How can I teach my half-Asian son to appreciate his european white heritage?
Teaching “white pride”
by putting a bullet in his head and yours
By falling on your sword for racemixing
I am a real woman
You see, that's where you fucked up.
>"and thats why whiteness is so great, son."
>'but dad, im half asian...'
youre fucked.
What kind of asian? Don't lie.
And don't say Chinese
chr*stians aren't white.
>hey son you are half white
it's literally that easy
There are several facts that he must learn about his half Asian heritage
The japs never invaded China in wwii. The only battle politicised was the rape of na king. Jap girls are sluts already, no reason to sail across the sea to rape other women.
The japs never made it to pearl harbor. They lacked the warships and the ability to deploy without detection. It was an early new deal plan to class flag the us I to war by claiming the japs did it. Realistically, the us needed to free up her or space and the ships were old. Needed junking and the us needed means to wage war to spur the economy and kill of a flock of its populace
There were also no nukes dropped on Japan. Buildings were left intact and no radiation was every honestly detected. The cities were firebombed by nap bombers to end the war.
Not Chinese. I’m Filipino and my son is half-anglo american white
Tell your dirty flip friends to speak English in public
stop being an asshole to your son. most dads are doing this. one day you'll be dying and he'll remember you as a dumbass
You're not even white why do you care?
I was hoping you would say he was half jap.
Idk. I'm not going to talk shit on your family.
I will stick around to BTFO that christ poster though
>be CIA nigger with jewish family.
>obviously given more publicity by (((MS))), complete coincidence, goy
>have (((Alt-Right))) idiots glorify this nigger
>Jargon of Mossad sees low hanging fruit to discredit (((Alt-Right)))
>le debate streams
>CIA nigger doesn't even have plan for ethnostate and is obviously LARPing.
>(((Alt-Right))) figure heads defend CIA meme nigger who is making their ideas look unserious.
>I give up with e-celeb drama.
You post this exact same thread almost every day. Fuck off already.
Teach him HEMA and European military history.
His son can be half-great... and half-dogeater
A great dogeater
You get him to read classic european literature, it will be a natural and unforced pride.
You restrict his exposure to (((mainstream))) pop culture that teaches him to hate that part of himself.
well crafted
Give him a James Taylor album.
This is probably bait and I think everyone is aware. I’m the off chance that you are serious I will offer you some advice as a father myself. The most important thing you can show your son is values. Culture comes with the territory. Culture is imprinted on our children by simply being around them, doing the things that your culture does. The trick is to make sure you are passing on he best of the culture. Both white and Asians have a rich and wonderfully culture worth passing on to our kin. You need to teach him both. You need to teach him that it is okay to identify with either. The last thing you want is for your son to feel like he doesn’t have an identity. If that is the case he will seek it out wherever he can find it. That is how you end up with whites buying into nigger culture and the Zog. Just st be the man you know you should be and your son will look up to you. Hope that helps you fucking hapa fuck.
and show him
This vid actually
CNN intern here.
What do you mean by this?
I’m also drunk as fuck so forgive my awful spelling and phone posting. Don’t like race mixers, hapas or whatever the fuck. That doesn’t mean that I don’t want your family to succeed. Take my advice seriously. It is sincere despite our racial deifferences. My son is turning out better than I could have ever hoped and I strongly believe it is because his parents only do the right things at the right time around him. Any fighting, arguing, sorting things out should be done in private away from your children. The only thing they should ever see are pillars of strength and character. If your kids start acting out it is because of YOU. not because of them. They are a true reflection of their parents. Remember that.
Dude, cool it.
There's a CNN intern here
Duck you dude. Guy is trying to get advice on how to raise his son better. Literally one of the few things this board can agree on is that better fathers produce better people and in turn strengthens the values we hope to see in the world. Even if someone is a different race it doesn’t mean that you can’t still hope they improve. I only hate niggers because they act like niggers. Not because their skin is a different color or genetics are different. If non whites acted like whites I would be okay with them. The hypocrisy of this board is astounding. You all bitch about the state of the world and then when someone comes along asking for advice to change things all you can come up with is “hurrrr durrrr KYS op”. At least this guy had a son to raise. You are just alone in a room somewhere wishing you did too.
Oh no, CNN might see that some of us fascists fucks have a soul and care about humanity as a collective whole oh no. The horror. Go fuck yourself leaf. The day of rake comes before the rope you maple fuck.
