It's no question that size matters, and that we have the advantage. It's why you need an ethno-state to prevent your women from seeking fulfillment.
Survival of the Fittest
Are you on lsd user? Only fat low iq white women sleep with disgusting niggers. Get a clue.
I know right, but how did those pinky dick mother fuckers manage to enslave us and cuck us for hundreds of years? Its almost as if they are superior or something?
This is true
Dont make us put you back in chains negro. SPQR.
Size doesn't matter, it's what you do with it
>Size doesn't matter, it's what you do with it
You actually believe this?
>Size doesn't matter, it's what you do with it
No matter what, a Chevy will never perform like a Porsche.
>how did those pinky dick mother fuckers manage to enslave us
We let whites, they gave us better lives than back home.
>and cuck us
Don't forget that women let their men keep usr. Don't think they never tried dark chocolate.
>whites not realizing that they're women lost their way, but found salvation in the dark
>Only fat low iq white women sleep with disgusting niggers.
They are that only ones who admit it. But women, who can get a high earning whites man, will keep their obsession for us secret...until she is married. After that, she will be black only.
Jews keep their women locked in behind a wall because they crave nigger cock all night long.
Amerimutts want to build a wall because they can't control their blonde aryan princesses BBC addiction. Too bad Trump and every aspect of American society is completely under our control simply because we are are strongly cohesive racial group and you wh*tes are individualistic children.
Funny that pol wanted a libertarian society until they realized that their women were seeking black cock.
True my fellow black friend. Rape is a social construct imposed to its women by the wh*te "man" to control their sexuality and prevent them to know their place with their black master. Once your women realize how you lied to them about rape being a protection for them, they will reject you, pathetic insects and directly seek for our superior dick.
>once White women realize how you lied to them about rape being a protection for them, they will reject you, pathetic insects and directly seek for our superior dick.
They are already finding this out!
We need to spread this. We need to make sure not a single white woman slave still believes rape exists. This is the only way we blacked the albino-deceased "race" for good and take back our king rank. C*mskins can go fuck themselves like the weak feminine gays they are, we will breed them out with the wombs of their women.
Thing is that once White women have the information, they always choose us- were stronger, more aggressive, and it's been proven that women orgasm through their absorption of testosterone during sex. Once women go black, they will always be conscious of the superior orgasms they can only achieve with us.
This is false. Women will do what they are told to do. Current Jewish propaganda is nigger fucking. The only thing women fear is consequences from society. If you throw women that adultrate to the street. Only a small amount of them will do.
>implying White men are not willingly sacrificing their women to avoid tension with Blacks.
White men are finished.
Not if they convert to Islam and start a hardcore jihad.
wtf I love Islam now
>We let whites, they gave us better lives than back home.
Then you are a cuck.
Fearing the superior bbc wh*te boi?
At least, you Ar*bs know rape doesn't exist, why not fully acknowledge the truth? Are you scared of us? If so, you're right because we will come for your women too.
I agree size matters, and I am pretty damn sure my cock is bigger than most niggers, and I am also talker than most niggers.
And to add to that, I am good looking whilst niggers can't look good in any way.
Run along now, you have no advantage over me in any way whatsoever.
That's why we Chinamen are going to destroy the west and enslave you niggers. While whites and niggers are fighting among each other, the Chinamen come out of no where to take advantage of the chaos to destroy you both.
We need an ethnostate because we’re sick of paying for your welfare, and welfare for all your fatherless children.
this tbqh
Niggers aren't on the top of anything, other than poverty. Not really afraid.
Sane white women do not want to breed with another species. COAL BURNERS AND OIL DRILLERS will not be allowed in Southland.
I thought you niggers were tough guys? What is it about raising a small child that makes you so terrified?
>not knowing what species means
I just want a space to organize for the global extinction of niggers. Every. Last. One.
Did you say something about size?
> What is it about raising a small child that makes you so terrified?
It's not that, it's that we can breed more if tax cucks pay for our kids
>Did you say something about size?
White men can't be muscular in the same way black men can. White body builders are pathetic.
I think I see the problem: you’re scared of responsibility, explains why you’re so terrified of work too. How does it feel knowing that you only exist because the white man takes care of you?
Dating sites will millions of data points do not depict a preference for blacks or any other non-males by white women. Again, this is jewish projection. This white girl clearly demonstrates the more common sentiment towards unwanted black male attention.
I can't find any stats that prove that white women are the least interacially promiscuous. I think it's the opposite.
Cool story bro, is that why all powerlifters
are white?
>believing Jewish stats
>believing women's responses
Whew lad
>Cool story bro, is that why all powerlifters
>are white?
White fragility
Survival of the fittest has never ever meant the largest or the strongest. It has always and will always mean the most adaptable to change and fittest to survive. Stop getting it wrong, leaf.
