You must use these numbers: 14, 16, 18, 21
>Age of Consent
>Age to vote
>Age to buy gun
>Age to drink alcohol
You must use these numbers: 14, 16, 18, 21
>Age of Consent
>Age to vote
>Age to buy gun
>Age to drink alcohol
Consent 16
Vote 21
Gun 18
Alcohol 14
>Age of Consent 14
>Age to vote 14
>Age to buy gun 14
>Age to drink alcohol 14
Consent - Never. Permanent chastity.
Vote - 21
Gun - 14
Alco-lol - 16
Consent 16
Vote 21
Drink 18
Gun 14
this is the right answer if you've got to use all 4 numbers. all of these things should be legal at 16 though. by 16 the female body is completely developed. it won't grow anymore. and the male body is biologically prepared for fatherhood.
all of this "but your brain is still developing crap" is nonsense. your brain doesnt fully develop until 25, technically, so it's a rotten argument no matter what.
>Age of Consent 14
>Age to vote 21
>Age to buy gun 18
>Age to drink alcohol 16
oh yeah, except voting, my bad. making decisions for yourself is one thing, but being allowed to make them for other people is different. for that you gotta be 21 or maybe even 25 IMO.
>>Age of Consent
>>Age to vote
>>Age to buy gun
>>Age to drink alcohol
14 year olds shouldn't be getting drunk fan
But they can have guns with parental supervision
16-14 for all
>14 though I should point out that this last one could be biologically damaging
i see what you did there!
He’s right
This is the only right answer.
>Age to join gladiator fights: 14
>Age to buy tickets: 21
>Age of Consent 18
>Age to vote 21
>Age to buy gun 16
>Age to drink alcohol 14
consent 16
vote 18
guns 18
alcohol 18
im just saying 18 cause that is when you finish highschool in Australia.
once you finish highschool thats it ur an adult, do what you want
I totally agree with the 1st three. The gun one is weird but I think that if we re-embrace gun culture and reopen shooting ranges in schools, people will be less pussified in general.
Consent 16
Vote 21
Drink 18 and
Gun 14 is my definitive list too
An age appropriate gun for a kid like a 4 10 shotgun
Fuck off, faggot.
>25 unless your father gives you away to be married
>30 or 20 if you own property and pay income tax
>30 unless your parents supervise you, then 18
>20 unless under your parents supervise, then whenever
16, 18, 21, 16.
14 only comes into it when you ask about "age old enough to receive capital punishment for murder".
No vote. Libertarian dictatorship.
>Buy guns
>Drink alcohol
Depends on what the age alcohol stops affecting human growth growth.
>Age of Consent
>Age to vote
>Age to buy gun
>Age to possess firearm
16, with parental consent, and permit from local sherriff department (open carry only)
18, permitless open carry, permit from local sherrif for concealed.
21, permitless concealed carry
>Age to drink alcohol
Nice try, Muhammad
Aktually your brain never stops developing
well then, you can never vote, can you??
>Age to drink alcohol
14 (beer and wine, with parental supervision)
>Age to buy a gun
16 (.22 LR rifles only, all other guns at 18)
>Age of Consent
18 (with parental supervision)
Age to vote
(21, white landowning males only)
This is the only answer
Although I'd raise the voting age to 30
>Age of Consent - 14
>Age to vote - 21
>Age to buy gun - 18
>Age to drink alcohol - 16
>>Age of Consent
>18 (with parental supervision)
>14, drinking
>16, consent
>18, vote
>21, gun
Consent 16
Gun 14
Drink 18
Vote 21
>Consent: Marriage
>Vote: Nobody.
>Gun: required at 17
>Alcohol: After Military service of at least 2 years.
But vote 26 even better
>inb4 pedo
Doesn't matter what the AoC is I'm never getting laid
14 - old enough to gas the kikes
88 - old enough to race war now
>>Age of Consent 16
>>Age to vote 21
Guns should be banned.
>>Age to drink alcohol 14
>implying children aren't already junkies and alcoholics by that age in the current system.
