Is the soy meme real? What does Sup Forums think?
Girls who start their periods before turning 14 are 51% more likely to have underage sex (and get pregnant and married younger)
Is the soy meme real? What does Sup Forums think?
Girls who start their periods before turning 14 are 51% more likely to have underage sex (and get pregnant and married younger)
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>Girls who start their periods before turning 14 are 51% more likely to have underage sex (and get pregnant and married younger
Is this a problem?
I would've much rather plowed the left version than the monstrosity that is the right version. She doesn't even look natural anymore. I hate how Kunt Kardashian has negatively influenced a generation of impressionable girls.
Maybe the muslims were right about stoning whores all along.
Not a single woman in my family started their period 14 or later. My mom was 12, my sister was 11, even my aunt was 13. None of them had underage sex.
Women after 24 are worthless. This is a good thing.
Not the ones that wait til marriage.
Why do you know when the women in your family had their first period?
yes, it leads women to think they are objects if they have underage sex. They will become sluts and used goods when they growup. Shit, and you fags wonder why America is falling.
I was there.
Plus apparently if women get pregnant before about age 20 it hurts their brain development since it all goes towards growing the kid
For your mom and your aunt too?
No for my aunt I was told by my mom
Why? Are you a girl? Please tell me you are otherwise this is just too weird
Fine, ya caught me
Dam what an ass
Isn’t there more xeno-estrogens in milk and meat products
another asian masculinity, wow its like 6 threads at once with this bitch now. take a chill pill asian incels
didn't know muslim girls had their first periods before turning 14
Looks like Yung Obama
My god daughter is vegan and she hasn't had her period yet, she's almost 16.
Soy represses your menstrual cycle.
that's retarded, you don't know what you're talking about mong
not normal, see doctor
She doesn't eat soy really.
I also thought it's a bit late but perhaps her and her mother were just lying to me, I accused her several months ago of being on her period because she was bitchy and apparently she hasn't had it yet. It could be though since she is a super picky eater, I told her if she's going to be vegan she has to eat a larger variety of things, she doesn't eat very healthily otherwise.
yeah but did you fug her?
Bregoli is also a suspected oestrogen horder
No but she is very beautiful.
oh i see so you only jerk off in her panties, alright then pussy
Burn em both
reminder all ST Peach threads are asianmasculinity threads
This is a normal evolutionary adaptation resulting from the availability of nutrition. The Germans identified this in the 1800s . Next....
>to anger Sup Forums
Every fucking time
Every single fucking time someone makes a post about young girls having sex (14-17) there is a fucking user that posts a long greentext of most of the OP and says
>Is this a problem?
It feels like fucking deja vu at this point and this is obviously bait and seriously deep level shilling made to make us all look like pedos
Oh gee I'm really angry now
Asian men are lowest in attractiveness across all female racial groups in America except Asian females who still have a strong attraction toward white men.
>National Socialist germany had researchers interested in Permaculture
>a thing that "hippies", or vegans/fruitarians who focus on health foods and growing your own instead of being dependent on (((Animal Farming))) and (((GMO manipulated produce)))
>Hitler ate vegetarian meals mainly
>the japanese men being shorter or less broad/stocky =/= being "not masculine"
Sup Forums needs to stop sucking Alex Jones's SUPER BRAIN FORCE VITALITY PILL-selling* dick already, and Varg is not right about everything you know
just as all sources of Testosterone do NOT act the same when consumed, the same applies to estrogen. It is similar to how protein can be taken up from either animal meats, beans or fruit nutrients converted inside your body ---> different reactions
*the same product pushed by Jones, who targets """""soy boys""""" (ie those that eat more plant-based than meatbased, not necessarily 110% vegan activism for that) despite having soy among its ingredients when you read closely
males also contain some estrogen inside of them already, as well as __excess___ testosterone levels not being healthy for males (male pattern baldness, aggressive tendencies, stress put on internal organs that have to expel the excess nutrients from your body or w/e) you fucking retard
I love how these chinks go badly after white girls!!! So GLAD i am only into latinas or middle eastern girls!
it could be a derailment tactic, turning everything into a discusson on child pornography to divert attention from the topic (or getting the thread moderated/closed sooner)
>She doesn't eat soy really.
