> gun culture
> minimal gun control laws
> no mass shootings
It's almost like the problem is somewhere else.
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Props to you Czechs you make good guns
when will this meme die?
It's easier than writing Czech Republic. And there are historical reasons for using it.
First. Czech republic please.
Second. Guns are not easy to get here at all. If i was able to get AR-15, i would already shooting niggers in Prague.
Czechia nigger. All you need is a licence saying you're nor retarded or a criminal and a taking a test. Same as getting a car.
Yeah. Test, able to clean gun in front of instructor and you get fucking pistol. To get AR-15 you need realy invest some time and money.
Call nigger someone else fucking asshole.
>Not Czechoslovakia
dont need the likes of you here
Despite gun laws, it really is something else that makes americans pop off so often. Its not about shooting up places with an AR, its about the intent to go into a place wreak havoc upon them. This seems to predominatly american problem. What gives ?
You are retarded
Good that you can't get it, then. Now do everyone a favour and go suicide bomb a mosque.
It's neither Czech.R nor Czechia
It's C z e c h y
Prague was liberal - what do people outside of Prague think of it and it's people?
They were making fun of "dumb countryside people" last time I was there, a month ago.
Krteček is white and based. Say something nice about his car.
Anyone knows the name of the brunet almost titless chick that appears in some of "Czech[insertnamehere].com" porn websites?
Gawd...she must be the most sensual women on Earth, i shoot my ammo for her all the time.
Suicide bomb is retarted. You can just throw bomb and run away. No reason to kill yourself during that. But i don't have bombs anyway. If i have them, would go and bomb some niggers. I don't care about muslims that much. If i go to bomb someone based on religion, it would be jews.
Why don't you just make an AR with a CNC mill?
Who czechaboo here
>No americans
Modern american, is a debiloid toddler with bunch of money left over by his great grandparents. They are still successful only because the useful people from all over the world are migrating there for easy money and to flush their genetic superiority and intellect down the toilet.
You can tell by it's blush that he is doing something lewd to it.
Who do you think i am? It would be easier to get it legal way than construct my own. But it realy doesn't matter at this point. Europe is lost. Geneticly destroyed. White race will get erased. Jews won again. I will propably just commit suicide than watching us die out. Killing anyone would only fucked up my karma even more. Good luck living in this hell bros.
That sounds like California's laws. Take a test, demonstrate your ability to load and unload the gun, that's it.
Oh look a serb-human larper
Dude. I would use gun to kill some niggers or myself. Or both. Nor realy worth effort at all.
That's because AR-15 are the most dangerous gun of all time. They make no sound when fired (ghost gun). They are fully automatic and have huge clips. Plus you can ad grenade launchers and chainsaws to it.
Imagine a country, where being racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic and Islamaphobic is socially acceptable. Imagine a country, where getting your hands on a gun is no problemo at all. Imagine a country, where all the females are horny promiscuous sluts, that want you to fuck the living shit ouf of them, no matter of your social status or class.
Yea boi, Kek Republic is the best republic.
nice, just don't like this
>where all the females are horny promiscuous sluts
Waifu should be totally loyal to her husband
Exactly. Best gun. Second option would be pump shotgun. It is bit easier to get it but still pretty hard. Guns you legaly get here are pretty useless for any rampage. It would be easier to get blackmarket AK-47 than try to pass all tests and police bullshit. They are not even that much expensive.
Czechia über alles. Reconquest of Silesia and Slovakia when
Too bad we will be overun by muslims and niggers too in few years.
Atheist shithole.
Fucked up culture, no god, jewed nation, rampant capitalism, rat race, everyone is psychotic... i could go on.
>Zdeněk Miler
It’s time to build your Great Wall of Poland to keep fleeing Czechs out.
The only black anime character I ever loved.
God why got such a difficult name to pronounce why don't go back being Bohemia a lot easier and more prestigious
Nitroglycerin + sawdust = Dynamite
It's not that hard. The only thing stopping you is self control you edgy faggot.
Based Czechs youtube.com
>no god
As if that was a bad thing
Why are you all going to CZ then?
Moravians and Silesians would not like that too much
Love the main protagonist, even tho he's just a dumb peasant.
Get out, subhuman. Sup Forums is a Christian board. It is worse enough that we have to suffer protties, but atheists? Too far and too degenerate.
You say like they were a country and would declare war if that happened lol
To rape and pillage, slovaks are not pushovers.
Yeah. If you didn't notice, we share borders with Germany. Germans are set to replaced by jews. By niggers and muslims. When that hapen, they will go for next country to poison. Since all countries on west europe are already full of niggers and muslims, only way is to continue is go to czech republic and poland. Since we are already full of gypsies and nobody is able to solve it, what you think that hapen when niggers and muslims just come in buy house in ordinary czech street? Czech cucks will just bitch about it in pub and do fucking nothing. Like they do about gypsies. I promise czech retards will not fight. Only if we would be part of bigger army. But that is not going to hapen. And even if we would fight. Fight against Germany, France, Sweden in same time...pretty obvious who will lose. Us.
