Would you support a Russian invasion of Europe?

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If Russians were to invade all of Europe from Helsinki to Lisbon, would you support them?

Would you support a Russian military conquest of the European Union?


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I support an AMERICAN invasion of Europe

If Russia invaded Canada, I would hail them as heroes

Fuck no!
the only ppl who support Russia never shared a border with it.

>Plot twist: I'm half ethnic Russian

europe is already being invaded, I'd rather it be by whites at least

The USA should have invaded Canada 100 years ago

Everyone but Putin and Dzugashvili are faced
Nice touch with the kots.

You tried...and failed.


It's not like Russia would kick out all of the immigrants so no. Also communism is a fucking joke.

Remmeber who's the boss, Euroboys

Good image

Cause that did so well the first time. Admit it, you were on the wrong side of the war.

>Another thread about Europe without actual Europeans posting

Europe is becoming the third world. You're just as likely to find a Ugandan on here.

t. Somalian

Why? So it can become less white and more degenerate?

What good would g
those muslim-loving HIV-ridden fans of abortion and divorces dp for the west?


Trudeau literally gutted what was left of Canada's military. Even our soyboys and lgbtq could lock Canada down.

I'm not worried about our military. We never really used them anyway.
I'm worried about our demographics, which Trudeau gutted


Slavic/Jew blood is only one step above niggers and arabs. So no. But they can destroy the Middle East.

Guy literally send a squad over armed with shovels and Trudeau will give up

ivans don't have the
to do it.

Russia has been more controlled by the Jews since the bolsheviks than any other country other than Israel. Fuck no.

Well, we`d rather ally with our hockey bros to fight against burgers

>Implying Russia will invade anyone
>Russia is too poor and unable to keep up a prolonged war with any major power

Kike propaganda post trying to make Russia a threat.

If they purged the continent of shitskins and kikes sure I'd be down with it, but Russia can't even unfuck its own multicultural bullshit they'd just make things worse.

>major power

hehe, nation of turds and soyboys, even european lefties are more masculine

No every culture has the right to govern itself and itself only.

> but what about intermeshing cultures
> but what about how my countries predecessor owned this land 6000 years ago

kill yourself

Most of european shitskins are not anti-russian, unlike hwite cuckservative yuropeens, they deserve to die in nuclear holocaust

i wouldn't want to see Europe get invaded by mongolians a second time

How much would they pay american mercs?

Most Russians are Mongoliad shitskin all mixed together masquerading as white.

you bring vodka i bring burgr

See there in lies the problem ruskie. You see it as some Malcom X, "The vietcong neva called me no nigga" bullshit. Who cares if the shitskins don't hate russia. Try to see the bigger picture here. Most Americans don't hate russia either.

>Most Russians are Mongoliad shitskin

yeah surely, mister le 56%

I actually prefer wine or cider

>Most Americans don't hate russia either

they are, however all american governments do it, so they should take responsibility for their government

>Invading Europe

But what for? There's literally no solid reasons to do that except "WE MUST INVADE SHIT CUZ WE'RE EVIL"

I'll admit most americans are stupid when it comes to believing what the media says but that's the fault of jews. If tomorrow they said Russia was our best friend and Hitler was the reincarnation of Christ they'd believe it.

B-but the jewish media told us that was true...
They wouldn't lie to us....right?

Not into France, Spain or Italy. The rest, who am I to say?

sure. what could go wrong?

Russia would only make things worse, so no.

tbqh we should retake only eastern europe, to make border with our european brothers, not that eastern europe subhumans, if this problem won`t be resolved in few years, we could turn into just another Poland or even worse

>I support an AMERICAN invasion of Europe
great choice.
they have proven track record.

Sure, they would get rid of all the idiots fapping to hitler.

This. Nation states are a meme, let's go full Imperialism.

They bombed us first you nigger don't forget that

Those retards couldn't even invade eastern Ukraine.

Russia is a fucking joke m8

the civilian Vietnamese?
you fucking garbage. don't forget that. you coward.

>Russia is a fucking joke m8

Yeah why not :DDDDDD

your gov had fore-knowledge of the attack, yet let it happen anyway

>Russia is a fucking joke m8
FIRST MAN IN SPACE WAS .............. RUSSIAN. kek

Fuck that whole side of the planet. Still a shithole. Getting more 'racist' every day


they shouldn't have tried to annex the soviern south who wanted a democracy.

No engines no problem we'll get the Chinese make them. But then no food for you, fucking gopniks.

id fight for azov

S-P-A-C-E and A-I-D-S

>Russia Invading Europe
>Literally the only warfare situation Eastern Europe is prepping for
>Good luck, gopnik.

Fuck no fuck Russia its a fucking paper tiger anyways. NATO would carve them up.

