
suck my nigga dick bitch

Other urls found in this thread:


apparently journalism in the modern century is crawling an anonymous anime imageboard where literally anyone can post any random shit for “news”

pathetic niggers. cnn should kill itself


chris cuomo was born out of his fathers asshole

suck my nigga dick bitch

True if big



>talking to faggot CIA niggers
Cooper and Lemon glow in the daylight for fucks sakes

>"CNN reached out to Sup Forums for comment twice about these false posts about Hogg, but has not yet received a response."
Why didn't he respond?

no comment

>pathetic niggers. cnn should kill itself
this works too

Does anyone know who this is?

>Why didn't he respond?
He was out getting steroids
Internet Hate machine:

I got that reference, well played

David Hogg Supercut - cf-e2.streamablevideo.com/video/mp4/okevd.mp4?token=1519366567-u9%2BtH56lipqPZLQLxRiW51r7LSnqPtAKHk2D3Gx4bSc%3D

David Hogg Supercut - cf-e2.streamablevideo.com/video/mp4/okevd.mp4?token=1519366567-u9%2BtH56lipqPZLQLxRiW51r7LSnqPtAKHk2D3Gx4bSc%3D

David Hogg Supercut - cf-e2.streamablevideo.com/video/mp4/okevd.mp4?token=1519366567-u9%2BtH56lipqPZLQLxRiW51r7LSnqPtAKHk2D3Gx4bSc%3D

David Hogg Supercut - cf-e2.streamablevideo.com/video/mp4/okevd.mp4?token=1519366567-u9%2BtH56lipqPZLQLxRiW51r7LSnqPtAKHk2D3Gx4bSc%3D




Sorry CNN

Guns don't kill people.


CNN suck my fat cock you inbred jews


I'm pretty sure they're required by law to print this.

i want to be marissa's little baby tampon boy. i want to turn into a little crying baby and then suck on her breasts. her magic breast milk would turn me into a little baby tampon boy. she would stick her hoo-hoo and i would wait with anticipation spouting little baby goo-goo ga-gas waiting for her to bleed all over me. i want to feel her marissa blood inside my little goo-goo ga-ga baby tampon body. i want to absorb her hoo-hoo juies inside my little baby tampon boy body and goo-goo ga-ga like a little rolly-polly baby boy. it would be orgasmic to know i am one with her hoo-hoo marissa blood and i would giggle and goo-goo ga-ga and yelp with little baby boy excitement as i roll around in her marissa hoo-hoo and revel in her red juices, slurping them into my soft little baby tampon boy goo-goo ga-ga body. then i want her to pull me out and squeeze and wring my little baby tampon boy body so that her marissa hoo-hoo blood and juices spill all over her marissa face. it would hurt and i would scream in pained goo-goo ga-gas as pain envelops my little baby tampon boy body until i reach full climax and turn back into grown human man.

Jet Lee? Or Kim dong's sister


– XOXO the CEO of Sup Forums

I just want Lemon to see this as a response.

the hacker known as Sup Forums isn't home.

CNN we know you’re the one starting these conspiracy theories on here. Find better ways to get stories.

RIP meme. It thought it had slightly more staying power but I guess it ended in a day.



>CNN viewers log onto Sup Forums and falseflag us

they're so stupid it just might work

Why would they ask Sup Forums anything.
It's an enigma. It's anyone. Shadows in the dark.
This is not a movement. This is not a thing with a leader or a singular ideology.
It's like asking the entire internet what it thinks of a particular subject.
It's retarded. And no answer received is correct or wrong. It's pointless to ask Sup Forums for a " response ". CNN should just close shop. Enough of their retardation.

I don't think CNN can handle a meme war with the anonymous hacker known as 4chin.

it's cool how from our perspective we get a first hand look at how CNN and other MSM manipulate their news stories, normies wont have that luxury with this article

dk, you a fed?

>dk, you a fed?
Probably just a concerned citizen
t. concerned citizen

Bitch lasagna

>you are going to get Sup Forumss two cents of any news on CNN

I dunno guys i think CNN might be alright after all.

>CNN reached out to Sup Forums for comment twice about these false posts about Hogg, but has not yet received a response.
That's what passes for fucking journalism these days.


Empirically prove David Hogg is not a crisis actor, CNN. I'll bet you can't. Even if you can, why should we trust your proof isn't manufactured? You're a multibullion dollar internationalist organization with a clear and stated geopolitical agenda, why should anyone trust you at all? How can you even attempt to present yourself as a legitimate journalistic organization? Does Anderson Cooper have HIV?

CNN es noticias falsas


ireland BTFO's CNN time and time again

you missed warner



did you get free gay pics sent to you as well? I just bought a dog

I think I can compile my thoughts in one succinct sentence:

"Say what you want about Hitler, but he sure killed a lot of Jews"

i not actor

>"Say what you want about Hitler, but he sure killed a lot of Jews"
How about
"Say what you want about Hitler, but he sure did not kill enough Jews"

We can all agree that the amount of jews killed by Hitler was inappropriate.

tweet @CNN with #Sup Forums


All niggers must hang

Sup Forums largely aren't conspiracy theorists. That asserts that people have theories as to what happened, where, and for what reasons.
Nearly all of us just recognize bullshit when we see it.
Also, eat a cock, CNN.


>He lost and everyone had to pay and impossible price for it.
We don't have to continually pay that price user, people are getting fed up with 'the chosen' again

>all brunettes who touch their faces after seeing people die are the same person

To be sure to be sure

youtube.com/watch?v=rwLl5nY5WPI "We'll play the national anthem for one time on the first of June, and that's all. When the end of the world comes, we'll play "Nearer My God to Thee" before we sign off." -TED

wait so some of those threads here yesterday were from an actual cnn reporter? jesus fuck.

If we keep this up, we might actually redpill some cnn people, by accident.

CNN's Anderson Cooper say's "Haiti is not a shit hole". Propping himself up as an "Expert" on shit holes.
His vast experience with his rectal orifice, indeed qualifies him to have an opinion.


he's so fucking fake dude its rediculous.


it is our official response

im watching this shit right now, trying to make 4chiners seem like hacker rapists or something

why are the hollywood jews using Sup Forums in their mainstream programs nowadays? they also had some monologue about "Sup Forums losers" in the last season of American Horror Story