Thank God the CBC finally got around to debunking all the arguments against mass immigration to Canada. All you conspiracy theorists out there who selfishly want things like, a job with a decent wage, or to pay less taxes, are officially BTFO.
You Sup Forumstards may not like that your immigration red pill memes got destroyed, but this is peak diversity. Sure, over the SHORT term (short longer than your lifetime) immigrants contribute less tax, get more government assistance, create fewer jobs, and decrease overall wages, but you bigots can't even see that your distant descendants (if they exist) will enjoy GDP growth of maybe even up to 5% per year.
Plus, you boomers wouldn't want to lose your pensions now would you? Nobody's having kids, and since we all know there's only one way to skin a cat, the obvious solution is mass migration of minorities to pay for your pensions and wipe your ass, or else.
And finally, you may not have noticed, but Canada is facing an acute "labour shortage". One example of this horrible disaster is the proliferation of Tim Horton's, all over rural Canada, that are not yet staffed exclusively by nu-slave brown people who will work for a pittance for a chance to escape their beautifully diverse, non-shithole, country.
And if you don't agree with all of the above, you must hate Canada and want to collapse our economy, after all, nobody could question the impeccable sources the CBC used, one unnamed Carlton University professor and other unnamed experts.
Yay! Diversity is our strength!