I bet you think you're pretty tough with all your guns, don't you. You do realize that most of America hates you all...

I bet you think you're pretty tough with all your guns, don't you. You do realize that most of America hates you all, right? You whine and whine about your guns when you should be compromising so you don't wind up with even more child deaths on your hands. But you don't give a shit about them, do you?

You are destroying this nation. Your stupid second amendment has been allowed to terrorize this country for long enough. I just pray that this time something will be done to stop you psychopaths before one of you shoots up yet another school.

Other urls found in this thread:


Cant wait till only crooks and police have weapons so then Liberals can start bitching about their "police-state".

Also saged.



You gun freaks are running scared after the NRA and Rubio got bitch-slapped on CNN last night.

not having gunns sounds like a great idea it's not like the demilitarization and disarmament of germany led to the rise of hitler and thälmann and was the end of the parties with mostly lawful supporters who actually gave their guns away

>You do realize that most of America hates you all, right?
I hate you too

There is nothing wrong with that picture. I too want gun violence among non whites to stop but I don't think"banning" anything will make that happen

So lets split america down the middle then. I'm tired of sharing with coons.

lawful citizens give their guns away thugs, extremists, gangs and paramilitary militias are finally unopposed
cops will be bought or held back so gangs with political backing can terrorize the opposition

What about my fantasies of rebelling FOR a theoretical future fascist government?

why should someone who has done nothing wrong be punished because someone else broke the law?

I pray you choke on a dick.
Now fuck off, shill.

in this case gun control is the first stepp
stepp to is cutting down the military so a bunch of young military trained very angry guys are out of a job

>You do realize that most of America hates you all, right?
Yes, that's why I'm keeping my guns.
checkmate fag

>theoretical fascist government
I seem to remember liberals saying Trump was a fascist




Leader Technologies miller act could instantly KILL the Sillicon Valley tech mafia that hates freedom of speech and BRING FORTH the free press.

THIS IS NOT A DRILL, pick up your twatter accounts, your 4chins and START SPREADING THAT. Tweet at POTUS en mass and this could be a MASSIVE WIN.

Do it, for God and country!!

more people in the audience than tv viewers. not worried.

You mean when the father said to marcobot, "you need to ban the other 2000 guns" or some such. I'm not sure it's so paranoid when they talked openly about gun grabbing.

>You are destroying this nation
This nation only survived because of the second, newfag. You're the one trying to change it, and when the half baked changes backfire everyone else is the problem.

imagine regiments of very pissed veterans against an unarmed populus


God you are a fucking retarded turd! Any law passed will simply be ignored like you. Do you feel relavent spouting this dogshit? Go back to your woman's study class dyke!

No, now 150,000,000 people are going to get angry.

Kill yourself

Obvious bait

Most of america owns guns SAGE

I think Liberals should give up the "We the people", "We speak for America", "Most Americans" memes. You don't. The last election proves you don't
>but muh popular vote!
Yeah, the Cali popularity contest doesn't count beyond 55 EC votes. Sorry, pal.
Hell, I don't even consider Liberals or Democrats real American citizens.
You're more like "Legal occupants of North America"; here by default, a burden to the prosperity of this nation and most certainly not worthy of official citizenship.

We already have given away our guns. Constant war is unConstitutional.


>background checks
>mental health checks
>no one under the age of 21
Lol its great. 90% of Sup Forums wouldnt be able to own a gun

>most of America hates you all
bullshit, but even if it was true, I wouldn't give a shit about the opinions of traitors anymore than I do now. AntiConstitution traitors deserve to become personally acquainted with the firearms they want to ban.

yes but having a bunch soldiers out of a job is a VERY bad idea. you can not cut down your military but have to shrink it slowly. or do what germany did and give them tanks that can't drive, weapons that can't shoot and submarines that can't dive

>or do what germany did and give them tanks that can't drive, weapons that can't shoot and submarines that can't dive
Huh? details. . .

>no one under the age of 21
I'm fine with this if the voting age is changed to match it.

>jewy chanting
Soldiers laid off are husbands and grandfathers.


the german military is basically fucked and unable to do anything.

I don't even own a gun and am a Registered Democrat, fuck you.

Shall not be infringed.

>You do realize that most of America hates you all, right?

Oh shit. That hurts my feelz. Getting rid of my gunz because some nigger on the internet is buttmad.

>cops will be bought or held back so gangs with political backing can terrorize the opposition
Sounds like modern America with Antifa.

because they have a steady income and are very industrious and disciplined

lay of a million soldiers at a time and see what happens if they can't find a legal job

antifa is a joke i talk about people with military training and guns

but funnily this is the origin of antifa they were one of the militias of the german communist party KPD

And you're the type of person that would allow and support that theoretical future fascist government.

