was born in his hometown of Ad-Dawr, near the Iraqi town of Tikrit, to Ibrahim Khalil al-Douri, a farmer and Hamdah Saloum al-Douri.[14] Nicknamed "the Iceman" for his humble origins selling blocks of ice, he became involved in revolutionary politics in his late teenage years."
i cant post my big migration maps but this is the jist of it
gene defect, not even kidding
This upsets the Jew
Um, that would be ME then. Ignorant apes...
You are an angry kike sperged out buffoon and not even worth reading. Click
eat shit med nigger, we were gods.
It was not a direct jump into Ireland. This map is very simplified. See Hallstatt culture
Don't even start, icemonkey. You'll lose.
We can debate later, time to save them first.
Get off of Sup Forums (stop lurking all day), join your local nazis!
Did you know the Norman Invasion into Ireland was funded by a Jew? Basically a Jew hired a few thousand mercenaries to go kill Kelts. It is known historically as the Norman Invasion into Ireland.
Currently, I am researching if the Ancient Scythians or Galatians had any interaction with the Jewish Khazar Empire, or it's predecessor. I am really curious about this time period because the amount of hatred the Jews have for Kelts (Celts) is off the charts. Jews really hate anything Celtic, Irish related.
Honestly, I think the Jews hate the Irish more than Hitler. This amount of hatred takes millenniums to develop. So, it is justified to say the Irish have been pissing off the Jews since ancient times.
/feels good
Red hair comes from Ramses II Egypt
feels good to be a god, all the poop niggers come to grovel at your feet and praise you like the scum that they are. They put in their retarded petition to help their swarthy scumbag family and then sacrifice a goat to you. If I don't use my magical god powers to help them, well, then maybe it just wasn't my Aryan will to help their shit nigger family. Being served and fucking ugly brown bitches all day in my harem inseminating them with my godly seed so they can basque in my glory and have a portion of it.
>if the Ancient Scythians or Galatians had any interaction with the Jewish Khazar Empire, or it's predecessor. I am really curious about this time period
Please tell me this is a stupid joke.
Khazars/Galatians/Scythians in ONE time period... Aye, like the mammoths and giant sloths who had interaction with the dinosaurs...
>i'm a nordic ubermensch
>greater israel flag
>hides behind a meme flag
show yourself israel
The ancient Aryans which go back to Atlantis of course here is a playlist
Search "Red Nordid" on google and you'll find your answer
The Sumerians were Aryan
Nice cartoon. Too bad studies have shown white americans are VERY white.
Are you talking back to your gods? That's a nono :^)
>Too bad studies have shown white americans are VERY white.
Nice propaganda leftypol
There's literally no difference between germans and kikes.
Nice photoshopped image of mario nigger, doesn't change the fact that our whites are white as fuck
The kelts were derived from the Phoenicians it seems. They were one the earliest and purest Aryan bloodlines of the current root races if you want to know their migration patterns go to 1:17
you're retarded, take that flag off
you have no idea what the significance of race is
they have very different ways from ours, they are meant to be separate
Only if you use the most retarded ahistorical definition of the term. They were europids, sure. Al-Douri may well have some Aryan in him, but most of his ancestry is going to be pre-Indo-European Mesopotamian. Assyrian, i.e. some Semite-Hurrian-Sumerian blend.
except Germans are the children of God and Jews and shitskins are the children of Satan.
I wouldn't say America isn't white we definitely are hangin on
>image directly disproves le 56% meme
thanks nig and before you mention, we know we have demographic problems.. we know..
>I don't know the difference between necessity and sufficiency
>The kelts were derived from the Phoenicians
You utter mong.
you are an idiot my dude
>Scythians or Galatians had any interaction with the Jewish Khazar Empire
Yes, correct you angry semitic sand weasel. Both Scythia and Khazaria were located in neighboring geographical territory. I never said both officially labeled kingdoms were flourishing at the same moment in time. This is a Jewish strawman mindset with the sperged temperament to match. Regardless of whether or not Scythia was officially around much earlier than Khazaria was, really does not matter to my research.
The Celtic Peoples who made up Ancient Scythia and also Ancient Galatia still populated these respective geographical locations up unto present day.
As I mentioned previously, >There are Celts all over the world
>There are Celts all over the world
Unfortunately you are simply too much of a sand dune brainlet to understand any sort of dialog requiring an IQ over 103.
Stay mad
Majority of race mixers in the US are Asians and Hispanics women
Germans are about as far away from god as you can get.
As always, a British Kike sperging out over the Irish.
You are an uneducated moron stop talking when people that actually know what they are talking are speaking you ignorant hick,. you only know what (((they))) taught you and their entire history they taught you is fabricated so stop spewing idiocy out of your face when intelligent people are conversing please go to a blacked thread where the convo is more your style and speed
Britain has the highest concentration of red heads especially Scotland, we were the original hyperborean atlantian giants
says the assmad jealous shitskin med nigger.
>call meds shitskins
>worship a kike
This is why you people are a laughing stock.
>Atlantean refugees
Imagine life at the end of the last Ice age, before the younger-dryas event. Whites having adapted higher IQs to get through the harsh climate, no established civilizations or degenercy, tight knit confident unpolluted free peoples with a fresh new planet full of resources sprining up as the ice is melting. Who know what wonders could have arisen over thousands of years before the near ELE almost wiped out humanity, the legends could be true.
The fallen angels' spawn.
The fuck is YOUR point? I've MET the descendants of Alans, in Alaniya, or South Ossetia. Cunts never got anywhere near Mesopotamia anyroad.
>I never said both officially labeled kingdoms were flourishing at the same moment in time
You're illiterate, then. You said you were interested in "that period" or whatever. Yet we're obviously dealing with three periods. Doesn't matter, your main point is even more retarded:
>Celtic Peoples who made up Ancient Scythia
Scythians spoke Iranian. I have had some exposure to the Iranian speech of Tajiks and Kurds, and speak a little Irish and Welsh. There is nothing whatsoever in common, other than shared PIE ancestry. Equating the Celts with Scythians is just thick as pig shit. What the fuck is wrong with you? I live in old Celtic territory, and have travelled in Russia where the Scythians used to live - they are completely different worlds, so one people could not possibly have inhabited both.
Do you want to walk where God walked?
Have you not heard of the indo European Migration's? Hittites, Armenians, Iranians and Mycenaeans are all indo European
I am half Irish, idiot.
Nice try Pablo.
.../jk m8
That has no bearing whatsoever to the stupid assertion I was replying to. Do learn how to use apostrophes some time before you start your GCSEs.
you want to know real history? Enjoy the playlist
put this one with the Atlantis playlist I posted and you will know just about everything
>I have a stupid pseudohistorical fantasy I would like to spread... I know! I'll make dull videos that are several hours long that no cunt will ever watch more than 20 seconds of, unless they're autistic in some way!
Accurate AF unfortunately
The Scythians were pre-Egyptian Aryans you stupid nigger
Have you ever noticed how much Semitic hatred Keltic threads, article comment sections, or historical references will receive when the topic of 'Red Hair' or 'Celts' is being discussed?
Have you ever noticed the levels of anger are just a 'wee bit more extreme than average? Well, there is an answer to that.
Answer: Jews have hated the Kelts for 2,500 years because Kelts are the Jews #1 opposition.
>Of the 18 Emperors from Augustus to Commodus: 9 had blond or red hair 5 had grey or white hair; 3 had no recorded hair colour, and just 1 (Hadrian), was referred to as dark-haired.
I'm phone posting gay boy and I didn't bother reading previous posts, deal with it