Get in here antipedo anons
Tina Fontaines killer has been found not guilty in a city that has had a park that had Rent boys at Bonnycastle park which is 4 minutes away from the legislative building
More autism needed
Get in here antipedo anons
Tina Fontaines killer has been found not guilty in a city that has had a park that had Rent boys at Bonnycastle park which is 4 minutes away from the legislative building
More autism needed
Other urls found in this thread:
Tina Fontaine was sexually exploited and everyone who bought her still walk these streets
>the Winnipegers that come to Sup Forums are schizo boomers suffering from Winter cabin fever
Not surprising
One Brian Bowmans earliest campaign promises was to make Bonnycastle castle park a dog park
But CFS boys were sexually exploited there.
Is that you jeff
You wish you had )))schizophrenia(((.
>I'm 24.
Nice CGI.
>that has had a park that had
Do you even want people to read what you write?
Take a second to make what you write easier to read.
I am extremely Canadian
please be understanding
Nah I'm from here, this seems more like an asshurt Prairienigger. Nobody gave a shit about Colton in Saskatchewan and nobody but the natives gave a shit about Tina in Winnipeg either
>taking a case to trial when you have no cause of death, crime scene or witnesses
Laughable. Already there are calls of justice not being served because nobody could find the killer of this future tax burden. Unfortunate that there's still a killer out there, but as long as they keep taking the natives then its whatever.
Why do the pedophiles act with impunity in Winnipeg
December 7 2014 7:10pm
A former university of Ottawa student now a Muslim convert spends six minutes on camera railing against the Canadian government and promising his former countrymen will be “indiscriminately targeted”.
Jun 15, 2016
ISIS 'kill list' includes names of 151 Canadians.
November 13, 2014 1:45 pm
ISIS leader threatens Canada, says it will fight to the last man in audio recording
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of ISIS, said in an audio recording released Thursday the group will fight to the last man.
He specifically singles out the United States and its allies Europe, Australia and Canada as “stumbling between fear, weakness, inability, and failure.”
Trudeau sparks outrage with plan to ‘reintegrate’ ISIS terrorists into Canada
>The government revealed in late 2015 that some 180 individuals “with a nexus to Canada” had joined Islamic terrorist groups overseas, and an additional 60 had come back to Canada, according to a report by CBC’s Evan Dyer.
Offences Against Public Order
Treason and other Offences against the Queen’s Authority and Person
Marginal note:High treason
46 (1) Every one commits high treason who, in Canada,
(a) kills or attempts to kill Her Majesty, or does her any bodily harm tending to death or destruction, maims or wounds her, or imprisons or restrains her;
(b) levies war against Canada or does any act preparatory thereto; or
(c) assists an enemy at war with Canada, or any armed forces against whom Canadian Forces are engaged in hostilities, whether or not a state of war exists between Canada and the country whose forces they are.
They had him on record
Cromier was just a cog in a machine
Day of the rope for the pedophiles
It's true he has a thick leaf accent, it comes out in his text. It's honestly admirable. Even I am not as Canadian as OP.
Brian Butthurt is going for.reelection
Sounds like you give a shit since you're here voicing your valuable opinion. I bet you don't know how corrupt this Country is.
I could redpill you for years.
>Why do the pedophiles act with impunity in Winnipeg
Kek is here.
Digits confirm
Most won't take the time to read this.
Go home normie.
Notice how all these corrupt pizza worshipers are Canadian women?
We must unite against the pedophiles
I am with you.
Roths go down
Bogs go up
I think Jeff left to take a shot of meth
We are killing his buzz
Lockheed-Martin, Honeywell, Raytheon, etc. have all built entirely separate Navies and Air Forces for CIA over past 65+ years. This also ties into their work for Israel and Saudi Arabia.
CIA - Israel - Saudi Arabia have always worked hand in hand.
Saudi Arabia was taken out courtesy of Chris Wray handing over all goods on Saudi Arabia to Trump (Wray was Saudi Arabia's primary attorney in U.S. re: govt matters before going to FBI). Trump used that info to empower Prince Bin Salman to overthrow his relative, 9/11 financier, trafficking kingpin and Adrenochrome addict, Prince Al-Waleed.
Once Saudi Arabia went off the table, Bibi quickly followed.
The last men left standing are "CIA in-exile", Zionists like Schumer who have been abandoned by Israel, and your run of the mills like Soros and David Rothschild.
At the end of the day, everyone always reported to MI6, British Monarchy, and their allies.
British Monarchy will be dealt with...
What's the matter Jeff did all that gore made you need to fap
You are a sick fuck
Jimmy Commet
was his name
He sold adrenochrome all day
You think I joke you think I kid
But the shit these people do is sick
They snatch up kids and eat their insides
But before that they break their minds.
I couldn’t tell you cuz i don’t know why
but they shouldn’t even be alive
Pedos Pedos on the loose
Soon enough they’ll face the noose
Pedos Pedos on the run
The jokes on them, not for long.
