What can we do to address the growing opioid/meth epidemic?
What can we do to address the growing opioid/meth epidemic?
Any more details? the media used to warn us people were going blind staring at the Sun on LSD.
What does addiction have to do with it? It could be your very first time using that you figure out cutting your eyes open will make pretty stars shoot out.
6/10 would skull fuck
I want to jizz into her empty eye sockets.
let em' die, not my problem. Maybe parents should take better fucking care of their kids
Let nature take its course
She can sing you sing a song at the same time
Hope that it spreads to the spics and niggers
>What can we do to
How bout you niggers fuck off? Why do you always need to "do something?"
Everytime something happens, some faggot in DC needs to make a law. FUCK OFF. When do you stop? When you have a law for every aspect of human existence? As if you don't already; I'm not even sure at this point.
There is nothing that needs to be done here. This phenomenon in particular concerning opioids you are witnessing in the news is what we call natural selection.
She must have been fucking dedicated to the task, holy shit
At least it'll stop her looking for her crack pipe.
Drugs are degenerate
Especially any artificial, chemical based drugs
I dont like weed either because it makes people slow and unambitious but at least it is natural
Which makes me wonder: why arent governments legalizing weed? It makes for a slow and compliant citizenry. Totally in their interest
I took shrooms and felt like my eyes were bleeding, but then I started staring at a rug and fell into a fractal. Things went well after that
Not everybody that gets hooked on opioids is a junkie. Stop painting with such a broad fucking brush. Let's say you have back surgery. Your doctor gives you painkillers for the pain and they help somewhat. Then they don't help as much and you have to take another one at 3 pm to get through work. It's going ok. Until your doctor stops giving you painkillers. What the fuck do you do now?
What do you do..
> lace a good batch of drugs with poison and cause the death of all addicts and users which then kills off the demand side of the market and wipes out the drug trade..
literally a self fixing problem
Fight big pharma
Here's a good article on the opiod epidemic and why it's so bad in the US as opposed to other Western countries. It's a very good read but genuinely depressing:
She was a proud mudshark.
Now she's got no eyeballs and will probably kill herself within 2 years.
But they are...
It used to be in their interest to ban it because of the cotton industry. They can't flipflop that quickly seeing they put so many people in jail for it.
so... toll paid?
this and crackdown on distribution from mexico / asia
Let the scum kill themselves off. Let these kike slaves obliterate themselves and choke on jewish lies. some of them will never understand and only death will show them. i don't fucking care anymore. i know who my enemy is. people die in war.
Let them continue to kill themselves.
in this thread, a "Militia user" explains in detail how the federal government has legally kidnapped over 20,000 veteran and militia children, and they cannot be found:
wait, you go blind if you remove your eyes?
I ate a bunch of red velvet cake before taking mushrooms and when it was kicking in heavy I got scared and puked
I completely forgot I had eaten a bunch of red velvet cake and I thought I was puking blood and got bugged out but after a half hour I chilled out and it was decent
Only if you do drugs at the same time
Yes and if you do have any Lineage if like me you wouldn't want it around the shit lovers and mudsharks. They will have a Tyrone in Tow on tax payer gibs anyway.
Look at it this way.
There has never on earth been a better time to be blind.
Thousands of audio books. Programs to read the news headlines to you. Cybernetics that allow you to see well enough to navigate a subway system.
It could be way, way, worse.
Should I try and help all the junkies, Sup Forums? I’m going to med school this fall and can’t decide on a specialty.
Toll paid
This is just natural selection at work. The poor whore will probably become an hero within the next year or two
Make drugs legal
Make drugs cheap
Darwin's law will cull the weak from the strong
Just goes to show that only the lowest form of whtie women assoicate with niggers, and when they do, they do drugs and gouge their eyes out. When looking at this nigger though, i can understand why. Heck to screw niggers you might as well gauge your eyes out. Seeing a niggers face would make anyone want to gauge their eyes out.
I ate a whole freshly picked habanero and then took acid
thought my appendix was bursting later
There's no "epidemic". Nobody is force feeding them opioids. It's a personal responsibility issue.
The toll has been paid. Her actions have consequences, and I hope she realizes that.
I've smoked heaps of meth and never had skin/scratching problems. Meth is awesome, only stupid people with bad diets do fucked up shit.
You feel like shit for a couple days and then get on with your life same as people have been doing for many years up until the "epidemic". Little over a century ago you could buy heroin at the corner drug store, no prescription required. Yet the streets weren't filled with junkies. Doctors have been handing opioids out like candy for like half a century and there had been no widespread problems until the past decade. What the fuck happened?
she probably a victim of the child grooming network.