On one hand this makes me pity Germany. On the other, I have a sense of the politicians that currently drive Germany and Europe off another cliff, and knowing that this is probably a good thing.

you dont have a right to ban self defense sweetie :^)

Fearmongering balderdash from a bagellian dialectic.

>but funnily this is the origin of antifa they were one of the militias of the german communist party KPD
Exactly, and they are being emboldened and encouraged by our corrupt DNC media and the DNC themselves. They'll only get worse.

>Hurrrr Muh free health care

It wont work in a country as diverse as the USA. Shit skins just abuse the system and collapse them.

no at the same time the same politicans are building up an eu army that isn't controlled by any voted body

>Most of America hates you

Thank god I have my guns!

really? I agree with the sentiment, but don't agree with the 14yo girl presentation.

Let's review what happened:
>Guy threatens classmates, sending them texts saying he's going to kill and showing him their guns
>Has had encounters with the police
>The FBI was tipped off
>There was an armed cop on the school site when the shooting happened

And yet none of these government agencies and officials prevented it

you really want us to give up our guns and trust in the government to protect us?

>that isn't controlled by any voted body
gotta love the EU!!!

haha wait, OUR paranoid fantasies about fighting a fascist government?

Police protect each other with firearms.
Musicians, politicians, armed guards you name it, they all use firearms to protect their lives.l
You say we can't protect our children with firearms?
Put properly trained concealed carry people in schools, take away gun free zones and shut them up forever about taking away the 2nd. Force politicians and law makers to work for the American people and obey the constitution and the basic foundation of the country they have sworn to protect.
I keep hearing this line spouted everywhere i go:
If you would just give up your guns al the school shootings and mass shooting event would stop tomorrow.
I say that is correct because when all the firearms are turned in the powers that have been orchestrating all the shootings in schools, and other mass shootings will have the desired result of their never ending tactics.
Hegelian dialectic.
Order out of chaos.
Never let a good crisis go to waste.

Oh yeah? Well my appropriate and reasonable expectations of fighting a theoretical future fascist government totally trump your fantasies of paranoid public disarmament policies. What do you say to that?

I'd welcome some good public health policies to stop all the insane SSRI-fuelled democrats killing everyone. Taking away the guns themselves is just stupid though.


I'd say the 2nd Amendment trumps those fantasies pretty well too.

that happend in germany several times
soldiers that are out of a job will find a new job and if they cant settle down with their whife and make a bunch of children and support them with a legal steady income you run into problems because they will find a way to support their family

Just saw on the news all the gang violence going on in Sydney

Must be great knowing all the good people are disarmed, and the gang members are all armed to their teeth.
They look like full shit skin gangs now too. Arabs and Pacific Islanders and a few white guys.

Perhaps laying off a lot of US soldiers would be a good thing. May increase the roles of patriotic militia groups!

Molon labe faggot

Yeah its pretty awesome, there was a guy in NSW who removed a criminal from his property with an unloaded rifle so the cops came to his house and took every single gun he had.

Gun rights protect the minority from the majority. So yuck it up.

Provide for the common defense ... Of who should we ...

Hope you're away from the cities, user. Sickening what is going on in all our countries right now, but for the time being, at least in the US, it's much better to be in the country right now. My local county is lily-white, in a 56% mutt country. Love it here. Gives me peace of mind while I prepare for the future.

as long as the normal economy can support an influx of workers with military professions maybe. but in this case the pressure to form militias would be quite low

>removed a criminal from his property with an unloaded rifle so the cops came to his house and took every single gun he had.
Holy fuck that angers me so much. Hopefully many of your fellow nationals have the same reaction.

Sydney gang violence lmao

Pretty much, but the government does not give a single flying fuck about us. They've disarmed us, so why would they?

If you're a Liar and you know it clap your hands!
>If you're a Liar and you know it rub your hands (rub your hands)

would you like to add your knowledge of the situation? Or just illustrate your ignorance?

it would be more like a patriotic hobby thing and less of a primary income for the ex soldiers the problem begins when it is less patriotic and more about money and against the government that "betrayed" them

>i bet you think you're pretty tough with all your guns
don't see you faggots coming for me when i'm armed.
>you do realize that most of America hates you all, right?
Most of my family hates me, go suck a cock
>you should be compromising so you don't wind up with even more child deaths on your hands
>But you don't give a shit about them, do you
Absolutely not. Couldn't care less about kikes and their supporters and puppets. You fags need to be hung for treason.
Sam Hyde Out!