This guy Jimmy turned into James
and Rothschild was his last name
They all got arrogant and made mistakes
and now they should burn at the stake
Expose the kikes and kikery
They think they live while we sleep
but that aint true nah that aint true
the goyim know the jews are through
Pedos Pedos on the loose
Soon enough they’ll face the noose
Pedos Pedos on the run
The jokes on them, not for long.
Got anything on the Manitoba club
I don't know much. I think maybe one of the 87 politicians might be from Manitoba. So far all I know from there is Levin.
They're all spread out over Canadian provinces and territories.
I'll keep posting sauce on the Canadian ones. Some of them probably have grandkids now.
Manitoba club is 3 minutes away from Bonnycastle park on foot
Jesus fucking Christ Winnipeg get your shit together.
I am trying but I cannot do it alone
Lend us your autism
Many are in BC - it's a bad province for that.
>(((Bountiful, BC)))
Here are 2 burgers since the Flat Earth doesn't revolve around Canada.
I dunno senpai there's enough shit to fix here already :^)
Just fire bomb one jewish orphanage, don't be a pussy.
We're not asking for much.
So we need an example
Manitiba has the most kids in care in in the western world per capita
And the pedos are strong here
If we can clean up Pedopeg nothing could stop us
4 d chess move
We use the anger of Tina Fontaine to make Manitoba release the names and what happened to kids that died in care
If they don't we attack them
If they do more ammo for the revolution
Full Name James A Rothschild
Birth Year 1974
Age 42
Associated Names
Jame Rothschild
James A Rothschied
James Rothchild
do reverse traces on the addys
57 Peconic Ave, Sag Harbor, NY 11963
(Nov 2006)
730 Hibbard Rd, Winnetka, IL 60093
(Jul 1994 - Apr 2006)
10 E 29th St, New York, NY 10016
(Feb 2004)
10 E 29th St, New York, NY 10016
(Feb 2004)
310 E 46th St #A, New York, NY 10017
(Dec 2001)
41 River Terrance #3804, New York, NY 10282
(Mar 2001)
41 River Ter #3804, New York, NY 10282
(Aug 1999)
41 River Te 3804, New York, NY 10282
(Jul 1999)
140 E 56th St, New York, NY 10022
(Oct 1996)
And I found his real father...
Roger James Rothschild
Birth Year 1941
Age 75
>Roger James Rothschild
>Birth Year 1941
>Age 75
lives in Alaska - Adrenochrome hotspot
studied Molecular biology Biochemistry and Chemistry - Adrenochrome producing skills
Adrenaline and has to be stored in a cool place like comet ping pongs fridge.
It produces a euphoric high like DMT but is actually healthy for you.
This is also why places like ALASKA and seattle are hubs for trafficking.
"Benjamin de Rothschild, only son of the late Edmond de Rothschild, was a classic case of great expectations gone astray. Despite being groomed for greatness from a young age, as a teenager he skipped university and instead headed for Los Angeles with dreams of being a film producer. In LA he started taking drugs, and ended up on heroin. Meanwhile, he failed to make it into Hollywood's charmed circle and bombed as a film-maker.
"Being a Rothschild isn't enough. You have to prove yourself. The dynastic pressures are virtually inescapable," commented a friend at the time. However, when his father died, leaving him heir to a fortune of pounds 1.5bn, he was forced to clean up his act. "He is a Rothschild, he either had to win or walk away," said the friend."
FYI here is more - 4 daughters of his:
Olivia de Rothschild , born 2 August 2002 in Geneva, IG: olivia_de_roths
Eve de Rothschild , born 5 January 2001 in Geneva, IG: eve.der , fb: /eve.derotschild
Alice de Rothschild , born 2 March 1999 in Geneva, fb: /alice.der IG:alice.der IG2: alicevsrosie
Noémie de Rothschild , born 12 October 1995 in Paris, IG: rotschillipepper, fb: NoemiedeR, linkedIN:
Felix Giguere
IG: felixgiguere - the only son of Benjamin de Rothschild living under fake name,
Adopted son:
IG: shecallsmeaur
You make us redpilled canucks proud Torybro
Alefantis is implicated in the pizzagate investigation. Read here:
Until now, nobody knew he is a Rothschild.
Rothschild are related to symbology that is related to pizzagate (see pic related).
Supposedly (rumours) say that this thing can be taken for euphoria and better health.
It's possible to synth in the lab, but as the image from shows, if that is the case it is never pure.
Supposedly, the only way to harvest the adrenochrome is to harvest the adrenal glads of someone that is experiencing pure terror at the moment they are harvested.
Supposedly, kids adrenochrome is better than adults adrenochrome for reasons I cannot recall.
The leak that says Alefantis is a Rothschild also shows that:
^Seen here:
These Rothschild satanic child sacrificing ADRENOCHROME PRODUCING fuckers EXPOSED
remember this next time the liberals pay lip service to giving a fuck about the natives, let alone kids.
Between the out and out corruption in Quebec infesting the province and the federal government, to the local "empire builders" who have sprung up...
