How many you here interact with minorities on a daily basis?
Are your interactions ever negative?
How many you here interact with minorities on a daily basis?
Are your interactions ever negative?
t. Canadian forced into diversity
do brown waifus count?
Yesterday I fapped to brown on sadpanda so I guess positively.
I did. Had them at work, within 1 year, I almost died 3 times because of them. Language barriers and 60iq isn't a good mix.
BEWARE Sup Forums
i am non white
Every day and negative. The worst of the bunch are the Jews who act like it isn't happening and motivate it.
Every single Jew should be targeted.
yes and no
Live in a 50/50 white/mestizo town. Outnumbered at school and work. Interactions are rarely negative, about at the same frequency of negative interactions with whites.
However the behavior I observe out of them from afar is disgusting, in the mall/grocery store, driving through their shithole neighborhoods, etc.
>How many you here interact with minorities on a daily basis?
I fucking work at Walmart, everyday I work it's nothing but interactions with stinking, rude, loud nonwhites.
Huge minority here (Chilean), definitely get along with Asians, brown people and the occasional black guy (tho rare here, but friends with a decent amount in the US) than whites and their cringy "le so aussie m8, cunt ima crack open a vb xD bloody ell m8 only banter cunt" shit
They get along with other brown people because thy can't survive on their own and need to survive, just like if you've ever met a nigger or a jew trying to beg for bus fare or a shekel.
Almost everyone I've met in Vietnam has been a foreigner.
That's because it was opened up with free trade after outright Kissinger-style (low-brow fat jew) treatment proved to be ineffective.
If it's 2D it's okay, user.
Nothing like delicious brown~
If it's 3DPD you're fucking revolting.
I said it was on Sadpanda. If you dont know the way of the panda you should off yourself and leave Sup Forums forever.
Almost never, but then again I'm in Idaho and don't interact with most white people either
Yes and yes.
Not all of them are negative though.
Intact with boongs everyday. 100% negative experience everytime. They are basically wild animals with clothes on
i interact with them every day since i live in a black neighborhood and i work at mcdonalds, i have a black spouse, and I'm staying at her parent's house (whom are black and asian) for the week. So far it's been rather alright, there's always the negative interaction now and then, but that's to be expected being a mcdonalds employee, my neighbors are pretty nice though.
Fuck off and die faggot
Daily, but its real estate and I approved their applications/leases myself. That being said it still will mirror reality in the end as you do need to take a few people you might not like nor hate (yet) to fill the buildings. Basically in my years of experience with it blacks aren't worth renting to period, mexicans are hit and miss though usually fine, whites are fine (they're essentially the normal/basic player character in real life), and then lastly asians are unable to complain or want the standards we have - which makes them good tenants. I don't think I've ever had a bad asian tenant.
Almost never, unlike this guy who lives in Toronto or BC
Mutt is a mud minority of up to 62% of italo WASP genetics. This means a WASP mutt be 1/8 italian 2/7 german and 4/57 Irish standing by Israel. Of course such a mutt with mutt roots has to be declared supreme white like orange himself since his Scotch mum was a Lago De Mar open wide PUSS for all the muds.
>Almost died 3 times because nigs
Story time?
>asians are unable to complain or want the standards we have
heh yeah. They're pretty good money sponges if you don't mind maintaining properties that are just good enough that you don't have problems. kek.
Please leave nigger
a German Russo creatura violentata madre. I would say 60% Untermensch.
I only ever see Qt Muslim girls in their hijabs
>asians are unable to complain
My Filipina girlfriend begs to differ
>How many you here interact with minorities on a daily basis
I would say once every two weeks I see someone like that in the metro.
>Are your interactions ever negative
Yes, usually. Most of them are just ugly, non white skin is disgusting.
The exceptions are some gook women, who can look OK, I don't mind them.
flips aren't real asians. You got duped hard by a fatty.
Yes and rarely.
I mean they're all chinamen.