NRA and rubio did pretty good with that town hall. Its not there fault that FAKE NEWs cnn scripted the questions in order to whip the crowd up into a unreasonable frenzy

Germany's bitch asses were punished for WWI. What did they learn? Nothing. Enough morons voted for Hitler to give him a footstep. You start a war you should have to pay for it. Hey, Murka, you hear that?

The day of the Testosterone pill is coming

that's the problem. You'll never get gun rights back short of a revolution, and your revolution is much less likely without gun rights.

We don't love school shootings in the US, but evil takes many forms, and will use whatever means available. Doesn't mean we're ready to submit our ultimate veto option over our government.

we didn't start the first world war but hey what do facts matter anyway

> paranoid fantasies
have you read a single history book in your life? watched a documentary? anything?

>Your stupid second amendment has been allowed to terrorize this country for long enough.
>He thinks it will ever be repealed


My thoughts and prayers are with your guns, keep fighting the good fight.

no, you didn't. Serbia and Russia did. And the victors of that war decided to demonize Germany anyways, leading to the second. But as you stated, facts don't matter to those who don't care to learn them.

You arent a real american and most likely a mongrel if you dont want guns.

Meanwhile the overwhelming number of gun deaths and crimes are committed by niggers. Guns are a tool, nothing more.

Disarm niggers and gun violence will all but disappear. Niggers have shot 321 people and killed 62 in Chicago so far this year, but you don't hear about that do you.

'Paranoid fantasies' don't even enter into it.

Wouldn't a fascist government be the opposite of the type of government that the people who wrote this would want. If anything the government that is being tyrannical would be a Communist regime. Especially when these braindead commies run around calling everyone they don't agree with a fascist.


>My thoughts and prayers are with you, keep fighting the good fight.

You too, mate.

Thanks. Good morning other side.

Those who avoid and evade the reason for the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution would surely admit that if Lithuania had a Second Amendment, Mikhail Gorbachev violated it on March 22,1990 — Russian troops seized arms from the Lithuanian militia. Or was "the right of the people to keep and bear arms" actually violated two days earlier, when Premier Gorbachev ordered private citizens to turn in their hunting and competition guns to the Russian army within one week "for temporary safekeeping" or have them confiscated and their owners imprisoned? Or was "the right of the people to keep and bear arms" initially violated many years before, when the people were first prohibited from possessing guns without permission of government and laws were passed requiring every gun to be registered? In fact, the Soviet Constitution guarantees the people the right to keep and bear arms, and Lithuania is part of the Soviet Union — or so Gorbachev contends. But obviously the Soviet government pays no more attention to that constitutional freedom guarantee than do the majority of the U.S. Government, the International Association of Chiefs of Police, or CBS and the Washington Post. What is the difference, precisely, between the confiscation of private firearms in Lithuania and the confiscation ordered by S. 166, the Graves bill? What is the difference, precisely, between the registration law in Lithuania — which makes confiscation possible — and the registration of military-style firearms required by California's Roberti-Roos bill, which went into effect January 1,1990. What is the difference, precisely, between Lithuania's law prohibiting the people from owning military-style firearms and the so-called "assault rifle" bans? The difference is that the people of the United States are free men and women who can trust their benevolent government.

Hitler himself has been recorded saying that countries where the people are "free" are a huge problem to their plans of taking over and mass murdering, the whole fucking point. He went on to discuss how when people are "free" they are able to "arm themselves" and it really intimidated him. It's a fact of life as much as "you need to breathe" that guns = safety and protection.


american without a gun here, you're a faggot

permaban op due to its stupidity.

I'm infuriated every time a gungrabber talks about "these guns aren't for hunting!"

Yes, they are! And even if they aren't, that's not the purpose of the right to own them! The purpose, first and foremost is to keep the government honest, second to discourage foreign invasion, third for personal protection from criminals. Hunting (non traitors, non invaders, non criminals) is an afterthought.

See these? Come and get them you commie motherfucker. I hope you fucks keep pushing, the day of the rope, god willing, may come sooner than expected. Not even being edgy, traitor fucks' blood will be in the streets and I'll give my life if it means saving another generation from this kiked out bullshit.

it is even more complicated than that
>Woodrow Wilson and his retarded anti imperialistic nation building
>England and the want to splitt of the ottoman empire
>the axis paris moscow in economic concurrence to germany
> slavic and germanic pan nationalism with berlin and moscow as main forces
>unrest in the austrian empire
>germany wanting to break down the alliances that isolated them in europe
and one serb that broke the camels back

get one.

No, get a few!

Now THAT was worth the read.
I am appropriately tumescent.