>user lives in a blue state
>user doesn't move to a red state
>user can never show "Come and Take It" and people won't bat an eye
Why haven't yall fags in blue states moved to Texas yet?
User lives in a blue state
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Texas is a bluestate though. Deny it all you want but the proof is in the soy-flavored pudding.
Oh yeah, I should probably give a shout out to the latest "Change My Mind" Louder with Crowder segment, which is hosted at TCU in Fort Worth, Texas.
>what is every big city in america
you are retarded to think Texas is BLUE
If you honestly think it won't ever drown in a blue wave eventually, you're so delusional it hurts.
Corpus Christi=blue
>etc etc
>red state
Don't like rednecks, and don't want to live in the middle of "bum fuck nowhere."
>Texas is a bluestate though.
>If you honestly think it won't ever drown in a blue wave eventually, you're so delusional it hurts.
move goal posts much?
Because fuck you I'm from bama, a real southern state. Not new new Mexico.
Waiting for the rest of you to be overwhelmed and escape to Oregon.
Fort Worth = Deep purple on its way to blue
Please, no. We're full.
>Texas thinks their a red state
lol you guys have shit gun laws and you are purple.
Texas is 38% white now and Austin is the new San Francisco, don't pretend like Texas is based anymore at all.
T. Former Texan
>Corpus Christi=blue
not true yet but maybe next time
>go to gun fair in American south
>everyone walking around with guns
>people selling shirts that say "black guns matter" and "isis pigs burn in hell" plus a lot of other shit geared towards shitskin muzzies
>confederate flags everywhere
>guns of all types everywhere
this is why the JewSA fights the south so hard now i believe.
Are you an ISIS apologist, then?
The only hope us whites have left is to migrate to the Northeast, particularly Maine or New Hampshire.
Deep purple at best but there's still
>San Antonio
>El Paso
Panhandle and north Texas is the state's only saving grace
>north Texas
>Saving Grace
Any county outside of Dallas is solid red and I was referencing the panhandle which is solid red as well
Tarrant is not solid red, what are you talking about? Have you been to downtown FW? It's being BEANED in the same breath Dallas is.
Because all the fun is going to be in California.
I hate their attitude. There is a saying in Texas "it aint illegal to kill the son of a bitch". That's why LBJ and his friends killed Kennedy, Oswald etc. "Everything is bigger in Texas". ..meanwhile Alaska. "Lone Star" state, means fuck everyone else. That is why Texas economy was great during and after Bush and everyone else had to suffer. Texas attitude sucks. Tell Alex Jones to clear his throat also. Lot of great people with the wrong attitude. Don't get me started on the oil rich prosperity Gospel attitude either or Ted Cruz dominionism. Shitty attitudes.
because texas is a half mexican blue state. the texas of today is not the texas of 20 years ago. they barely went red last election, they are guaranteed to be blue by 2024, and honestly probably 2020
he sounds impressed to me
Texas is a fucking shithole.
SoCal masterrace reporting in.
This but unironically
College and school has taken over my life
When I’m done I’m moving the hell out of cuckfornia though
Texas was Democrat when California was Republican. They are the biggest states in the Union and decide who is going to be President. Look at the last 38 years. Reagan.. California. Bush.. Texas... Saxophone Clinton .. California. W. Bush... Texas... Obama... California... and now Texas swang for Trump. Just a back and forth match between Texas and California and we are all in the middle of a piss match for Federal funding on defense spending. Lockheed skunkworks is bitching about Trump. That is why we got the Vegas attack and Florida etc. Comey was ex Lockheed. Bush sent all kinds of contracts to Texas before the Obama F35 Lockheed years. LBJ shot Kennedy after he fund raised for the Houstan adventure.
man I have no clue what you see in SoCal
When I was in high school not too long back my vocab words in sophomore year were literally “sexism”, “racism”, “feminism”
California can suck my ass
>Comey was ex Lockheed
he was placed there by the clintons as a reward for working for them behind the scenes during the whole impeachment debacle.