No they’re only bad whenever I venture into shit neighborhoods. Which is rarely.
yes and almost always
Probably true, we don't run a shitshow cause I think it's morally wrong but I noticed that with them I probably could just rent to all asians and put less in lol. Would need more asians though and I'd prefer them not coming to America anymore...
Kissinger's whole plan was to open China. You're a poorly-educated leaf with a bad excuse for why he's still in viet nam.
Asians don't complain when they're sent to hold down property here.
what does that have to do with panda abuse
>How many you here interact with minorities on a daily basis?
Everyday since me mom is a coalburner. Oh and i deal with an ar*b in my job
>Are your interactions ever negative?
Yes, unless there is a time they are in a good mood which i could count on my fingers.
okay but only because you were so polite and used "please"
PO frontliner, I see every make and model of people. Non-whites are generally cool and laid back. Old white narcissistic women and obvious pot money launderers buying money orders are the fucking worst.
yes please
always my whole life and never had issues
everyday, not really any different to how I interact with whites. Everyones pretty civil although with the migrants that have english as a second language it can be hard to understand them sometimes but we usually work it out.
Then you're a blind moron.
I work in a ghetto of Cincinnati. I took a pay cut after working for Fidelity Investments to work at a non-profit.
I had a come to Jesus moment where I felt it would be better to try and help the "needy" rather than line my pockets at a desk job. Figured itd be more rewarding than putting on a fake face in a corporate environment.
I was wrong.
Every. Single. NIGGER. Takes so fucking long to do everything. Thet are all incrediblt insecure and constantly spout false self-righteousnous.Male, female, old, young. It doesnt matter, bitching to ome another about their environment is how they get along. They are all completely full of shit constantly.
Fuck niggers. They are scum
Some typos there, but fuck all of you.
Always be polite and keep them out of your personal life.
Work in a warehouse, only white dude amongst mostly Hispanics and black dudes.
Almost never, only complaint is that they only ever clean to functionality and never expend extra effort to make things look nice.
I busted my ass in order to try and help them. I quickly realized they are driving better cars than I have and are getting free homes. Meanwhile my power got shut off twice and my water was threatened to be shut off one time.
Im a Vet and didnt want to use the GI bill because I didnt want to be a welfare queen. But fuck this shit. Im bartending now (making 30% more while working less) and will be putting a 2 week notice in here shortly at the non-profit. In may I begin an electrical engineering program.
Niggers are worthless and can't be helped. Its our fault too because we enable them and pay for their cushy lifestyles without batting an eye.
I've yet to have positive interactions with non-whites. IDK why, but that's how it's always been.
>I've yet
Cut this shit out, this is literally the only time Americans don't use the contraction. You can hear the muffled ELEVEN BONGS in the background.
Frequently. Often positive. This is policy, not personal. Talking to friendly mestizos and blacks doesn't mean a country full of 'em is gonna go to Mars.
>How many you here interact with minorities on a daily basis?
When I work.
>Are your interactions ever negative?
They're generally nice enough in isolation, but the inevitable Moroccan vs. Turkish vs. blacks vs. whitey (not actually, but minorities always suspect some kind of discrimination) shit is fucking annoying and ruins the work atmosphere quite frequently.
These are all hard working people, the best of their kind ... but they still just cause needless strife. The very high percentage of welfare leeches and criminals I don't generally interact with are of course far worse.
Minorities are okay when their numbers are really low and they are always on their toes to earn their keep. Once they feel secure and start talking about "rights" all the time it's all dowhill.
Does this ring a bell by any chance?
You have to be a fucking neet to not see minorities in USA. Go fuck yourself OP, continue making your log threads on Sup Forums faggot
Yes, and it's neutral, like many other interactions. It's just business. In fact, the business-only approach repels many of them.
>works at walmart
>swastika LARPer
who'd have guessed
Weird, must be a thing outside the Deep South. Our Walmarts are still blessedly pure.
