Who believes in god is a stupid brainwashed ignorant.
Most of people believe in an all powerful, all knowing and compassionate god. This God doesn't exist because the world is shit and that kind of God would make it a better place.
>but the world is shit because God has plans for all of us, he wants us to suffer because reasons.
This God is shit, and there are no bases to prove that's true.
Just because you think in something doesn't mean it's real.
Plus the bases for these retarded beliefs are retarded themselves, the bible and quran god is a homophobic and warmongering piece of shit that requires blood sacrifices.
>b-but you have to read these texts in metaphors.
No, it doesn't work that way. These are just stupid excuses to stupid beliefs.
But it's not even your fault because you are brainwashed.
But still the world would be much better if braindead idiots like you were not living.
Who believes in god is retarded
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See you in hell, from heaven.
That's your best argument?
>Athecuck grammar
Please stick to jacking off to Rick&Morty.
Such good arguments.
>t.secular jew
Wrong. Jews are okay with people having these retarded beliefs because they are stupid and easy to control.
What's the matter with you? Did the pope tell you to your face that you have to stop masturbating or something?
2 out of 3 religions mentioned hate jews, you mistake a secular jew with a secular christian.
How do you explain life user? Don't give me any shit tier "big bang, it's all just an accident" bull shit. That's more laughable than any religious doctrine.
Proof god, allah, religion are all shit: the great country of japan. Highly advanced and intellectual... 60% of them are atheist. They are also smart enough to secure there borders after all the shit hit the fan in the rest of the world from rampant "multiculturalism". They wouldnt let islam invade and destroy their super advanced culture with sharia law.
They completely copied western Christian civilization
They don't really hate them.
Life existing doesn't mean god exists too.
Atheists are more obsessed with God than Christians. They never shut up about Him it seems.
Japan is majority Shintoist and Buddhist, but nice try.
Not to mention they still have a massive hard-on for it.
Him doesn't exist. And you don't have to be an atheist to criticize retarded beliefs like Christianity.
Most Christians aren't degenerate cunts who consider a "life" to be getting bukkake'd by a circlejerk of niggers at an obnoxious nightclub every Saturday night, so I'd rather hang out with them than you.
I believe in an imperfect God that fractured to create reality. We made right and wrong, morality is our own. Suffering teaches us, just as anything else. The purpose of life is to learn, even bacteria learn by natural selection. Individual growth is a privilege of few. The meaning of life is subjective, and separate from the purpose. An afterlife is a separate thing from a God. Reincarnation is the way. It's evolutionary though. Souls evolve based on awareness and regress when they lose awareness. Hitler and Stalin are both around as humans, just the same as the pope. If you failed to learn your lesson as a human, then why would you become an ant? Punishment and divine retribution are not hobbies of God.
>This God doesn't exist because the world is shit and that kind of God would make it a better place.
Answer (Part I)
To the divine providence it has seemed good to prepare in the world to come for the righteous good things, which the unrighteous shall not enjoy; and for the wicked evil things, by which the good shall not be tormented. But as for the good things of this life, and its ills, God has willed that these should be common to both; that we might not too eagerly covet the things which wicked men are seen equally to enjoy, nor shrink with an unseemly fear from the ills which even good men often suffer.
There is, too, a very great difference in the purpose served both by those events which we call adverse and those called prosperous. For the good man is neither uplifted with the good things of time, nor broken by its ills; but the wicked man, because he is corrupted by this world’s happiness, feels himself punished by its unhappiness. Yet often, even in the present distribution of temporal things, does God plainly evince His own interference. For if every sin were now visited with manifest punishment, nothing would seem to be reserved for the final judgment; on the other hand, if no sin received now a plainly divine punishment, it would be concluded that there is no divine providence at all.
Answer (Part II)
And so of the good things of this life: if God did not by a very visible liberality confer these on some of those persons who ask for them, we should say that these good things were not at His disposal; and if He gave them to all who sought them, we should suppose that such were the only rewards of His service; and such a service would make us not godly, but greedy rather, and covetous.
Wherefore, though good and bad men suffer alike, we must not suppose that there is no difference between the men themselves, because there is no difference in what they both suffer. For even in the likeness of the sufferings, there remains an unlikeness in the sufferers; and though exposed to the same anguish, virtue and vice are not the same thing. For as the same fire causes gold to glow brightly, and chaff to smoke; and under the same flail the straw is beaten small, while the grain is cleansed; and as the lees are not mixed with the oil, though squeezed out of the
vat by the same pressure, so the same violence of affliction proves, purges, clarifies the good, but damns, ruins, exterminates the wicked.
And thus it is that in the same affliction the wicked detest God and blaspheme, while the good pray and praise. So material a difference does it make, not what ills are suffered, but what kind of man suffers them. For, stirred up with the same movement, mud exhales a horrible stench, and ointment emits a fragrant odor.
Sure they are.
Reincarnation isn't the way.
>Sure they are.
And I'm the one with shit arguments.
I'm not reading that shit. I have better things to do, but you can't prove that believing in an all powerful, all knowing and compassionate god isn't retarded. And the concept of that god is not just evil and dumb but it's made to brainwash people.
There was nothing to argue to, idiot.
