Kiwi/pol/ General - ONE GORILLION TREES Edition

>Occasionally at 7PM NZST UTC/GMT+12

>Discord Link:

>Top Story - NZ ranked least corrupt country, again

>This Week's Must Read - NZ’s secret role in the war against ISIS

>$160m Kiwi cannabis export deal to US

>Napier couple sentenced for $36,000 beneficiary fraud

>Northland Exclusive Brethren member Russell Stewart sentenced over road deaths

>Billion trees to cost $180 million: Shane Jones

>NZ Post scrambling to maintain loss-making letters business

>Student blocked from wearing colander as 'religious headwear' in school photo

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based massey


How do I become Chinese ?

Get fucked.


holy fuck lol

reminder that national party = chinks, labour party = sjw commies and winnie is getting old.
reminder that we don't have freedom of speech
reminder that we don't have true freedom to own firearms and to defend ourselves with them
reminder that Wyoming is the future of NZ.

>reminder that Wyoming is the future of NZ.
What do you mean by this?

Why does everyone talk about China so much? The Jews are just as much a problem.

I mean I'm moving to the United States of America as soon as my financial and personal situation allows. Freedom user, that's what its all about. Lots of white people who value their rights. It has all the problems of multiculturalism that NZ has in store for itself, and more, but with money I hope I can isolate myself from that.

I'm going to be free.


tell me mate how does one move to the land of burgers and shartmart ar15s

The Chinese are the main visible threat. Rally the masses against them, and (((they))) will follow soon after.

The mark of a good man is one that takes his own personal initiative to find his own fortune and future. Though I wish you stayed to help along with the upcoming fight, I do wish you success in your future endeavor. Godspeed, user.

Both are shit.

Something something greencard something investment. Or marry a ho.
I appreciate that. I can't spend my life here fighting a losing battle. The people of NZ vote for the nation they want, and that's fine, hell its a good thing. I just don't share their vision I guess.

how many jews are moving into your town and buying up your houses?

They control our media









Recent news, apparently.