14, as people do it as early as that. But keep the two year rule, A.E 14 and 16 is fine under consent but 14 and 17 is already a fellony.
21, let them be a little grown up until they can vote. Also a proper age for post army service in most countries.
16, sports shooting with supervision. Actual ownership may be limited by guardian/parent
18, as is common in most of the world
21x18x16x14, only then may you imbibe the liquid Jew
this. I was just hanging out at home one night and my 14 y/o cousins friend called me cause she was throwing up like crazy after chugging vodka. her dad was out of town (mom ded) so cousin was spending the night, picked her up (keep in mind it was only like 7PM, the parents were like what the fuck?) and had her stay at my place for the rest of the weekend. very next night I asked if she wanted to drink, gave her a shot of straight everclear, she threw up nearly instantly, asked if she wanted to drink again. from what I've seen since she is only marginally better. the shit kids, not 16/18 y/o's, but actual kids, are getting into disgusts me, I didn't drink ever till I was nearly 18, granted I'm a full blown alcoholic now.
marriage (in a perfect world) or 18
21, with voter ID
18 for bolt action rifle or shotgun
21 for semiautomatic rifles and handguns
alcohol under parental supervision not in public until 21
Consent- 14
Vote- 25
Gun- 21, unless military
Alcohol- never, replace with weed
Consent: 16
Vote: 21
Gun: 14
Alcohol: 18
>Age of Consent
Only marriage counts as consent
>Age to vote
>Age to buy gun
>Age to drink alcohol
Opiate of the masses
Consent - 21
Vote - 14
Gun - 18
Alcohol - 16
Debate me.
21 (30 would be better)
Nah man we get it. You support dumb cunts voting, and marriage past the prime.
Once in a while a leaf posts something not abhorrent, who would've thought?
Age of Consent - 16
Age to vote - 18
Age to buy gun - 21
Age to drink alcohol -14
14 21 16 18
Remove age to vote, replace it with meritocratic system.
Consent: 18
Vote: 21
Gun: 18
Alcohol: 21
Learners Permit: 16
14 is too young for any category, that's just sick. I don't like this game.
Works for Japan.
As good as we're gonna get with the numbers given.
Unironically this
Age of Consent: 14
Age to Vote: 21
Age to buy Gun: 18
Age to drink alcohol: Fuck off degenerate
>Age of Consent
>18 (with parental supervision)
Ooo kinky.
I feel like that has probably actually happened somewhere.
>Age of Consent 21
>Age to vote 18
>Age to buy gun 16
>Age to drink alcohol 14
> sick
>posts on Sup Forums
What the fuck did you expect?
16 Partner must be within 2 yrs difference if under 18
18 Who gives a fuck all pollies are the same
18, possible but with serious hoop jumping required. Full background check, must have valid reason (home protection isn't one of them, however sport target shooting is, as well as hunting), must be registered, licensed after training, member of a club, proper storage etc...
18 Let's get shit faced
16 Leaners 200 hrs required (Victoria)
18 red P plates/green P plates, full car license after 3 yrs.
These are some of what is required in Australia.
Don't feel the lack of guns desu, shot a .357 once at a gun range at Surfers Paradise, fucker kicked like a mule.
>Age of Consent
14 for men
21 for women except the father allows it
>Age to vote
21 for men, no vote for women
>Age to buy gun
>Age to drink alcohol
14 for beer
18 for everything else
Consent 14
Vote 21
Gun 16
Alcohol 18
>there are retards in this thread that think you should be able to drink alcohol before you can consent
Yeah, get them addicted when they're young. Fucking swine.
>Age of consent — 16 with father’s permission.
>Age to vote — 21
>Age to buy gun — 18
>Age to drink alcohol —14
Consent 18
Vote 21
Gun 14
Alcohol 14
>>Age of Consent
>>Age to vote
>>Age to buy gun
>>Age to drink alcohol
Everyone picked 21 to vote, what did everyone mean by this?
In the immortal words of Aussie bloody comedy legend Jim Jeffries "There is only one reason to own a gun and it is this: Fuck off I like guns!"