>pol is front page news on CNN
Other urls found in this thread:
who cares, fuck cnn... if it wants a fite, im ready to fite
And CNN is on the front page of Sup Forums
nah they're not relevant enough for that, theyre barely worth a shitpost
Can someone make a gif/meme where cnn is the German sniper in saving private Ryan and Sup Forums is the counter sniper ?
I’m not autist enough for such a task
lmao ha ha ... analwarts testicular torsionbot here ama desu desu desu desu do it faggot
How do submit pictures???
Jesus Christ. I can't believe CNN thinks they are relevant. Pic related.
Remember folks, the media doesn't bring you the news because they like you. They bring you the news because someone is paying them a lot of money to deliver it to you in a particular way. Left and right wing media are guilty of this.
CNN has job openings. Just imagine what user could accomplish from the inside.
>no sauce
>no archive
>no point to further discussion
nice thread there bud
you're fucked if you think i'm going to cnn's website to read this.
Dear CNN,
As much as I hate CNN, I would love to blow a nice hot load over some of their lady anchors.
Sauce on the pol namedrop?
yeah and every time Sup Forums gets mentioned outside of Sup Forums, the board is swarmed with a shit ton of newfags and the average user I.Q. drops significantly.
It's deliberate. They're basically porn stars that keep their clothes on.
The fate of Sup Forums and Sup Forums. Sadly this will happen to Sup Forums as well. If you want to slow it down, post a lot of gore.
death to cnn really youtu.be
they only accept kikes and nogs
>>pol is front page news on CNN
Who do you prefer as your news and journalistic source?
from picture related
Fucking lol
>(((CNN))reached out to Sup Forums twice for comment
I wonder what form this ‘reaching out’ took, and if the got called a kike nigger faggot
Not a problem...i got this.
fuck the news, i'd rather kill myself than give any of these kikes clicks
This one really shows what a fucking farce they’ve become. And people used to laugh at Fox News...
Honestly, all you can do is hope that the click-bait money trail leads all of the normies back to jewtube or kikebook.
Both bullshit propaganda. Maybe RT is more honest about what goes on in America, and CNN is more honest about what goes on in Russia, but that's about it.
put this on your network you bastards
This one isn't hypocritical, the part that could've been illegal was showing the ballot itself in a photo publicly, Chelsea didn't do that
I only watch KeK fuck off with that CNN
They started a "Why comunism is the greatest form" thread and got called retards
>Not posting the updated one
I feel you. I would argue that they wouldn't have given Chelsea Clinton a hard time if she had done it, but that's just speculation.
Hello I am a journalist from CNN and I would like to ask a few questions about the conspiracy theories being spread on this site.
Jesus, that's a big list of Shoahs
Sharpie in pooper and time stamp of credentials or fuck off kike faggot
Hi, Sandy Hook didn't happen but I want it to happen again
Can't we just do an old fashion ddos
Hello I am also a journalist from CNN and I would like to ask you to find another thread as I have already been assigned to this one.
2700 years of Jewish expulsions my anti semites stack up fast. If only people learned to stop being racist to Jews.
This is a real photo of a liberal before Trump won the election. There were many parroting this statement. To any of you cunts who think that Russia helped Trump get elected, I have just one thing to say... IT'S NOT RIGGED, YOU'RE JUST LOSING
LOIC was bugged by an alphabet agency and we can't safely co-ordinate. Sup Forums took down CNN and many others back in the day.
lazy. cnn is literally peddling peruvian hwite out of atl via mos odd def eared goyims
Does the ‘ping of death ‘ no longer work? It’s been ages since I fucked around with that stuff.. hang on, scratch that, i think last os that actually worked in was NT
>fuck the news, i'd rather kill myself than give any of these kikes clicks
=RT for example has this link, Shows, rt.com
and they have few excellent documentaries or live interviews-shows.
Before you 'kys' checked them out. RT might save your life.
Try Russian approach to life, it has much more sense and vigor then your miserable brainwashing TV.
lmao clouflare is a rockefeller joint my abo
We need memes, people!!
Alright faggots I’ll checkem myself
This. The (((globalists))) were not happy with the shit we caused back in the day. However, taking down Sup Forums would have made the problem worse for them, I imagine. Moot probably gave the "keys" to Sup Forums to Google as soon as he could, so now the elite use this to trap us and eventually they'll plant illegal shit on our computers to bust us all.
Cameron Kasky's father runs a child trafficking ring out of his sketchy adoption agency, One World Adoption Services, inc.
Cameron was told he can't play with the other kids until this all blows over.
CNN better check them digits
If they want to plant shit on my hdd, I’ll just go back to a vm snapshot. Fuck em
I'm sure the shooters fee fee's are hurt
Every minute of every single fucking day - CNN is on the front page of Sup Forums. We follow their every move like a scorned ex-girlfriend, guaranteeing that people will talk about this infernal institution. I'll just turn it on for a moment, just to laugh at it... I'll go watch transformers, just to laugh at it...
Sage in all fields, shame on all of you.
Eat shit you lying jewish fucks, especially that nigger dyke that and the cia butt fucking faggot cooper
>(CNN)Conspiracy theories after mass shootings follow a familiar thread and the Florida school shooting is no exception.
>They originate in the dark corners of the internet -- often from the Sup Forums "politically incorrect" board (abbreviated as Sup Forums) -- and migrate onto social media platforms like Twitter, YouTube and Facebook from conservative pages, alt-right personalities, nationalist blogs and far-right pundits.
Break the link faggot
CNN says Hogg isn't the same guy as the meth head while providing zero evidence of this not being a fact.
Case closed, pack it up guys, time to go home.
hey cnn, watch this if you have the courage to listen to something that tests your assumptions.
When we left CTR in a smoldering heap on the floor of 2016 I felt nothing. But to obliterate CNN, now that's worth living for.
I mean we were front page news on the CBC a few days ago. I find it funny that places report on the shit we do, it only legitimizes us.
fuck me are goys even allowed to clean the toilets?
cheers! somebody shoop cnn on wojjy's head
CNN is, objectively, garbage
Conspiracy theories after mass shootings follow a familiar thread and the Florida school shooting is no exception.
They originate in the dark corners of the internet -- often from the Sup Forums "politically incorrect" board (abbreviated as Sup Forums)
Meanwhile, a viral tweet from a now-suspended Twitter account, @LagBeachAntifa9, falsely claimed Hogg attended Redondo Shores High School in California, and that he graduated in 2015. The post itself quickly spread on Sup Forums's Sup Forums board. "David Hogg Exposed! 2015 Year Book released: ITS HAPPENING," read one of the posts.
A location for the account claims its geotag is a city in Russia, but CNN cannot verify that.
>CNN reached out to Sup Forums for comment twice about these false posts about Hogg, but has not yet received a response.
Do you know what a cookie is?
We will replace you.
Anderson Cooper CAN NOT suck my dick.
i hate these fucking kikes
I assume you mean there'll be a referer header.
Who fucking cares?
CNN is utter shit
Not actors. Shilldren
Story about what?
Well for one, new friend, you can give these faggots clicks if you want. If you want to juggle,kike balls in your mouth, that’s your problem. But (((they))) will know that you’ve gone from here to there. Archive it you piece of shit
And clear your cache