this is you
This is you
10/10 would buy this guy a beer
Garrett get off...
hes probably crazy, but i doubt hes boring.
this is me
What would America be like if every single male was like this guy?
I like this guy but at the same time I also hate him.
Im pretty sure a swastika is more Sup Forumss thing. Just a big one right in the middle and thats all.
No it isn't, mine also has truck nutz
Gotta admit, I like the Molon labe sticker.
I see the reverse of this all the time.
>its a planet not an empire
>one race HOOMAN race
The difference is, I dont take a picture of it and waste my time accusing everyone I dont like of being like that, even if they probably are.
This is you:
>that driver doesn't know that the daily show et al make fun of views like that
What a loser lol
>union electrician
>US Army, supply clerk, peacetime
>voted Reagan
>voted Bush
>voted other Bush
>voted Romney
>worships fucking Ford
I really hate people that buy the Calvin pissing truck stickers.
Watterson was an artist in every sense of the word and he doesn't deserve to have his creation bastardized in this manner.
They hate Muslims so much they are becoming just like them. Conspiracy theories, insecurity, and all. It's so sad to see white America devolving into Arabs.
Would chill and smoke with, play vidya and drink liquor together to our hearts content.
based af
Bump for respect
No. This is what we cause. Chaos. I cant wait for the war
probably agree with this guy on some stuff. people like this are pretty smart but have low social awareness and are bitter about it ie never gets laid
I love this guy. No homo.
I don't broadcast myself like that on a car.
Instead I hint at being explicitly racist in real life while presenting as someone sane and well adjusted.
It works far better.
works how? "cool" people are repulsed by racists
>implying i'd defile my truck with shitty stickers
no, it literally isn't. i did once see someone with a tasteful Trump sticker though. it was just the letters themselves, with a little spartan trump helmet next to it with the toupee on top of it. it looked tasteful how he did it.
this is you, OP
This. Eyeing a car loaded with bumper stickers always becomes a quick hunt to find "(((Coexist)))" and/or "Bernie 2016"
kek, future ethno-state
I think bumper stickers, regardless of message, is a symptom of low IQ.
>Colorado license plate
Maybe there is some hope left for my home state
I hate to say it, but I bet he's an Israel supporter.
>"cool" people
No their not, cool people are just faggots following a trend. If moonman became cool then all the "cool" people would jump on that.
I would unironically buy this man a beer. I don't give a fuck if he's crazy, I need more like minded individuals in my life.
Yeah... kinda dumb but a lot of fun describes most conservatives I know.
Extremely dumb, brainwashed kill joys describes most liberals I know.
Unfortunately most people are dumb, even among "white" "people" i would say maybe 30% are what is truly human.
He's got the wrong "Coexist" sticker.
Even though we probably agree on a few things, he’s probably a total dickhead.
I can’t stand that sort of narcissism
What does the axe symbolize? I see it everywhere
holy shit, best mutt so far
gay retard
>prissy notion of how cars should look
>a little spartan helmet
its faggot
>putting decals on your car
Guy at my local shops has Duterte stickers all over the back of his family van.
lurk moar, and refrain from posting newfag
u must be nu
I have a EUROSLUT sticker on my car
Id love to have a drink with this dude. good for him.
i fucking wish my families democrat asfuck and i hate it