and everyone got up and clapped
And everyone got up and clapped
is the police dept. a gun disposal now?
This destroys the libtard
I shot my 9yo daughter directly in her budding nipples. She started crying and asked when Trump’s reign of terror will end. Then my wife’s black bull came in her pussy, and i assured my daughter and my soon to be wife’s son that eventually the tyranny of the white man will be over soon
I think it technically is
The virtue signalling has attained Hollywood tier levels
seems illegal, you would need to fill out paper work so the government will know where that gun went.
I wonder if they will regret this the moment an angry pack of spics or niggers break into their home and rape them to death.
My fictional 9 year old told me we need to stockpile ARs and ammo for when the inevitable gun-grab happens. "They'll have to take em from my cold head hands, Pa," he said. I'm so proud. Then anime girls gave us both blowjobs while we high-fived.
Liberals are mentally ill.
>that leftist super cereal writing style
This sucker just announced to the world that he's rich, white and does not have a gun. The eyes of a million money-hungry nigs and spics are upon him.
Isn't that your soon-to-be wife's daughter's son?
>shot to death later that night
At least they learned and added a year to their fictional daughter's age before tweeting made up bullshit again
Why do they make up these stories
Of course the fucking kike hates Caesar
Imagine the shitshow if rightwingers were abusing their kids publicly in this manner. Like just imagine the reaction to a long list of tweets of people being like "my eight year old woke up crying and screaming because now that refugees are coming to Canada she thinks she'll be raped and beheaded at school... Trudeau this is your fault". Child services would take their fucking kids away.
I don't know but the Americans need to start shooting more people ASAP
A lot of police departments allow for anonymous gun drop offs.
>We've now got no way to defend ourselves from violent niggers and spics
>Please rape and kill my daughter.
You dun goofed.
Imagine taking home advice from a 9yo. My 9yo wants to eat icecream and tomato sauce sandwiches for dinner. I ignore him because he's 9yo.
so 8 year olds was last year now all these mysterious libtard kids are 9 since its 2018, got it
His home is a soft target now. Niggers, you know what to do.
This is why we don’t let children vote
kekked, underrated
and you and your daughter end up in an actual situation like this, but not this specifically since this photo depiction never really happened.
just do it
Why the fuck haven't we made this a thing yet?!
woke 8 year old has become concerned 9 year old.
Spread the word to all the niggers.
We have confirmation of no defense, it’s open season to clean out the house!
great because children know better than their parents right?????
>Using fantasy worlds from books and movies with little connection to reality to justify
This is what leftists do you fucking idiot. Nobody is convinced by Harry fucking Potter.
wew lad
Lets make all our decisions based on our 9 year olds ideas.
And then everyone donated $100% dollars
That's the point you retard. The only people who care about harry potter are leftists.
i'd like to see a tweet like this just once, only to see a followup news article the next day about how a coked out african american broke in at 3AM, raped the wife, stole the television, then executed everyone one by one
it would be a classic comedy
This is how you breed fear into the next generation. They will grow up living with that.
Where did this idea that we should think like children come from? Kids are sweet, and very loveable, but are absolutely clueless
This is some kind of infantilization of the human psyche
> Let your 9 old daughter make decisions about safety of the family
I have a feeling this is his wife's daughter and not really his
It came from the multi-faceted plan to dumb you down on a genetic level. Dysgenics.
Air, food, water, hygenic products, and the human genome itself. All to make you dumb and compliant.
And then a nigger came in the night and raped the 9yo, stole 90$ in cash and shot both parents to death. The father begged on his knees for his family to be spared, but to no effect. He was shot in the head with a 9mm Beretta, the shockwave burst his skull, and sent brain matter spurting out of his ears. But at least he never hurt anyone. The little girl lived, but was never the same, knowing that her childish emotions and sentiments were responsible for leaving her family exposed to the brutality of the world. She never forgave herself, and took her own life, aged 14.
Liberalism is mental infancy. They are making an appeal to authority in their mental framework.
To them, quoting a child is more powerful than quoting an ancient philosopher or a great thinker.
>not posting the real tweet
>I don't get it either, it's like SJW crack
It's like virtue signalling just isn't good enough.
They need that strong dopamine hit.
So they larp for sympathy or some shit.
They know they are bullshitting but they don't care because it's like a circle jerk at a masquerade.
Pic related (actual comment from that tweet)
Any1 got his addy? That castle lies undefended.
Hey Amerifats, I'm a teacher and have never seen a shooting, or even been drilled about how to deal with a shooter, because I will never need to know. Please explain how the fact that I won't ever get shot has nothing to do with nobody here having guns.
The cutest thing ever happened today
My 9 year old daughter came into me today and said "Gas the kikes, race war now"
I stopped eating my cereal and asked her what she meant, she told me "Daddy I can't live in a world where Jews run the world and are trying to destroy the white race by having niggers and trannys change our culture"
I smiled at her and rubbed the Hitler moustache of her face that she had painted on and together we said "Sieg Heil" and saluted the picture of Hitler in our kitchen.