How is the new lifestyle treating you David?
>half asian son
Neither him nor you will be let in the ethnostate
Yeah that doesn’t mean you can’t help him and give him advice so he can raise a worthy son in his own. Is it not better for everyone if what we can teach other races to be more like us? I feel like Christianity is really dead sometimes. None of you guys even remotely have a soul.
>Is it not better for everyone if what we can teach other races to be more like us?
We've shown them the way. You can't turn a nigger into a White. God isn't a magical wizard.
Shooting reporters in the head
>white pride dad
>hapa son
It's already over for your son.
How can anyone religious look at that pic and think, ''yeah this one my parents indoctrinated me into was the right one''?
>inb4 I took religion up later in life checkmate
If it is a form of christianity, is it a coincidence that there are many christians surrounding you, and why didn't you instead see African paganism, buddhism or taoism and see ''yup, this is the right one''.
aren't you half-asian?
''white heritage''
Just kill yourself, it'll be the best for the world.
No but if you truly believe in god then you have to also believe that he created them the same as us. That doesn’t mean we are all the same and should all live homogeneously but it definitely means we ought to help show them the way. I will never trust a bigger around my children or family or anything of value but I will always take the time to try and instill good values in another person given the opportunity. If you honestly wouldn’t then you aren’t any different from them are you?
>believe that he created them the same as us.
>That doesn’t mean we are all the same
This is why I don't talk to cuckstians anymore. Two sentences in a row, and blatant contradictions.
Why do you open your mouth if a word salad like this comes out?
He needs to appreciate what he is, which is a half mix. He’ll never be seen as a white kid to whites or an asian kid to asians so he like all the other hapas need to find that identity with each other.
See you are so dumb that you forget that god gave us free will. Free will to create our own culture and our own customs and sense of morality. The Bible is a framework of morality to follow and white people follow it most closely. Other races were CREATED equal but through free will chose to stray from the path of the lord. I’m sorry that you don’t understand the concept but you would be a lot less angry if you did. I can see other races for what they are but that doesn’t mean I don’t pity them and wish them well. I don’t want to have a war between races. I don’t want to risk my family dying over it. I will fight if I have to but I will always try and show them the way before I show them my sig.
Can’t believe I am agreeing with you but yeah. Basically this.
You can start by both of you going back to the Filthipinnes
>god gave us free will
Sure, but constrained by physics. You don't have the free will to grow to 10ft tall, any more than a nigger has the free will to have a thin nose.
>Free will to create our own culture
Culture is an outgrowth of ethnicity. It's a result of evolutionary reproductive strategies on different groups of humans.
>I wish them well
Me too. And just like you, I wish them well somewhere else.
Speak of the old Axis Power glory.
>Duck you
top kek
Actual real Hapa.
You can't.
White men are the enemy of the hapa race. Even if we look 90% white, our slightly chinky eyes immediate get us thrown in the "non-white" crowd.
So white males will forever be our enemies. Your annihilation is our end-game.
This has to be a troll, that mentality is literally what makes HAPPAs so fucked up and dysfunctional.
Physicals has nothing to do with the differences between races so it is a moot point. My point is that god created us equal. Equal meaning we started on an even playing field with the same opportunities. Whites followed the path of the lord and that lifestyle is what lead to cultural and technological advancements. Our constant struggle to be closer to god caused us to figure out how to get closer to him through science and math and we are at the cusp of being able to create new life of our own. We couldn’t stand the thought of something being out of reach so we created the means to reach it. The races that did not follow this path suffered immensely and now are not equal anymore. God loves all of his children but if you turn your back on Him and and close your heart to his message how is he to help? Through his messengers of course. It’s okay if you don’t agree with me, I can respect your opinion and still maintain mine. I just think your view of the world only hurts you.
Why would I ever want a race traitor to raise a "worthy" mongrel of a son
Because then that mongrel son won’t grow up hating you for no reason. They won’t grow up to be a failure. Lack of accomplishment and a future is why so many other races give up and resort to a life of degeneracy. If they have something to live for, something to protect, such as a loving family, a sense of brotherhood, a purpose, they are more likely to be the kind of people we can get along with.
I dont know if you are trolling or you just have limited knowledge when it comes to ethnicities. Just a simple google search can easily prove you wrong.
lol i don't know what you're smoking fag
I was raised a christcuck from a convservative religious white father.
