Canada is now the least white country, with only 53% of people being white, as of the 2016 census. Because the next census isn’t till 2021, we don’t know what percent they are now, but with their small population, and the fact they’re bringing in 100,000’s of immigrants each year, they might be le 49% face now.
Canadimutt memes when?
Other urls found in this thread:
still waiting for the race war against indians.
make him a little more yellow with slits for eyes then add some poo and a turban
Canadimongrel definitely needs a turban
We need two walls.
LMAO I hope this catches.
Le 91% face??
Aren’t Mexicans all mestizos so they’re already a mutt nation?
looks too white
better, needs a curry red dot on its forehead, also make it trans gendered
maple mutt is the only correct name
There were already some in the offshoot of Amerimutt memes. Unlike Americans, however, citing an easily fallible (((poll))) and purposely misreading the statistics doesn't give you an argument.
Keep to the Trudeau and leaf memes, at least they have merit.
Canadian isn’t an ethnicity. It’s something you check or leave blank at the bottom. If it was a single ethnicity Canada’s population would be 48,000,000.
Well of course, because most Canadians simply "don't care" so they half-ass the survey or don't associate with a place their family hasn't been in generations years.
>Posts pick with "Canadian" listed as an ethnicity
No, but I mean you can’t just check Canadian. Same for how on our census you can’t just check Canadian. You can check American and white/European origins. Or Canadian and white. But it counts all the ethnicities marked, the total number exceeds Canada’s population so there’s tons of overlap. Canada is only 53% white
uh huh
Okay, America’s visible minority population is 22.6%. According to the census guidelines, these people are “white” Canadians, even though they’re not from European origin.
We just need one of these for the entire Anglosphere.
>bad amerimutt deflection
amerimutts can't meme
>Clearly identified as Indian in ethnicity
>Asians are just as bad as niggers.
It refers to Quebecois
Also says “In accordance with equity laws, persons who checked ‘Indian’ and white, ‘Latino’ and white, and ‘middle eastern’ and white, have been excluded from the visible minority section”
Yeah but you are also a 56% bastard mongrel.
this is pitiful. whites gloating about each others demise. the world will be better off without you.
>tfw when uma delicia is considered white here
wait until whites decide to make asians white, then what fag?
I did the math for you, mutt.
Americans have never been and will never be white.
It's the best thing we could do to each other as friends. The worst we could do is quietly accept our demise
>There are actual Canadians arguing that our country its a fucking cesspool of shitskins and gooks who literally have every economical advantage given to them.
GODDAMMIT I meant "our country isn't"
i for one welcome the asian invasion
I would say that type of mud is Ohio 1998.
That girl would rather die than fuck you.
Today I goto Richmond costco, Going to make a left and chinaman right in middle of road I try and go right but he in middle of road, He just look at me like "why u no go?" Holy fuck drive on the right in this country fucking rickshaw drivers. Then I'm eating my hotdog, and this slant eye has his cart parked right next to his fucking picnic table and the condiment stand, Blocking the condiment stand!!! I march right over and grab some napkins and he pushes his cart into me pinning me against the condiment stand, I told him this is not cart parking and he needs to move, Fucking chinks are so stupid and pathetic, I really hate my younger self for breeding one of them.
Yes, the average mexican is something like 40-60% white depending on where they live.
I submit my request
Don’t bother segueing with them leafman, the 56% meme hurt them woefully
To be fair, that's true for user and any sort of girl.
>le global empire face
>trying this hard to hand off the mutt meme
I’m all for open artistic expression, even if it’s not drawn well, but this is just terrible. 10/10
>Canada is only 53% white
Are you still trying to force this meme?
when the time is cannot simply force a MeMe into existence
The green is the original. The red is the changes made from the original. You canadimutts are trying to hide your yellowish brown mitts
You'll be among the last leaves raked
I'll take it
Nobody's falling for this bullshit.
Time for your meds.
>this hurt
It’s just a meme bros , theres no reason to have an identity crisis, American is an inclusive identity after all.
there’s nothing wrong with being a mutt.
Let them have it, it’s all they have left
Is this Plan B when you fail to pass the mutt meme onto us?
So the fag meme flag is also American. Your shill crew is slowly revealing itself with each new thread.
How do you like it?
These are the three regular confirmed posters. There may be more. Same images in every thread. Same sizes. Same file names.
