Reminder to trans fags. You don't look like "le ebin anime grill OwO"
You are a autosexual faggot who wears womens clothing like a serial killers wears a womans skin.
50% of you queers die by suicide by 40, have fun
LGBTQ Hate thread
This except heterosexual prostate orgasm feel great.
not all serial killers
Fuck off poopoo eater.
fucking jimmy pop with an even bigger nose. Good lord. forever Man head.
Buy an aneros and see for yourself. Have your gf stick it in if it makes you feel better.
o canada
wtf shes kinda cute
You people are fucking abominations and the death gasps of a dying species.
You are a public health hazard and a disgrace.
Unironically gas yourself.
seems like OP is struggling with an internal conflict...
the only transphobes i ever met usually become trans in a few years
good luck OP. i bet you would look lovely in a dress.
I am actually scared of trans people. They might get brains on me.
>Oh, you hate x so you must secretly want to be x
Fuck off with your CNN tier "arguments".
fuck off transphobe
is that a man?
is that a woman?
I cannot tell, it's a mystery!
see a therapist
better yet
a >gender therapist
Faggotry is an abomination and in any other era of humanity they would be lynched. Fags did not bring us into this world or build it up, they just arrived to destroy it.
>50% of you queers die by suicide by 40
I'm scared of dogs. guess I want to fuck them
oh wait, now I'm a dog. bark bark
what is to be done with gays in your perfect world anons
Give it up, user.
It's obvious you secretly love being your born sex and having non-recreational, reproductive sex with the opposite sex.
Don't even hide it.
good luck user. I bet you look lovely with a normal family
Their conditions to be preemptively diagnosed and the pregnancy terminated.
implying you will ever have any sex at all
yes trailer trash hicks usually fuck animals too
Honestly she's got a tight feminine frame. I'd hit that.
where's the based greek poster with all the tranny gore? that board need a queer cleansing
I can smell the baby boomer kike on your posts.
what about the alive ones
atleast this isn't an anti-gay thread. I'm ok with this. Save this muttbro for your battles. Cast this ability to thwart any tranny that passes your way
Chattel slavery.
So a transphobe, anti-semetic furry animal fucker walks into a bar
bartender says: OP is a faggot
what if that is their fetish
saved. ty muttbro
Take comedy lessons mr Goldberg.
I worked with 2 tranny's and it will never be normal. They never want to fit it, they need to remind everyone they are different. Both were crazy as fuck and I have no idea how they got hired in the first place
Hard labor mining lithium.
discord gg/8UNdw9
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Is this funny, muttbro???
>defending the spawns of Slaanesh
Fucking kill yourself.
thats actually my fetish
Poopoo eater pls leave.
god i wish that were me
oh thank you muttbro :) here have another
>There are cocksuckers out here who unironically defend mentally I'll degenerates.
Death is the only solution to faggots like you.
no poopoo eating
all mixed raced people. here another
Is that a midget jake gylenhall?
spain has plenty of not white
This one's one of my favourites 56% muttbro :)
thank you :D
Right side so I can pass as Swedish.
The nigger? Great selection
the left so I can pass as a Canadian
Even better selection
middle one can be bred out the most i think
Sure about that?
Ping Spencer?
Hah! Other countries are Virgin
i dunno why but i get turned on at the thought of fucking them, just to dominate a faggot limp wristed guy by fucking him in the ass and taking away any trace of his masculinity by means of tearing his asshole apart and forcing him to call me daddy turns me on, i could hate fuck one of them better than a woman, give the transgirl a good beating after until she's crying and begging you to just use her on the regular.
you wanna tip your toe in the water with this stuff? fine, but i wanna fuck your ass to the point you start second guessing it and then give in.
I mean, you're still a virgin if you get anal
I like Wonton Spencer more
Oh god damn, daddy.
Inside the minds of the sons of convicts.
why can't you just leave us alone, most of us are just trying to be happy while dealing with a fucked up mental illness, i dont care if you accept me or not but why do you go out of your way to insult people like us
I'm not even a tranny because i was too scared to transition when i got diagnosed at 16 because I browsed Sup Forums all day. I imagine most people here will probably see that as a dodged bullet but i want to die every single day of my life and will kill myself at 30 anyway so it doesnt even matter if i did it or not, at least I could've maybe been happy or comfortable
(((They))) are trying to build a shadow army of trannys for the purpose of a second civil war, the regular army in anonymous polls indicated that they would not fire on their fellow Americans, so (((they))) are getting building a new army that will.
Trannies are mentally ill, especially the MtF ones. Who would want to be the inferior gender?
Asian bears are patrician taste.
discord gg/tmcDkYD
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kys you disgusting faggot of an abomination. You deserve no sympathies. So hard is it to be a gay effeminate bitch slave?
> This
could be you if you stopped trying to chop off your dick
Please don't use autosexual. You could confuse children with auto bots. Or Russian bots. Please friendo don't confuse the kids. There all bisexuals now
It's saddening that most chinks are skinny unhealthy shits. Asian bears are up there with Turks and Meds.
I am a transgender woman myself.
Yeah, I used to go on the discord. It's literal shit, it's such an embarrassment that that's our discord...
This will be you, I'll be tracking your IP
I will dw
I cant even decipher this post, take more english lessons
kek what the fuck is wrong with you?
>supporting the democrat party
It makes sense you idiot. I was raised in england you retard.
IP tracking will be finished in 20 seconds Pray that they don't find you
Statistics on gays and marriage:
Science on gays as parents:
The benefits of gay marriage:
Genetic Evidence of Homosexuality:
Does conversion therapy work:
HIV information:
Are gays more likely to be pedophiles?
Is being gay a mental illness?
Lick it up like icecream.
>raised in england
brits barely speak english coherently so it's not really helping your case
You are a living biological weapon, not a woman, your only purpose is to bring down society for zog.
>dated cute passable mtf
>relationship fell apart
>she died in a car accident
>still miss her
Please just end me
So is there literally a jdif sleeper cell trying to honey pot gay Sup Forumsusers into giving them personal information and pictures?
God damn this kikes are relentless.
(You) irl
> Brits can't speak english
> Faggots down under think their accents are obnoxious and annoying
Go ahead, I just pray that you throw around my still warm ugly and hideous skull around like you're playing catch after you've decapitated me
If they are trannys they are already tools of (((them.)))
Plato, Alexander the great, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Wagner, Wittgenstein, Alan Turning; all fags; all major cornerstonesof your sacred western culture.
>Reminder to trans fags. You don't look like "le ebin anime grill
>You are a autosexual faggot
>le AGP meme
are you an /lgbt/ shitposter?
can't touch my diagnosed HSTS :^)
>brits barely speak english coherently
Coming from an Australian this is laughable but ultimately correct. There is something wrong with the lower classes in this country.
I don't want to catch The Tranny. My assassins will be playing with it.
IP address has been found. Hmmm, so that's where you live. I'd leave the country if I were you ;)
You forgot Julius Caesar and Aurelius
ugh, I wish I was diagnosed HSTS user.
I tried getting an AGP diagnosis but they just laughed at me, maybe it's different for different countries.
>My assassins will be playing with it
God bless you user.
Thank you so much, just when my life was becoming unbearably stressful i'm going be shown such mercy from a stranger.