Sven you need to accept that we're on the same team. Even if the globalist elements in our governments would play us against eachother we want the same thing.We want the northern hemisphere to stay as it's been for the last century: white and advanced. We both want to remove kebab. We have the tools and the means and the motivation to do it. We just have to root out the (((subversive))) elements in our governments first.

thank god those germans left behind already finished V2 rockets laying around or MERICA would have beat them.

No, whites need to stop going to war with eachother.


hmm what's that sound like.....

Whites should invade Russia
like they did in WWII and burn Moscow to the fucking ground this time.


Fuck off, Ahmed. We are full.

Japan attacks USA
China and Russia arm and train commie terrorists.

Russia should invade europe so usa and friends can repay them for malaya, korea, vietnam, cambodia...

I rather be attacked by russia than join eu

We already are in Ukraine and Syria and we did in Afghanistan

>But then no food for you, fucking gopniks.
Russian grain exports near record of 50mn tons.

The growing production of grain in Russia is boosting the country’s exports,
which are close to a record 50 million tons this year according to the director of the SovEcon analytical center, Andrey Sizov.
The director said that the country exported 48 million tons between July 2017 and the end of January 2018.

he growing production of grain in Russia is boosting the country’s exports, which are close to a record 50 million tons this year according to the director of the SovEcon analytical center, Andrey Sizov.
The director said that the country exported 48 million tons between July 2017 and the end of January 2018.
Three years ago, President Vladimir Putin set a goal of making Russia the world's largest supplier of healthy, ecologically clean and high-quality food.

Record high grain production & record low inflation - Putin on Russia's economy.

Russian farmers are expected to produce their largest ever crop in 2017, according to President Vladimir Putin. A harvest not seen even in the Soviet Era said the president.
“A record grain crop. The Minister of Agriculture Tkachev said it would be 130.5 million tons, probably more. In general, it is the largest harvest in Russian history", Putin said during his Q&A session on Thursday.
Putin said grain exports are booming, too. "We export the largest amount of grain in the world, this is a brilliant result," he said.
The president said Russian agricultural production will be up three percent this year, from last year’s 120.7 million tons.
According to a Ministry of Agriculture forecast, grain exports in this agricultural year (July 2017-June 2018) will be 45 million tons against 35.5 million tons in the past agrarian year.

>But then no food for you,


only if they remove rapefugees and kebabs then pull out like a crusade. Would prefer an american invasion but people would not like that and its easy for sheep to hate the russians


No. That would mean Jews are behind it, and the Russian mob would probably just prostitute every girl above 7 years while rich sons of mobsters flaunt their sports cars.

>muh evil russia!!

Go back to the_donald,ya cuckservative old geezer.

Finland's Asian is showing again

>Three years ago, President Vladimir Putin set a goal of making Russia the world's largest supplier of healthy, ecologically clean and high-quality food
whatever this manlet says it's all lies
> record low inflation
your currency is down 50% than few years go. your pensions are $100, your average salaries are $300, you healthcare is fucking shit
shill harder next time Kremlin shill

gotta love those nazi left overs, russia wouldn't be shit without them.

No but I would support an invasion of Europe by the African Union, teach the Euros what it's like to be colonised.

Give it 20 more years, and it will be a Russian Liberation of Europe.. Just like in '45.


>russia wouldn't be shit without them.

Russia will send in their most savage shock troops, the "Stroibat".
These guys are fucking savage animals, so scary and uncontrollable, that they cant even issue them weapons.

>mu import of grain
>imlying most russians aren't broke and can even afford decent food

also stop replying with the same post you dumb newfag.

Fuck no.

what a fucking braindead thread

Europe will need Russia for kebab removal after the globalist kikes are kicked out first.

>what a fucking braindead thread
,maybe read first post, you know start from the beginning


Fuck no.

Won't happen until 2033.

Russia and America will be hammer and anvil, driving the Muslim horde out of Europe in the Final Crusade. But it won't stop there. Islam will be crushed. Mecca destroyed. 2 Billion will die in genocide or renounce their faith; every last man, woman and child. The death cult of the moon god will never rise again.


nice little fanfic ya got there. You forgot the part where Israel pulls on USA's leash and gets them to backstab Russia. Launching several nukes into Russia and obliterating the entire planet.

Russia would get raped as usual and your living standard will be thrown back another couple centuries closer towards stone age but you're welcome to try. Taking out crowds of poorly armed Slavshits with barely engaged state of the art equipment and a 1 to 15 kill count is after all a fairly kekworthy Western tradition. whereby as your recent Syrian spanking has shown the kill count will probably be something like 0 to 300 this time


In fact if they need any dirty work done they can contact me.

Ruskies can have Europe. They'll probably have a little border skirmish mini war involving trannies and refugees before the Europeans give up. I wanna go back to isolationism. Fuck everybody and their fake alliances.

would sabotage everyone.

Putin can't handle the internal affairs, the country is corrupted. There's no need to bring in more administrative units. The Crimea thing was merely for one purpose, keep the Russian navy there.