Here's The Missouri Governor That Got Arrested
What is the invasion of privacy he supposedly did to get arrested?
Whiter than most Murikkans on Sup Forums.
Fucked his assistant...then threatened her with the tapes, essentially rebenge porn. So much for the party of family values.
>voting for a jew
not even once
These kike sexual deviants give the left ammo to attack republicans
>Jew going to jail
Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
He only just recently changed parties. Typical slippery politician.
Are we allowed to be proud of our goy traditions again? I thought it was problematic.
Kikes, every time. Of course he had a blackmail plan B thing going on. It's how they work.
>t. sholmo noseberg
>His mugshot
Remember goys, we are inferior.
Well they do value money and power.
What do you mean!? Did they arrest one of the tribe? It's anudda shoah!
Fun fact that the public doesnt know is that his mistress at the time was married to the guitar player for a popular band out of St. Louis called Story of the Year.