What's your iq?
>I'm not reading your argument that shows that god is good
>you're a retard who can't show that god is good.
It truly is pic related
>There was nothing to argue to, idiot.
Basically everything you've been saying is "nothing to argue to". You're the equivalent of this sperg
Even if I gave you legitimate points, even if I gave you something remotely interesting, you would shoot them all down with "lol Christcuck how can you actually believe that?". Nobody knows what's waiting for us, least of all you, so pack in what you can for every day and stop whining about people who believe in an afterlife on a Singaporean wood carving discussion site.
Explain this
What brought the material universe into existence then? Something must have and noone can disprove intelligent design. Abrahamic theism might be retarded but its just as stupid to discount the whole idea.
(you). I'm not wasting my time with that shit. And if it really proved god is good you would do a tldr. If you have average intelligence it should be easy.
>b-but I gave you arguments, you just don't accept them.
>Demand proof
>Not wasting my time reading a proof
It doesn't have to be a god. It can be anything.
Hey, goyim, do the self-destructive bullshit I wrote in this book and you get to live in a paradise forever after you die.
>God doesn't exist because he doesn't do shit for me
good one faggot
Exactly. You're incompetent as shit, arguing with you would be a waste of the limited time we're given on this Earth. Or sorry, God has given us on this Earth.
(you) surely have a high iq.
Odin is going to kill jesus
Screen cap this post
Do you watch rick and morty by any chance?
>book written before the destruction of the temple by people the talmudics murdered en mass
>temple destroyed because the talmudics got so violent at the followers of Christ they rebelled against Rome in their blood orgy
>Talmudics continue to agitate so harshly against followers of Christ that Rome kicks them all out of the Capital City.
>Christianity is a Talmudic trick
Sure thing schlomo
No, I don't watch that show. I don't want to be associated with a fanbase that acts like it and they are smart and then throw public temper tantrums when McDonalds runs out of a shitty sauce because their sacred cartoon made a joke about it.
>What brought the material universe into existence then?
Honestly, I think god can't even answer that beyond 'It's just always been there'.
god is dead sure but tradition is an important part of culture and christianity keeps the normies in check.
>it's always been there
>Most of people believe in an all powerful, all knowing and compassionate god. This God doesn't exist because the world is shit and that kind of God would make it a better place.
God never said the world is paradise. He specifically said that the world is suffering, because we have fallen from grace when Eve took a bite of the forbidden fruit (she knowingly disobeyed God). He did, however, say that the afterlife, Heaven is paradise, and you can be there for eternity after you die. But I am not trying to tell you specifically what God said, I don't even know for myself. I am just pointing out that you have the wrong idea.
Cultural christianity is dead - as it should be. Christianity is about people's hearts, not their actions.
>good works (like selflessness, love, charity, peace) are only good when they come out of a heart changed by Christ through salvation
A work that appears good, but does not come from a desire to please the Lord in whom you are already saved is not a good work.
The West once had 80% of the population professing to be saved. Out of that wellspring of patience, hope, and love came the greatness of our civilization.
But preaching at the heart is hard, and training actions is easy.
So we stopped caring about the beliefs that underpinned the motives behind the actions, and only cared about the actions - and this period was exemplified by the Gilded Age.
We have ridden on the cultural inertia of a populace who loved God for over 250 years, and it is no surprise that it is finally ending.
What created the ball of materials that were the Big Bang? What created the medium in which that ball of materials floated in?
What created the container that that medium is inside of? Where is the edge of that medium? What is beyond the edge of that medium? Science has no good explanation for any of this. Even if there were some thoroughly documented and understandable explanation for this, it would only make sense to call it God.
"Those who don't believe in God don't believe in nothing; they believe in anything."
I think you got the wrong idea too
Christianity doesn't have anything to do with being a cuck.
There was no big bang
There was no ball of materials
These ideas are mathematical principles held as true and then searched for evidence that will fit the theory. This is not science, it is anti-science.
That's a bad god. And it still doesn't prove he exists.
lol this fag doesn't understand that he believes in a religion that jews invented
Yes. But that thing has nothing to do with Christian beliefs.it's just a thing.
And your argument is god created it because i say so
Jews invented Christianity. Not my religion.
sage mode activated !
The world is shit because it's the way people made it. God gave us free will which means that if we try hard enough we can turn even the most beautiful things into shit. Hunger? Wars? All our fault. Blame yourself. If God made us unable to kill and destroy then we wouldn't have free will, we would be enslaved, brainwashed creatures who don't have choices.
Jews "invented" Christianity? Interesting, why don't they have the same beliefs as Christians then? They don't believe Jesus was the messiah. Jews killed the person who is the most important for Christians, I wouldn't call it inventing the religion.
>And your argument is god created it because i say so
>makes the argument that god didn't create it because he says so
wew lad. Remember, "God did X" is literally the simplest solution, thus it always satisfies Occam's Razor (ironically, this was the razor's original usage.). It's up to you to prove otherwise for all X.
I'm not arguing.
This doesn't make god less shit. Because indifference to suffering is being evil. Christianity is based on Jewish texts. And christianity is socially and spiritually regressive, which makes people easy to control.
You're retarded.