He's right you know
He's right you know
I wonder how many fags were abused by fags at a young age. Also, every dyke I have ever met has been VERY eccentric and perhaps even bat shit crazy. No one ever talks about this shit.
about him being a mentally ill fruit?
>crops out his hairline
>le nazbol ironyfag
There was this video an user posted a few years back where an evangelical christian went undercover to a gay night club and most all of them admitted to both prefering young boys and having their first sexual experience when they were kids
Yes, the mentally ill are usually white
>criticizing irony bros
>doesnt make a definite statement, resorting to an ironic le
what's the idea with ironybros? do they have a set ideology or political positions?
what are some of their tenets?
Le 55% face of pure thought before first drink. Than he starts grabbing BOIPUSS and calls it fun.
>projecting this hard
I like this guy's jokes sometimes but he really cucks out when people do it to him. I don't like that in people. Pet peeve.
BUMP for drama since he loves it
He's so ugly god damn
he really enjoys attention in a borderline personality disorder way
I never denied it.
I really need content twitter and the Irony bros to spread these memes im a big fan of your shitposts, keep it up kings.
Will beardson beardly help destroy the female menace?
I need your help kings.
Will gamer nationalism answer the call?
You want revenge on roasties or not lads?
>no matter how much muscle you put on you'll always have the face of a toddler
sad for him desu
The infected need to be culled.
What about you Wyatt? You have dedicated every post on twitter to hating roasties will you spread these memes cunt?
Well frog twitter?
You are all idiots
Let me tell you something
Gayness is a gene
The reason gay is wrong is because it causes anal cancer
Not because muh mental illness you idiots
Current year? i lurk all you guys and you have the best shitposts on the whole website.
That guy is such a fag and so is that beardson guy.
Dunno why all the fucking e-celebs on twitter always promote these people, they're not funny and they're nobodies. Beardson has like 800 followers or some shit.
Eh, I'd fuck him.
If you losers at TRS really want to spread some chaos you will spread these memes, otherwise i guess i will just continue to dunk on you chuds with the rest of the irony bros, stay mad smooth brains.
Beardson hasn't got the stones to spread these memes, prove me wrong seppo.
Irony bros are just christcucks that think going back to christian theocracies will fix everything. Little do they know christiainiy is proto-liberalism. The ideology proclaim to despise.
HEY that's my IRONY BRO you're talking about there!
I'm in love with him desu