Today we went on our first nigger lynching
good morning to you too
Anyone who watches anime should not be allowed to be a teacher, especially to our young minds.
yes but this is exactly the sort of thing leftists do i.e. that is the irony
>he is greek
oh nevermind.. its retarded
>have never seen a shooting, or even been drilled about how to deal with a shooter,
Neither have I
A lot of "8-year-olds".
Only further convinces me these people are personifying Obama's presidency. Pathetic legacy.
And it will remain that way until a butthurt former student/ex-employee/jilted lover has a meltdown and you get in the way.
>9yo girl climbing into your lap
This guys molests his daughter
>nazis took away guns
read a fucking book retard. It was easier to get a gun in nazi germany than in the weimar republic
My kids learned about Liberal today at school.
After dinner my 9yo climbed onto my lap & asked if we own guns. I told the truth. We have lots.
"Thank fuck for that" she said.
>8 year olds
>8 year term
what a (((coincidence)))
No it wasn’t
Funny, the pedo motto is "8 is too late". coincidence?
So when people write these fantasies (this person obviously isn't a gun owner, also probably hasn't reproduced) how exactly do they think they are making society safer by turning in THEIR gun specifically? Were they planning on shooting up a school or something? Because if they were planning on shooting up some mall or school then yeah I guess they made society safer by disarming themselves. But if they were law abiding and had no plans to go shoot innocent people how does turning in their gun do anything positive?
Criminals and mentally ill will still have a gun.
Whatever you say fag. Enjoy having your face melted into a comic book villian when some nigger tries to rob you with a vat of acid.
What book would you recommend? I've seen accounts which only state Germany rescinded licenses from suspected Jewish citizens and those with dual-citizenship.
if your 9 your old says the word "fuck" you failed as a parent
Glad I'm not the only one who notices.
t. Virgin
K e k d
>my 9yo climbed onto my lap
The way she phrases that makes it sound like a pet cat rather than an actual child.
Everyone knows who to rob now... the police are going to auction it off anyway.
She got rid of her 9yo because it didn't like guns
Great parenting
The Jews hate everything virtuous, beautiful, and strong.
>my 9 year old climbed onto my lap
What a brave and courageous parent. I'll follow his example.
"Daddy, I want ice cream for dinner every night, waaah!" "Ok, son"
"Daddy, I don't wanna go to school again, waaaah!" "Ok, son"
"Daddy, I don't wanna work, give me money, waaaaah!" "OK, son"
Sweet, I got this whole parenting thing figured out now!
USA is way past the point of no return of gun control
in countries like my Norway it works because seeing a gun outside some newspaper article about the local hunting team is extremely rare
>inb4 a few urban diversity shitholes
USA needs more guns. so many guns that those who would use one for school shootings or whatever would be afraid to even try it
Can somebody make this happen?
Whatever you say fag. Enjoy getting shot by a violent psychotic who was still allowed to own firearms.
Tomato sauce on cheese slices is the shit.
t. not your child
What you're describing is modern democracy.
alright batman, you're missing the point
Leader Technologies miller act could instantly KILL the Sillicon Valley tech mafia that hates freedom of speech and BRING FORTH the free press.
THIS IS NOT A DRILL, pick up your twatter accounts, your 4chins and START SPREADING THAT. Tweet at POTUS en mass and this could be a MASSIVE WIN.
Do it, for God and country!
Trump just needs to take a look at the miller act, approve it and order the payment to Leader Technologies.
This results in a couple of hundred billions per year to create a trully free press and results in the tech mafia getting fucked by having been using stolen code for over 17 years.
Destroying the MSM and taking tech from the left with a signature. THIS IS YUUUGE!!
You've got a point.
My response:
I don't like this bullshit modern world, waaah! Daddy? Daddy? Oh fuck, guess I'm on my own now. It's time to torch this mutherfuker!!!
dont be stupid, they keep an arsenal at home including AR15s. their twitter posting is just virtue signaling lies. they are liars and hypocrites. they are the ruling elite.
A common denominator in almsot all false flags are victims/schools and mjor players invovled that all have names where the first and last initials are the same!!!!!!!!!!! Such is the case here with Denise Dawn. Its an occult ritual
seems like russian shill posting to me
What the fuck are these puritanical faggots gonna do when niggers, and mexicans bolshevize them?
The occasional school shooting will seem like a tiny price to pay for guns then.
When these faggots are in FEMA camps I will chuckle from my log cabin in the Rockies.
Then spit it out, autistic Sherlock!
>getting cucked by a 9yo
The absolute state of murrican men.
#MeToo I'm also a Parkland mom
spit what out?
Why are you so angry all the time?
Is it your period?
She probably meant César, the Mexican druglord who was pimping his mom before they came to murrica
>What the fuck are these puritanical faggots gonna do when niggers, and mexicans bolshevize them?
They'll cheer and try to endear themselves, what else do traitors do with "liberators?" They'll be worse off, yes, but be worse off knowing they "won."
wow, you're really reaching, child.
>#just here to shitpost
>voluntarily giving away any advantage you might have had over someone attacking you with a gun
darwinism at its finest