Why does the left want gun control so much is it just about empathy for the victims or is there something else behind it

Why does the left want gun control so much is it just about empathy for the victims or is there something else behind it

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It fits in with their entire world view:
>welfare state
>nanny state
>don't be independent, big daddy government will look after you
>don't take responsibility, it's someone elses fault

They want to disarm the public.
Irdk why though. Seriously, what are they afraid of? What would happen if all our guns were gone?

I feel like they could still accomplish all this without touching 2a.

its urbanism vs agrarianism

They don't give a fuck about the victims. There just using them to push their agenda just like immigration

Disarming the population is one of the most important steps that commies need to accomplish before they can seize control of a country.


its a commie takeover is what it is. we kill commies and they know it.

No, because guns make them feel unsafe, thus they have to go. They're children, user.

They can't deal with the fact that they're not in control of everything. Bad stuff happens. Listen to Slayer.

why are you so retarded and uninformed? commies want to arm the working class and overthrow the government you god damn idiots

Words like “self-confidence,” “self-reliance,” “initiative,” “enterprise,” “optimism,” etc., play little role in the liberal and leftist vocabulary. The leftist is anti-individualistic, pro-collectivist. He wants society to solve everyone’s problems for them, satisfy everyone’s needs for them, take care of them. He is not the sort of person who has an inner sense of confidence in his ability to solve his own problems and satisfy his own needs. The leftist is antagonistic to the concept of competition because, deep inside, he feels like a loser.

then why did lenin and all communist regimes immediately confiscate the guns after the revolution?

If they take away the populace's arms, then the populace will become slaves to the state for their will no longer be the ultimate check and balance on state control.

Kinda funny that one of the things Venezeula did as it was going full retard was to ban guns, huh?

Commies are useful idiots, they're for gun control because they do not understand what will be wrought if they get their way.

>take away guns because baww Timmy can use guns at school
>Timmy has no guns now
>still angry and willing to kill
>Timmy makes bombs, poison, brings edged weapons to schools, runs people over with a car, starts fire etc etc

I hate the rationale people use to attack gun-ownership

Obviously the problem is with Timmy and whatever created his mindset that he wants other people dead. If you give a gun to a normal dude there isn't like a magical 50/50 coin-flip that turns them into a bloodthirsty monster.

after the revolution, retard
not communist, retard

Because Lenin was a right winger. Marx wanted to arm the proletariat and resist attempts to disarm them with force.

population 325 million
+-300 rifle related homicides a year
>sounds like a reasonable argument to disarm the population

There's certainly an agenda of control and tyranny amongst the top leadership, but the average useful idiot leftist out there wants gun control mostly because they are infantile children who do not understand how the real world works.