Europe have about 5-10 years max to try remove these parasites. But i seen basicly zero resistance so far so it is almoust impossible to achive that. Paris and London are nigger cities full of muslims. And nobody did nothing against it. How could solve this, if goverments are overun by jews and jews have holohoax laws to protect them. That is why this time islam will take over Europe. In past we have kings who wants to fight. Now we have traitors as leaders.
Im living in Prague and I study on university fcken hate these snobish city cunts.
Samurai will stop that from happening. We just need to destroy pirats.
Shut up and go back to building muh roads Ivan.
How to get fucking nitroglycerin? I know how to make napalm. But it only burns. Not explode. At least shit i made.
Is this an actual folk song or was it made for the game?
I think that the media coverage on shootings since columbine has really given psychopaths a sense of "fame." They want that fame so they just shoot up places. Also niggers.
Americans are natural problem solvers.
We just happen to enjoy solving our problems with violence.
Because it was adopted by these hipster looking gypsy type people- bohems
everybody outside Prague hates Prague, and they are right
Samurai wont remove vietnamese tho
At least they played as a national team Ivan
> a fucking pole
Go back to sucking your priests dick and worshiping the jew on stick you cunt.
Okamura is retard tho
There are parts of Prague that are still nice other then that people there are cunts overrunned by vietnamese n niggers
Welp, better get cracking, Kekoslovakians. Retake your sisterland
He talks about USA tho
Gotta love them based Atheist Czechs
Wish Radola was back
Here in civilized world we care about good relationships, not just shooting each other.
Last time I checked they were digging a trench for my new sewer.
Heart disease drugs.
Bohemia isn't inclusive enough. It ignores Moravia and Silesia. It would be like calling the UK England, or Brazil Amazonia.
He's the best chance we have.
Why remove them tho? They seem to have low birth rates and unlike gypsies they actually work. Just let them sell their shitty shoes.
Fuck my mom used to read me that before bedtime
Oh shit. I just automatically assumed he means Czech Republic/Czechia/Bohemia
Last I heard, some asian country went full obsessed with Krtek and bought the license.
It would help if government had some statistics on vietnamese
*Reichsprotektorat Böhmen und Mähren
I live next to SAPA, sucks af to live nearby
Man. Do you think he can stop muslims and niggers to buy houses here?
It was China. Look up Panda and Krtek. It made my cry, it's so gucking bad.
It propably sucks badly. I seen picture of that lame CGI. Krtek is not 3D anyway. They can't replicate original artstyle an his autism. But at least china like something from us. Not like we can produce anything worth export except games done by based Vavra.
>Czech republic
why not Bohemia?
Not niggers, but he can stop muslims.
What about beer?
Well. Than it is useless. Muslims are not that bad. They have their retarted religion so people will allways hate them. And we already have lot of muslims anyway. I don't see much diference betwen muslims and gypsies. Niggers are much worse. Muslims and Islam could be allies to remove jews. Shit. I voted Okamura to stop niggers. Jews fear muslims. Muslims are almoust white. I know they sucks but they will not destroy our genes that badly. OMG. It is all even worst than i was thinking.
Beer is degeneracy. We could export meth and it would be same for me. Honestly. Go to your local pub at tell me beer is not shit that make our poor nation even worse. Be proud of beer export. Should i be proud of public-agent czech porn on xhamster? So all fucking jews from Israel will allways argument that we are nation of whores. But who cares. I give up. We was fighting nazis too so we have our bad fate. Now all religion is wiped out by commies, all industry sold by jewish traitors like Havel. We deserve to be wiped out from surface of Earth like other white nations. If we can't remove our jews, than let be slave for jews. Flood it with waves of niggers so all whores can get blacked and paid the toll later.
Its almost like the USA has an absurd society
what are talking about nigger, semi-automatic rifle is "B" category, just like the pistol.
You do realise that half of niggers are muslim right? Muslims want to conquer us, while niggers want money, if you don't give them any, they'll fuck off. And 0,1% of the population isn't a lot.
it's Češka
> we should end a 600 years old tradition of brewing beer because I've seen some drunk people.
Motherland hating traitors like you should be defenestrated.
>Beer is degeneracy
how to spot larper, you are no czech.
No It's Česká republika
yes as a long name, but short it's Češka
maybe you are right. i realy did not study it much becouse if i get gun like this i would travel to Prague to shoot nigger rasta club.
I realy stop studing when i understand there will be no racewar at all. Just slow death.
And other half of niggers are christians. Muslims want to conquer us, niggers want to conquer us, jews want to conquer us ( and they did ). And we will give niggers money. Same like we give gypsies money. All tough talk but did we cut gibs for their 5 kids? No.
If we have more muslims, than jews will move to Israel. For me every jew is worst than 50 muslims. I still think that in few years they will just start buying shit here. Same way like veitnamies buy everything now. Without real racewar and ethinc cleaninsing in Europe we will be all muslims anyway.
Man. From 15- 25 i spend every weekend in pub. It is degeneracy. I don't say that our beer is bad. It is fucking awesome. I don't hate our motherland. I am just sad what our motherland was and is now.
So how much of you czechfags even own a gun, eh?
Short version is Česko
Are you retarded? You think we should get overrun by sandnigger to fight jews? You do realise that all the Important jews live in Izrael, US and UK? How the fuck would that make our situation any better?