Fucking kek. At least some of your population aren't complete pussies. Well done, lads.
Massive bar fight in Leeds, England
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I kid you not I had a meal in there an hour before this. So fucking weird you posted it fuck.
Ranch burger is tasty af
Ours are still better.
>ranch burger
damn, now I'm hungry
Curly fries aswell. So good
How is this news, I thought bongs got drunk and fought each other every day.
Or was that the Irish? Or Scottish? Or Welsh? Whatever.
You got a lot of nerve bragging about English burgers on an American board.
you don't call them curly chips?
Oh I do love how Americans act all tough. British fights are always way more brutal than Americans. This is a play fight, they are teenage soy boys. Proper British scraps are Russian level with broken noses, bones and a lot of blood.
lmao fucking based
glad to see there's a fight lurking inside the brits, just waiting to get out
>ranch burger
>not a double cheese burger with bacon with a side of curly fries
off yourself britbong
English have brawls. Amercans have three-day riots, and leave the city in smoldering ashes.
I'm sure they don't compare to the great American burger
>always way more brutal than Americans
What? Are you seriously talking about the war f Independence? This is why you guys are retarded. British kids fight a lot, they have housing estates in which you fight daily. Americans get "muh guns" and that's the thing, when you don't have that you learn to fight with your hands like in prison.
Do you honestly expect people to believe your average American is a harder fighter than Europeans? What the fuck are you talking about.
American burgers are shit greaseballs that get you one year closer to death.
This is in a faggy students area aswell FYI
Looks fairly typical actually. Hang out in rougher bars if you want to see bad shit go down. At least no one was glassed like Brit pussies are known to do.
Yeah, that's a play fight but it's about as hard as American grease balls fight at their hardest
LOL, ok Estonian burger expert. You don't have a fucking clue.
I tried eating at McD's in Murica and nearly vomited. That shity is all fat and is fucking nasty. If the mutts have good burgers it sure as hell isn't being made by your corporate overlords
you guys are niggers, we fight when it's appropriate
I could take you places that would quickly prove you wrong. Probably still be clinging to your "me hard me russian" personae while stuffing your vodak riddled guts back into your abdomen.
nice "argument" you got there
>we have violent niggers in our country who will shank you if you so much as look at them
I bet you're proud.
white monkies
you're not supposed to come to American and unironically go to McDonalds. mcd's is when you need an emergency burger if you've gone 8 hours without having one and there's nowhere else around
you're supposed to go to a local burger joint and have some fat guy with spiked receding hair and a greasy apron make you one
fucking leafs, can't even come to america and go burgering correctly
Congrats. You sampled a burger produced solely with efficiency and profit margin in mind. I must accept your conclusions as utter fact. Next time I won't be so quick to make light of superior leaf insight, no doubt backed by the utmost in leaf-tier research.
kill cnn esty
>you don't call them curly chips?
we call them "bendywozzers"
This thread is bants-ridden.
Housing estates are full of lower class chav niggers yes, this isn't some kind of brag, it's just the ridiculous notion that the Brits as a whole are soft when that's wrong. The UK has some of the worse most violent places in Europe.
It's tiring for us to always hear how everyone is a pussy apart from Americans who are all pro fighters and 7ft tall when every American posting pol related shit in the photos we have seen looks pathetic.
You're a bunch of chubby wimps sat on your sofa on pol doing the actual bragging about how tough you are and how free. The Brits are modest, as are other Euros and your crass attitude is really off putting to us.
You're culturally appropriating. Off to my safe space.
What a joke. Your no go areas are that way because of negro gangs and gun violence. It's never 1 on 1.
You are seriously saying a gang of 20 Russians is no match for 20 American niggers? LOL.
You're a joke. Slavs are not scared of niggers and they know it.
Ignore the mutts estonia bro, they're probably new here and let their pride get to their head. Yea you're right about our burgers but that mostly only applies to lower classmen who can't afford a decent burger with the only juice being the oil from the pan and fluids from the burger when you bite into it. And the nigger part is true if you are a little bitch, niggers here are sucker punchers nothing more. If you catch one on a 1v1 its either vs another nigger so its even, or its likely they snuck up behind without the other guy noticing hitting them. Happened to me during my highschool years, bullying some niggers by stepping on their shit for dropping it, and kicking it leading to me laughing and walking away, and as soon as I dodged his sucker punch he ran away like a little bitch. This has happened multiple times even now, they can't handle the bantz.
>hit an American
>he pulls out a gun
>so actually you don't
Americans have constitution that could survive an apocalypse from generations of corporate burgers leaf. Can your people say the same?
Our niggers have guns, hence the danger.
>cool, i'm being paid to watch this shit?
Meanwhile, in Melbourne
Just some tea&crumpetniggers having a chimpout
Jesus christ, we really are everywhere. We should make a fight club.
