Meet Australia's first transgender priest


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Episcopalians are pure cancer.

that mouth is horrifying

Look at that pic
What the church has become
A grotesque caricature of itself


fucking disgusting. let me guess... melbourne.

>pays money for hormone therapy
>doesn't take care of teeth

Its give an inch and they'll take a mile in action. Once you show that you're willing to compromise on something you open the door for people to push harder and harder to further compromise it. How the fuck the church expects anyone to give a fuck about it when it literally openly does things that are clearly stated as sinful in its own religious texts is beyond me.


>has dreams of becoming a cute trap for 50 years
>finally decides to do it
>ends up looking like alan partridge

no...just no.


Man, I can't imagine how bad their punishment in hell we'll be. God has something special stored up for these people.

Imagine having the brain of a child who believes in shit like this...

lol typical atheist, no argument all fluff

>tfw it's the Anglicans not the Uniting Church
>tfw they are my two options unless I want to drive the better part of an hour
I'm excluding the tyke church, obviously. My family would prefer me to have a nigger girlfriend than become a tyke.


Just like the space between your ears

damn this is powerful... +1 for my bogan bros!!!

stop venting your anger towards God at me

Varg was right

So how long before this fag kills himself?

Sick of this trash, why must they keep shoving these freak shows in our face? Constant promotion of faggotry and other social ills paraded out as virtue.

In the church of satan?