>Dallas, Houston, and Austin are blue states.
Guess where most of the niggers live?
Understood feelings, but please move anywhere but Texshit. For your sake.
>anecdotes and city folks
figures. id wager texas has more guns and gun owners than any other state, or most of them combined even.
Same here except Im gtfo'ing of Texas.
There's no reason to stay here anymore. Idaho and Montana seem nice
I live in Texas and I have a AR, Shotgun, and pistol within arms reach right now.
Texas will be where the next AR-15 massacre will take place with that attitude.
>All high schools and universities allow students to carry pistols ON CAMPUS
Lol you're like a dog that growls when a person walks past their rotting, putrid steakbone. You're making a fuss for nothing.
Texas is a dump. It's one giant latrine. I daydream about moving and never coming back practically daily
>That ID
Oy vey
Yes that is consistant with my post. Clintons were California. Bill playing the Sax on Leno litterally put him in office. Look dude even my id is litterally a red pill. Take one and have a glass of water my friend. Think about it. The only "swing states" are California and Texas swinging at each other for Federal dollars. Look at the billion dollar obama care website from the Bay area and the subsidizing of Tesla while detroit was being destroyed. Texas was booming after W. Bush. They didn't give a shit about the rust belt etc.
I'm on your side, bro.
I'm in my 40's, grew up in the San Fernando Valley, plenty of level headed folks hiding out in the nooks and crannies.
Texas is less than 50% white.
Why would anyone move to a third world state?
You think your guns will save you from brown communist votes?
Santa Clarita, Simi Valley, Thousand Oaks are all whiter than the rest of SoCal put together. The sleepy suburbs really aren't too terrible. I totally get the people who despise the metro areas though, but that's pretty much anywhere.
stay cucked, city fuck.
anyone from texas will tell you most of those "browns" are catholic and conservative.
please do us all a favor and stop exporting your European socialism
Yeah I realized that shortly after making my post. My b dog, it's late.
I've seen too many anons on here act like Texas is great and try to convince Anons stuck in liberal areas to move here so I thought thats what you were about, glancing over ur post
>mayor sadiq khan
>most popular baby name is mohammed in all city centers
>shariah zones
take a look in the mirror, chap
>"haha we're going to turn the brown people into based liberalists TM"
La creaturia is triggered
Million of Californians are emigrating to Texas!!!! Soon Texas will be blue!
The most pathetic thing is that they claim the browns are "based". It's literally the racial equivalent of "I'm not like other girls!!".
>Muh based blacks
>Muh based Mexicans
>Muh based faggots
>Muh based 56%ers
I'm not acting like where I live is perfect or even better in any way, but I see through the absolute lie that is "Texas is based".
If we ship out illegals by the literal millions, Cali could be a swing state again. But that's just in my dreams.
Cause it's full of Californians.
California has less Californians than Texas kek
better bin that opinion m8
Top 2 electoral college states:
California – 55, unchanged. The state’s population increased by 3,382,308 or 10 percent to 37,253,956 in 2010.
Texas – 38, an increase of 4 electoral votes. The state’s population increased by 4,293,741 or 20.6 percent to 25,145,561 in 2010.
Top 2 Defense Contractors:
California $49.3 billion
Texas $37.9 billion
Fuck off. Texas sucks. It's boring and full of guns and spiders and rednecks. Move to better states like colorado and oregon.
I'm glad you meme lords keep pushing Texas as "the most free state" or whatever, because unlike Arizona, it doesn't even have Constitutional Carry.
I never go anywhere near Hollywood, or Silverfake, etc. Anywhere the "cool people" hang out is the last place I want to be. I got friends in all the places you mentioned, we mostly get together and BBQ, etc. Enjoying the good times while they're still here, but yeah LA attracts the absolute worst kinds of narcissists that the world has to offer.
The voting demographic stats don't even back them up
What is the most free state?
Asking for a friend.