Ben Levin the pedo making the sex ed curriculum...
Normalization of fetish level sex to grade school kids is complete....
Legal repercussions for speaking out against this are in force, in addition to social/job status being destroyed.
CBC will spend more time hiding the dozens of hijab hoaxers who lied to canada then it will trying to find this girl or anyone like her.
As if jeff left without saying good bye
He is pretty crazy I hear but we are too many to stop
Also he is a buffoon low IQ degenerate that hooks youngens on meth
What the fuck is all this shit about? You winnepeggers are fucking stupid. I bet you love getting Pegged by grandpa.
And they killed Christmas in schools and people think it's because muh refugees
They did not know about the learn share change until I showed them
SwissBro ID:IJc2CTvZ Tue 11 Jul 2017 16:59:47 No.133274052 ViewReport
>That on top of the fact that secrets are usually in plain sight would point out at the veracity of adrenochrome
Yes, I got to know the drug in a very unknowing and strange way. In Switzerland, there is a new public library, financed in part by Rothschild. It is located about an hour drive from where they reside. The school connected with the library is supported by them, therefore many times there are posters of murder and kids around the library.
The people who work there are their agents.
Inside, there is a water spot where they lace the water with Adrenochrome, available for free.
1) it is there as many close kids of the family go there
2) under the library Adrenochrome is produced
3) the water always works, as a drug, and at times the campus smells like babies
4) there are many underground tunnels, just like at Alefantis place
Hence I found out about the drug, and their involvement in the production.
If you ever have a chance to visit the library, make sure to get the drinkable water close to the cafeteria. The give it out for free...
>pic related
We are hunting pedos and saving the nation
What are you doing?
address or GTFO
I should be able stop by the fritz' in swiss land next few months.
This would actually be one of the last puzzle pieces I need if true.... 99% sure you are just pulling my pizzle
Tory you got the kevin space pic that was floating around here
Just go on 4plebs and search "Rothschild+Adrenochrome"
Look for the swissanon.
I didn't repost his pic related but he posted some picture of the library too.
Winnipeg is full of jews and freemasons. The legislature building is a masonic building.
Israel Asper was a wealthy jew who build the (((human rights museum))). Inside the HRM are exhibits that explain why Whites are racist and evil and why Canada must be flooded with non-whites, including of course several floors of holohoax propaganda.
The jews and the freemasons are all pedos. They run the politics in Manitoba using pedophile blackmail, just like the jews do everywhere else in the West.
No the one where some guys passed out and spacey is soft core raping him
It would be a redpill to hide in the local shit I am doing
yeah not reading that much... that's for CIA niggers and the autists... Im field ops... get back to me with info or the missions a no go
I don't got it bro.
I don't really give a fuck what you do or believe in bro. I gave you the post number, the guy said:
>new public library, financed in part by Rothschild. It is located about an hour drive from where they reside. The school connected with the library is supported by them, therefore many times there are posters of murder and kids around the library.
You should be able to pick it out.
CTRL + F = Library 1/5 results.
ACTH - Adrenocorticotropic Hormone patent aka adrenochrome.
This patent was made in the 50's and it details the source of the ACTH as the pituitary gland
the patent has since expired and many manufactured analog versions exist but that doesn't discount the fact that it's still going on just not overtly
Look into the history of 432 assinibione
And the Manitoba club
If you know how to dig
What do you know of the corruption of our city
We need to use certain triggers to start the fire for the revolution I am working on CFS and the pedophiles
It may come a time soon that I get tipped off about an address that has underage prostitutes
Also we could invade the escort websites with the pretending to be underage or lure pedos online where ever they are to get a local data base going
I'm legitimately surprised at the autism here, godspeed lads. I'd offer to help but I have no fucking clue what to look for.
How could we seal the occupants inside until the police's and news show up because 50 people are shutting down the pedos.
Then once everyone is out of the house we dismantle the property
Should have seen the last bread
A pedophile has been here for days and I recognize his lingo and called him out on it
Last name is gibson
He has a taste for meth and high school boys
are you sure the police and local government are not in on it as well?
Helping us with bumps is enough.
Obviously they are. Police are all freemasons, judges are all jews, politicians are all cryptobastards.
Wake up bro, you live on a farm.
Notice the child sized cage in the front for all to see this place is 4 minute walk 1 minute drive from the legislative buildings
They are that s why we cause a scene on live streams with high powered autism that goes spectrum
>pic from inside the building.
I can do that for a while.
Surely we've got to have some kind of assets on the inside...
Fuck bro it's been a hard road but soon all our effort will be realized
Theres obviously whitehates and whistleblowers in the deep state.
It's funny because you can tell who's handlers have handlers sometimes if you pay attention in the news.
God sees everything. Pedos think somehow they found a way to close God's eyes.
They are going to cry when God reveals himself.
I'm aware, i get to see the highrollers in t.o often and want to do something about it but they're even more protected here with b'nai b'rith watching over them and houses tend to catch fire when you investigate. remember that cics is their friend not ours and they're watching this site