>aren't complete pussies
Mane, do you know the birthplace of football hooliganism?
Yeah, we have the same thing with Russians here. When they're in a pack, they're the proudest and loudest fuckers there are, but alone they're as meek and well-behaved as they come.
>Representative of burgers in the states
I bet you even have five guys in fucking canada.
Throwing glasses? Uh sorry man, but that's what pussies do.
gib me dats
that other burger is a retard, most of our white areas are pretty peaceful and safe, even the poor areas. This is partly because people never know how far a fight will escalate and who is carrying guns or how many of their friends are carrying guns, speaking in the context of a bar.
The only places in white society that fights regularly occur are in bars or at school. Even in bars whites are typically pretty easy going these days though.
I think there is a general disdain for public violence in America from white conservatives though, because it is now associated with nigger shit.
That doesn't make you tough though! That's my point. Nobody with a weapon is tough, we are talking about real fighting in which Americans are usually weak.
Niggers are weak as fuck unless they are like 300lbs. Your average nigger is way weaker than a white. Slavs are probably the strongest out of whites.
An American wouldn't be able to pull out a gun if I hit them as they would be eating hospital food for the next 2 months.
>if it were blacks
>This is partly because people never know how far a fight will escalate and who is carrying guns or how many of their friends are carrying guns, speaking in the context of a bar.
Yeah and that's why I can side with gun ownership. There is no chance somebody is going to pull a gun in the UK so you fight for all you have.
that fuggin leaf tho
>getting a burger from McDs unironically
Thank god all the other burgers in this thread got as triggered as I did to put you in your place
Now everyone post pics of tasty burgs from places you’ve tried recently to continually expand your burg horizon
Good to hear mutts finally embracing their nigger side
>in which i completely agree with a Russian.
you're right. outside of inner city Negro and Hispanic ghettos, the U.S is very very safe.
If blacks fought each other? I wouldn't really give a shit, i'd probably think it was funny
people in america seem to immediately resort to using a weapon if a fight breaks out. Either stabbing, pepper spray, a baseball bat, or somebody flashes a gun.
I have never been in a fight or watched a fight in america where somebody did not pull out a weapon, usually something like a bat
It should be a liquid because air and gases are fluids too.
You don't actually make good burgers, just an overwhelming amount of greasy garbage.
This is an exceptionally rotten leaf post.
Ruined my night.
>genuine reeeeeeee
A Japanese board, strictly speaking.
>implying an overwhelming amount of grease isn't the cornerstone of a burger
holy shit emucucks are this clueless
>Another American with no education on either cooking or flags
Colour me surprised.
>another island nigger who thinks anybody checks his prescious flag
lord of the rings was a mistake
I personally prefer smokehouse burgers that is why I mentioned fluid over liquid Boris.
Get /fit/ and get off your ass you fat piece of shit.
did i just witness a murder
>thinks a grease diet means im not fit
faggot im lifting and running and chugging a grease burger smoothie as a protein shake go fuck yourself burger status denied
should have banged his gf on the go for making a "your mom" joke.
>be tough Russian
>get shot in America for being tough
>it’s what my ancestors are good at
>getting shot
>English bar fights make the papers on other continents.
well played, red coat.
American burgers are pretty garbage, I think im gonna make some burgers tonight though lads, go down the old butchers and get me that deal on mince they have right now
McDonalds is trash. It's like the worst place you could have gone to get a burger. If you're going to get a fast food burger at least get Hardees. Fast food isn't where you get a proper burger though.
Guys who get into bar fights are total losers with no life prospects.
The only "american" burger you've ever eaten is a 2$ cheeseburger at your local McD's, faggot
>implying burgers are difficult to make at home
it's literally a fucking sandwich
It's just a little scrap between a few lads in their 20s really, happens every weekend (happened at the pub I was at last Saturday, although it got broken up more quickly). Not really newsworthy or threadworthy imho tbqhwy
I think Russians have this weird level of respect for our hooligan culture, but it doesn't actually exist. That's why at Euro 2016 you had gangs of Russian fighters, all between 20-40 and MMA trained, with mouthguards and sometimes weapons, looking for a scrap with any other group of fans, particularly the English. When they found the English they inevitably beat the shit out of them, because our 'hooligans' are mostly fat and bald 50 year old blokes who are about 10 beers deep.
Proper hooligan culture in the UK died out 20-30 years ago desu, football is very family friendly now. It just gets overplayed by the media a lot
brutal, but he's a bitch for stomping an unconscious man; in the states, if i witnessed something like that and had my ccw on me, i'd fucking shoot his ass and it would be justified
Good choice, it's my favorite
From this picture i'm 100% sure it was a Russian and a Polish guy starting a fight. Nothing new, anglos are pussies.
Massive? Please, I've seen more niggers fight in high school
and they wont go gas some jews or refugees
waste of energy
you're not hiding your shitskin well, Mohammad