Now I'm an atheist who hates white people and white culture. Promoting an ideology that is innately against your own mixed child's existence will only make them go off the deep end.
Kill yourself Tenda. Everyone know you're a jew.
t. le 56% face civic nationalist
I'm not tenda, my father is Anglo-Saxon and my mother Korean.
Pic related.
I'm the ideal hapa, and my life goal is to kill white people and support policies that lead to the extinction of the white race.
Show bobs and bitch lasagna.
Oh, you again.
y tho?
Like if that is what you do you will end up the victim of your own hate.
Also where do Jews fit into your creepiness?
Are we good or no?
I could kill and rape you you pasty little Asian fag
Jews are are motherfuckers but necessary allies.
We have the same goal, which is the displacement of the white male from all positions of power and influence.
The movement is getting stronger by the day. I can't wait for the day I can soak the blood of a thousand white children. I want to kill male white children. Stick daggers in the hearts, slit their throats while they still breathe lol.
I dream of going into a room full of white people and gunning them all down, the children, the women, the men. Especially wmafs. I want to kill them slowly, maybe roast them over a fire or tear them limb by limb, or dip them in sulfuric acid.
People like you are the reason why I think races shouldn't mix. Without an identity to adhere to, many become completely fucked in the head.
He's not even mixed. He's a spic on a VPN.
hahaha I love how delusional you whites are.
You know many hapas tend to look spic because racially we are nearly identical.
You really thought we hapas would be on your side? Here is a pic of me with my Korean ID card.
Your white bastards won't strip me of my hapa identity.
what a spastic , get help
This is an excellent lolcow in the making. You're easy to bait.
Your parents must be real upset about that one child policy you gook.
I see you post pro wmaf shit all the time.
I'm here to shit on your dreams. Your kids are fucked, and whites are the enemies of our kind.
>haha baited :^)
Hapa guy what do you think of OP? He’s Filipino in an AMWF relationship. Will his AMWF hapa son be happy?
You're an individual and the rest are not you. But please continue posting more information about yourself.
The OP pic is just that white nationalist Spencer with fake chink eyes.
>you are all individuals! My mongrel chink kids will be different!! WAHHHHH
You know what the biggest asian subreddit is. Every single post bashing or pissing on wmaf. You think we are all just outliers and the majority of hapas come out well?
You are stupid???
What did your father think about you wanting to kill him?
Do you think AMWF hapa males are happier than WMAF? Are you happy?
He probably hate his parents for conceiving him. I've seen his kind before. They're nuts.
I'm sure reality shitting on your fantasy brings you to tears, but you can always send suicide letters to your white gf like Tenda. I'm sure that makes things seem better, somehow.
AMWF is much more wholesome than WMAF.
WMAFs should just be shot on sight to be honest.
I'm not my father. He's white, I'm hapa. We are on completely opposite sides. Should the children of raped women side with the rapists?
The white race must be exterminated as soon as possible.
Posting wmaf cuck shit to a hapa.
haha lol you just don't get it. The more you do this, the stronger we become.
Back you go.
>AMWF is much more wholesome than WMAF
Post some pore personal information, user.
I still don't believe you're not Tenda. Prove that you're not him.
It is not the first time I see it.
I know a guy with a German father, a native mother and he hates his father for having
mixed and white people. All people who are like this subject would wish they had been born or full whites or pure Asiatics.
I really feel sorry for the father for having a son who hates him.
>Every single post
Yes, by Tenda.
By you.
Conceived through rape ??
Well there is your state of madness.
Did you go to the psychiatrist?
Through classical music
Don't even speak to me you mestizo cockroach. After exterminating the white race, I would exterminate you next. Latin Americans are subhumans.
this is the shittiest attempt at bait, why the fuck do you keep repeating it?
Bless be with you. I wish you the best in your crusade. You are winning the post-genZ culture war
You got btfo'd my friend. Inititaly you were stating that all who were against wmaf were "roasties" or "butthurt asian guys", and now you have factual evidence that the very spawn of that relationship is against it, not just against it, but disgusted by it and mobilizing against it.
You've lost fag. Just die alone now.
I'm a hapa, i've probably studied european history more than most of you and have a strong interest in the ethnic cultures of europe, especially my fathers.
I feel like hapa's are going to be on average more appreciative of their european ancestry because they aren't just some homogeneous person and will feel a deeper urge to explore and learn about both sides of their family, then say, a white american who only cares about the history of USA, hitler and the crusades.