This is pretty much all categorically untrue. When heroin was legal there were myriad junkies. Doctors have not been handing out opioids like candy for half a century. They're quite difficult to get even if you demonstably need them.
Who gives a fuck when people are dumb and fuck up their own lives? Let the be taken out of the gene pool.
Did anyone else get told as a kid that LSD makes people think they're an orange and peel their skin off
Better parenting
Artificial chemical based drugs are degenerate? You mean like the insulin they synthetically create for diabetes? Parkinsons disease treatments? Drugs that cure some forms of cancer? What about the new synthetic chemical based drugs that cure hepatitis C?? All degenerate?? Get away from the computer, phone, whatevee device you use to get on internet right now... seek out an amish community. You belong with them.
Scratching out your own eyes needs to be made illegal because the law against harddrugs worked so well!
Yeah, sure, blame the companies that make medication and not the socialist doctors who prescribe them by the truckload.
I know what you mean, whenever I take drugs or get drunk I always retain my sense of responsibility/semi-sensibility whether I want to or not
Sell people bad drugs
This is the only answer. Failing as a parent should be punishable by public execution.
>gouge your eyes out
>go blind
People have no idea how awesome meth is because these idiots do way too much and drive themselves absolutely crazy
It's honestly the greatest high available when you do just the right amount, but i guess that requires a sense of self control and forethought, something it seems like most drug users lack completely
Anybody who's gone to a rave in the last few years can attest to how retarded people get with their drug abuse
Indeed my friend. Stupid people get whats coming to them. Which is why we dont need all these laws to try to control this shit. The problem takes care of itself. Theres fucking no such thing as "addiction". People who use so many drugs that they get hurt are just fucking dumb and weal minded peices of shit that deserve whats coming to them. Same with people who drink themselves to death. Or gamble away their life savings. Or anyone stuck in grandmas basement because they cant stop playing vidya. Theres nothing wrong with their brains. There failures. I dont know why its so hard for people to understand that its not a fucking disease. Its their fucking fault no one elses.
Why would you willingly become a slave? Start a cash only private clinic, others have done it. Check this video out youtu.be
You can do your resaerch now. I opted out of pain meds after a dentist day. I was sore but i knew the drugs where powerfull.
>What the fuck happened?
matched with her on tinder
find out she orchestrated an armed robbery over winter break
told her some funny ass shit, waiting for the reply
news article
Uh huh tell us more about the alien jew illuminati reptilian government abductions.
use google you fucking dumbshit
This thread is litteraly filled with junkies.
wanna hear the full story? she got released on 10k bond
you just gotta take drugs the smart way
Look. I deal with pain everyday. Don't get me wrong; I get what you're saying. But tooth pain and back surgery pain are two different things. Chronic pain is no joke. I watched my mother deal with serious pain every day of her life until she died and she refused to rely on opioids and instead opted for aspirin and NSAIDS, and even tried to use those sparingly. I agree that there's a level of personal responsibility with any addiction but I don't think it's unreasonable to say that there's some different circumstances when it comes to opioids and their abuse as opposed to, say, meth abuse, which has pretty much no use as a legitimate drug.
I don't quite understand the way the whole bond thing works in good ol' Murka.
No one cares about yer nigris thief.
Another jewish run industry
pics or it didn't happen
This won't affect me since I don't do drugs.
was amazed nobody posted it yet
If you have back surgery, WTF are you doing at work, you fucking faggot?
Take time off. Manage yourself or the (((system))) will manage you into a mess.
We let alcoholism and drug addiction weed out the weak-minded.
gimme mastermind
People do drugs when they aren't happy. People self mutilate when they aren't happy. Kill all the liberals so people can start being happy again.
Its simple. Getting to trial takes time. So the judges set bail. Someone puts up colateral and vouches for you. They pay 10 percent of the bond. The bondsman assures you will come to court and covers the rest of the bond. If you dont the bondsman sends people to get you. Then places a lean against the colateral or collects on it.
You're a fucking ignorant idiot if you don't realize that there are people that have to deal with chronic pain that is essentially never going to be cured. They still have to make a living and pay their bills. Somehow they have to manage the pain they're living with. What do you suggest?
nice pun
Is that what those bounty hunters are for?
Why does this sound so familiar
>gouge out eyes
>now blind
>tfw whiteknights will donate thousands to a meth junky who peels out her own eyes
Guarantee that she will relapse as soon as she gets her first degree of freedom.
a bounty hunter is for someone collecting a reward for catching a criminal (who has a bond on their head i.e. reward)
We don't. Let them all die.
The Title
>gouged out own eyes
>now blind
One would assume that is the natural cause and effect