Then she lacks nutrients, you dense fuck
pro tip: there are vegan bodybuilders and powerlifters out there, so stop confusing correlation with causation since plant/fruit based diets can lead to healthy bodies too if people know what they're doing
(just as all meat is not healthy; choice of oils when cooking it, or McDonald's vs grassfed beef, those difference matter just as plantbased diets can be nutritious or disease-rpoducing if people don't know their shit)
*there are other women out there who don't eat meat or drink milk, yet get menstrual cycles and pregnancies. You have to find out whatever else she is not getting (menstruation can be blocked through contraceptive pills for women, for example)
>Too much estrogen?
Nope,you feed them to much and don't make them work enough.
>denying that excess T levels is a thing
being a deluded sectarian about T vs Estro is a waste of time when you know about the dangers of excess intake of X nutrients (even protein overdose can take a toll on your body's internal organs when processing it)
We need to bring these back then.
>lower age of consent
>lower age of marriage
>arranged marriage needs to be a thing again
100% the solution to dwindling white populations.
b-b-but Anti-Soy Boy Hero Alex Jones is a based Alpha Male who, despite his overweight and baldness patterns (= hair loss, disease in the body since other males don't necessarily suffer from it (Women like hair on men)) clearly knows how T intake makes him more clear-headed
He is still supporting zionist (jewish) interests and fooling his "Anti Soy Boy brigade" listeners into giving him ad revenue shekels or SUPER MALE VITALY pills shekels
>speaking of which
>divorces his wife, ie failed marriage
not masc enough for her then :^)
Plus goverment help for young families,and higher taxes to childless people above certan age
>implying I didn't say she doesn't eat enough variety in the exact same post.
and I'm the dense fuck? Damn Mohammed you should learn to read something other than squiggly before trying to write a response.
I practically said she probably lacks nutrients due to her pickiness, I assumed it was implied. I don't know what you're trying to prove.
If she could pick her own food it would consist of fries, chips and candies. I give her a hard time about it but she's at this age where girls stop being obedient princesses and become stupid indecisive defiant whores.
sorry, but this thread was created to demonize a foodstuff (soy) which an entire continent practically lives on (China, Japan) whose men are not "feminized" by eating it (imperialism, military strength, chinese farmers putting up w/ way more crap than we do on average; still childbirths made and no tranny explosion trhoughout history)
this soyboy meme is so annoying since the irony lies in how meat/dairy/eggs contain estrogen too, Varg is ignorant on this one
additional sources at
> similar molecular structure to human hormones and are known to have an effect on human health.
>hormone levels in meat and dairy have become even worse after years of breeding fatter animals [Capitalist supply/demand being met] and the common practice of milking dairy cows while they are pregnant
I also don't really think phytoestrogens have a particularly large effect on us, I'd say they definitely have less of an effect than the oestrogen in milk products since cows are definitely genetically closer to us than soy beans are. We mostly eat a large amount of different kinds of vegetables/fruits and legumes/nuts. I've been vegan for almost 2 years now and I don't have any deficiencies, I eat a large variety of different things.
girl on the left is clearly hotter than the girl on the right
>Girls who start their periods before turning 14 are 51% more likely to have underage sex (and get pregnant and married younger)
This wouldn't be a problem if those young underage girls would marry adult mid-20 men who have jobs and houses and are ready to take care of them and breed a ton of white babies.
Just like in the good old days.
It's actually very much ideal, and optimal way to create strong patriarchy and strong family unit.
It only becomes a problem when it's teenage boys who don't know shit and can't do shit.