I'm a retail manager in a city that pops up on a lot of those 'top 10 most diverse cities in the us whatever the fuck' type lists. So yeah I deal with all types of peeps every day
I wouldn’t say negative but it definitely can be awkward. Everyone gets along and is friendly with one another but there’s this heavy feeling. It’s hard to explain
1)Somalis - violent , retarded and muslim.
2)Sudanese - violent and retarded , but with some culture at least regarding to jewelry(Very big gold earrings with red stones in the middle , im not sure what are those thought). Sudanese can be either muslim or christian , depending on which of the two Sudans your talking about(South Sudan is christian , while Sudan is Muslim).
3)Ethiopian(Jews) - I have never met none Jewish Ethiopians , but the Jewish ones seem intelligent , hardworking and brutally honest. Traits which you usually won't expect from either Jews nor blacks.
Im not sure whether its because of the mix between the two , or because Ethiopians are simply like that , but I do know that Ethiopians had their own kingdom with the same dynasty ruling for most of the time for 700 years(Solomonid Dynasty 1270 to 1970) , which proves they are more capable of being a part of civilization than other Africans , also they are genetically closer to Arabs , Europeans and other Caucasians than to Sub Saharans so that might be the reason.
4)Arabs(Muslim) - most are violent , but smarter than niggers , many times they lead organised crime groups or join such as groups(The entire tribe \ clan would usually join together , and those who don't would help hide those who do from the police , by throwing stones at them , if they enter the village \ neighborhood of the city in which they live).
5)Arabs(Christian) - By far smarter than their muslim counter parts , many times , those living in the Levant(Israel , Syria , Lebanon) are actually descendants of Greeks , Roman and Crusader settlers to the region , or to the original none Arab populations of the middle east(Basically they lost their language , like the Irish did , but rather than speaking English they speak Arabic). They are also generally whiter than other Arabs , I guess that its reasonable considering that most of them aren't actually ethnically Arab.
6)Arabs(Bedouins) - Dumber and more violent than any other type of Arabs , but if you ever stumble into a tribe , you could become a guest protected by the chief as long as you stay for less than 2 days(That’s an old tradition , which stems from the pre Islamic cultures of the middle east).
Nice try CNN, you must fuck off back to redit and take any magic skinned flying nogs you see with you.
Lived in shared housing with nogs. 0/10 experience, would deport every last one before doing that again. The only one that was actually supposed to be living in the flat was alright, but after her 60 IQ thieving monkey kin moved themselves in illegally she had nothing but excuses for them. These people put tribe over basic decency.
I work in Central London so regularly
Every bad experience I've ever had has been from a white person
Both yes
My only interaction with minorities is with this nigger-beggar, outside the food store where i go to buy my food.
He always said "giao mai friend" or "hi fratello" but I never reply nor care. Hope our next govt will make a law against beggars.
You need to fuck right off back to your own country. Everyone of you cunts that come here drop the work standards for every job you infest. The amount of useless foreign cunts I've met that can't be fired because of racism and diversity quotas is ridiculous. The only people our supervisors in my job can rely on are white guys that have bothered to learn and become competent at their job. Women don't handle team work for shit and foreigners have this strange belief they are good at their jobs while it goes to shit around them. I can only explain the job so many times before I give up and you go back and do the most basic role on the job.
I interact with Vietnamese everyday. They're pretty allright and local shop ran by one of them sells the same cigaretes they sell in tobacco but cheaper. I'd even allow them to stay herec after we inevitably genocide muslims and nigs.
As to niggers, I talked to a nigger twice in my life. Once in Pisa and the fucking subhuman tried to scam me. The second nig must have been some kind of anomaly since he had a degree in physics and math even though he was from Zambezi.
And don't get my started on shitskins. I have so many unpleasant experiences with them I don't even know where to begin.
I'm a manager and I always find it hard to explain that niggers will try to scheme you and to be extra careful with them.
>How many you here interact with minorities on a daily basis?
I do
>Are your interactions ever negative?
No. Because out on the country side minorities are actually minorities and behave themselves.
It also helps that Im only interacting with them to buy shit from them