Always posts under the American flag. Generally posts recycled Sup Forums images.
Usually posts under the LGBT flag. Started posting "MY DOG IS THE MAN OF THE HOUSE" spam approx 1 week ago.
The Polish poster. Calls posters schizo, take your meds, etc. Posts mostly real images (including the close up Asian photo TOPKEK).
So what is your endgame? Are you desperately trying to pass off the mutt meme or are you trying to wake Canadians up before we actually become as blanda as America?
“Counting both single and double” so of the 64% white, there’s still over lap. The total is 53% white, I’m sorry. I’m not trying to be rude, but it would help Canada to acknowledge this. I’ve always loved the amerimutt meme, because it did spread a little bit of awareness to our problem, even ended up somewhat mainstream. I think Canada also needs to recognize their fleeting demographic problem.
its just a prank bro
Just copying well established memes won't work. You have to spin it into something new. It would be like me posting "A FUCKING BURGER".
You're not part of their group. I can tell.
>write off a third of our population of 15th+ generartion Canadians as "non-white" st
>still whiter than mutts
It’s not a group. It’s just people pointing out facts. The census data is quite clear. 19,680,000 people are of only European origin. Then there’s about 9,800,000 gooks. 1,000,000 middle eastern Muslims, close to 1,000,000 Latinos, 1,500,000 aboriginals, and 4,000,000 west Asians poos. The only white part of Canada is Quebec. Toronto is only 30% white
Also look at aboriginal rise, pretty sure some whites are identifying as aboriginal
No. There's over 25 million European Canadians. A group of assblasted Americans keep editing wikipedia since February 19.
You would rather parrot the lies of a group of shills than deal with a little banter. Are Americans really that pathetic?
There’s 25,000,000 whites the same way America has 260,000,000 whites. They’re counting all caucasiods as white. That includes poos, Muslims, Latinos. The data hasn’t been edited. They reset the wiki back to the original like 8 times. As a joke I changed Canada from 19,000,000 to 1.9m and within 3 minutes it was reset and my wiki, as well as my I.P. has been suspended. 19,680,000 is the right number.
>people pointing out facts
>Americans really that pathetic?
Also checked
“In accordance with equity laws, persons who checked ‘West Asian’ and white, ‘Latino’ and white, and ‘Indian’ and white, have been excluded from the visible minority population. Out of that 25,000,000 white people, about 5 million aren’t white. Read the other part of the census, the data is obvious.
You're talking out of your ass. Are you really that insecure you couldn't deal with the 56% meme?
>American is 56% white
If it means that much to you Canada is 12% white. Glorious America is whiter than any nation on earth. 99% at least. Do you feel better now?
The 56% face really did a number on you guys. So weak. So insecure. So dishonest. So sad.
I’m just trying to argue rationally, bud. The amerimutt meme never bothered me. It’s only annoying when people call you a mutt for no reason. Anyway, Canada is 53%. There’s really no denying it. Look at Canada’s population. From 1890 to now.
Canada is not going to be white in the near future. We are fully aware of that. But your butthurt over the 56% meme is comedic. Truth hurts user, chances are you have shitskin blood in you.
>every indian and arab in Canada identified as white on the census
uh huh
"Multiracial Canadians in 2006 officially totaled 1.5% of the population, up from 1.2% in 2001"
You're not "arguing rationally". You're trying to save face.
This has already been addressed. That wiki page has been vandalized nonstop for the past 5 days. But you already knew that.
canada is 86% white isn't?
>burgers this mad
lmao the memes are real
They couldn't even go for something believable. 68%. 62%. No they had to desperately go for the hail mary of 53% to conveniently make themselves slighter "whiter". Pathetic.
No I don’t. I’m quite aware of my family history. No niggers, only European.
Not all of them are multiracial. They can put down Indian and white if they consider themselves white. A lot of Pakistanis and poos think of themselves as white, as opposed to Asian, African, Hispanic, etc.
The wiki hasn’t been edited. The census numbers are literally sourced at the bottom and it matches what it says
why so mad
El syrupo chong horrideous...
>No niggers, only European.
>t. 25% irish
>holding back tears
Irish are white!!!
>56% of people now give birth to 51% of children
Wew lad
You have a crime inducing immigration system with mostly family reunification migrants.
Thanks for being the shit sieve for us :)