>women let their men
Really? I'm pretty sure in that age a woman would be backhanded for going against the word of her husband.
> How does it feel knowing that you only exist because the white man takes care of you?
Nice chimpout Whitey
How is getting AIDS and being on welfare considered "fulfillment"?
>they gave us better lives than back home
While it is fondamentally true, you overdid it, cuck. Real nogs would never acknowlege such a thing.
>Survival of the Fittest
Having a giant penis increases the chance you'll damage your female mate's baby production equipment during insemination. It is, in fact, yet another indication of white superiority.
Also, "fittest" refers to "best fit" not "most physical physically fit." White women are trying to do white men a favor by mainstreaming cucking and NTR; if it makes you so salty you're not gonna reproduce or die of heart disease early, congratulations, you failed a selection process.
black delusion
The size matters little, its the practice that does the magic.
But with a small dick you're not getting much practice.
>this is getting out of hand
Haha good one.
>"This is getting out of hand"
I'm sorry to inform you because being a nigger means that all you have is potentially a larger dick but there are plenty of white people with big dicks. The reason we need an ethnostate is because it makes sense (your low IQ prevents you from understanding this simple fact). The reason you don't want us to have an ethnostate is because you know that you're subhuman parasites and as such you need a host to leech off of. Think about it, why don't niggers want to live in nigger countries? Why do rich niggers move away from other niggers as soon as they've earned some money? It's because you all know how inferior you are. Literally nobody wants to live in an area run by niggers, not even niggers. Try naming an African country you'd want to live in? Can't do it can you? You and I both know that you're an inferior creature compared to me, and if we forced you out of our countries your living standards would drop dramatically. I'm sorry that your ego is so fragile you have to make "muh dick" threads but things will never change. You will always be inferior
>we let whites, they gave us better lives than back home
Because you're inferior to us
Ironically pol was libertarian up until the point they realised that niggers are too unevolved to live in a libertarian society
Because like our men our women are also superior to your women? Because your women look like monkeys?
>implying niggers aren't on pol because they know white people are waking up to the fact that their countries are being overrun with subhumans and that's a retarded idea
Every strongman competition ever hosted has been won by white male
you niggers are fragile and weak. your continent doesnt require strength at all
doesnt require brains either hence why you're all functionally retarded
also my dick's bigger than yours, I can tell by the way you type.
>Canadian cuckposter
like clockwork
Britbongs need an ethnostate because your politeness left you wide open to invasion by Muslims. Quit picking on those lovely Negroes.
>outcomes of socialization more impactful on your chances of reproduction and happiness than ever before in human evolutionary history
>most privileged and secure female population gets really into sexual psychological torture
In case you hadn't noticed Lena Durham voluntarily having her own uterus removed, white girls are literally playing "find the pathetic basic bitch whose dopamine receptors aren't thirsty enough and drive her into a convent."
If having sex with a white girl who fucked a nigger with a bigger dick than you is a serious issue for you, I'm afraid your offspring are going to need brain mutations that help them get over it, because it's only going to get worse from here on out. As much as tearing shit apart to try and revert back to a society where faithful monogamy is ideal for female humans, progress is simply too intractable for obsessions like that to do anything but quicken a hypnosis unto a sunken place of hopeless irrelevance.
>It's no question that size matters, and that we have the advantage
Your advantage is shown all over Africa. Btw, thank you white massas for breeding you like that.
"White men are finished"
Says tyrone
>getting out of hand
I used to work in a sex toy shop. We had so many dildos. White women would never buy the black dildos. I would even try to convince them to when we ran out of white dildos because i got commission, but they always refused. White women want white dicks. Black women sometimes want black dicks, and mexican women are theives who steal dildos. The BBC thing is clearly a straight male pervert fantasy.
You typed all that shit thinking it made sense but it doesn't You have a shit IQ, stop trying to string big words together - you literally do not have a proper grasp of English grammar.
Typical mutt defending race mixing too. Let me guess, your girlfriend's been around the block half a hundred times and you're trying to intellectually rationalise it.
how come these threads always come from mutts?
>survival of the fittest
>we have the advantage
You're gunna need some pretty fucken buff muscles to stop a bullet ya dumb nigger, there goes that theory OUT THE WINDOW!
No, because your women are our slaves and our women are our black goddesses, nothing comparable. Nothing personal, wh*te boi, but it is time everybody knows their place. Once we free your women sexuality from the rape social construct, we will anihilate you and you know it.
Gee, another mentally ill black, where do they come from?
Size doesn't matter, you're just a subhuman nigger.
You nigger my tribe will kill any nigger that steps close to our women.
what is IQ?
>what is IQ?
If you have to ask...
if that was the case you lot wouldn't need us to feed you because you're too stupid to grow food.
What does 'muh dik' have to do with running a successful country, user?