>Damn Mohammed
throwing a muslim insult as me is useless, given that most muslims are indoctrinated into mainly eating meats/fish only thinking of themselves as "pure" for avoiding pork meat while eating many other sorts, kys
>eats vegan meals himself
I thought you were one of the deluded Sup Forums posters who can't fathom nutrition and health not coming from meat eating/animal milks, and started to confuse you with other posters ITT, sorry
The Golden One and other online gymbros still can't handle relationships with women despite claiming to be "Alpha" and eating their /fit/ chicken breast meals (or at least including meat, being afraid of actually eating 100% plant/fruit based and still take care of their body)
If soy was connected to estrogen, all of Asia would have a lot of it, but they have the least amount
>Girls who start their periods before turning 14 are 51% more likely to have underage sex (and get pregnant and married younger)
Nothing to see here, this is just a hidden race correlation. (Meaning: the "girls who start their periods before turning 14" are overwhelmingly of the dusky-raced persuasion, with all the lifestyle deficiencies that implies.)
It is true. I started my period at 13 and I am not even a girl.
Go fuck a twink then if you like STICC
asia has adapted.
they're immune to its effects
Fake news
The only thing I hate is the eye makeup and even that I could get behind. The current look for chicks is fucking hot man
>throwing a muslim insult as me is useless
First off all it's because you were being a dick
Second it wasn't for your dietary choices it was because Sweden.
No I did a lot of research on how to properly get all the nutrients I needed when I became vegan, for ethical reasons not for health. I still wanted to do it properly as not to fuck myself up.
Why is no one talking about the issue of estrogen.
If it is true girls are having their periods at an earlier and earlier age it means boys are getting a shit load of estrogen too
More like not enough
Muh dick
Excess Estrogen mimickers in the female endocrine system results in a huge rise of cancer in women.
>turns men into women or faggots
>turns women into cock ridding sluts, then they die
Zionism is alive and well here, that's their plan.
Vaccines are just the cherry on top.
Because it's a fake issue, literally dumber than crisis actors. See for evidence
Found the roastie.
When your mother had her first period, you were there. That's a neat trick Doc, must be hard finding parts for a DeLorean these days.
Or you can admit you made a bunch of shit up to sound authoritative, you childish little stain on humanity
"just try to break your back on every pic so it seems like you have an ass" - the pic
If they bleed they are ready to breed.
would fuck left over right any day of the week
Let me expand on that:
>Married couples where both parents are citizens of the country up to the age of 30 who had their first child should receive a one time government pay out worth 24 months of national average monthly paychecks at once. (Helps them kick start the family via opening a business or buying a home) Individuals with mental disabilities, foreign citizens, refugees and single parents are not included among the subsidized individuals.
>Everyone is required to learn a production based trade ranging from metalworking to masonry or painting walls.
>Every adult below the age of 30 has one free course paid by the state to learn a specific non-academic vocation. In exchange they will do military service for a duration of 2 years while they are learning the new vocation and will receive a bit of pocket money equal to one fifth of the monthly national average pay. During military service they will be conscripted for work on public infrastructure projects such as maintenance of waterways, drainage systems and border fences.
>Individuals with mental disabilities or inherent genetic defects are able to receive a one time government pay out of the same sum of money as the parents in the first clause if they choose to undergo irreversible sterilization before they have offspring.
Otherwise for the rest just enforce total free speech, a policy of no government interference in the private market and liberal gun laws like Switzerland and the USA.
t. turbo kike shill
is totally right, I have a lot of friends who had teen pregnancies and comparing them to the women I know who didn't get pregnant before they were 20 I can say without a doubt that the teen pregnancies much ended up smarter and have their lives more together. I'm not saying it's like this in every case but having kids is a learning experience, you learn a lot and have to if you're a responsible parent.
Plus biologically it's better to have kids young anyway, you recover physically faster and better, you have more energy to take care of them, a smaller age gap also helps with relating to them better. This whole waiting until your 30 to have kids is a very new practise and in my opinion is a fail.
>would fuck left over right any day of the week
I'll call dem cops