Is she allowed into the ethnostate?
Is she allowed into the ethnostate?
whiter than most people here
sterilized service animal.
posting in a shill thread
specially you mutt
The mutt ethnostate of California
Would allow to nurse my children /10
Why is a twitch tit model relevant on here? I have no idea who she is otherwise.
If she wears a paperbag on her head.
Thank god people are replying to this retarded thread and ignore all of the good ones. Our job is done. We did it reddit!
they only wear mexican flags in california
There will never be an ethnostate. Just give it up and marry one of those 76%ers
Not citizenship but she can have a breeding visa
Yes because of milkers
honestly if she didn't have such fat tits she would be a literal zero
There never will be a white ethnostate in our lifetime or hers unfortunately
Only on a visa, in which she will conduct official business.
only if I get to suck on milkers.
Sure but her tone is the cutoff point.
i dont need appreciasions, just donate to my patron: jewberg6m
She looks at least 27% pure white. Bisoned.
do her face on that app
la creaturidad de los dios mios
The creature of the Gods.
>whiny bitch
>only sense of humour is ironically whining about sjw things
kek This
I'd hide her in my attic if you know what I mean.
man, Brittney is savage. But then again, if you're posting tits on anonymous message board, be ready to be judged.
I'll unironically hide her in my sauna and then turn the heat up until she has to strip and then arrive naked for sauna. "Oops I forgot you are here!"
not her, though.
I implied she was judging the other girl, bro
La criatura
with her drawing, I mean. She was making fun of her nipples
...yes ;_;
eh, prob shopped.
>blue eyes
seems white to me
Fits the meme to a T.
100% Amerimutt.
>Is she allowed into the ethnostate?
If you mean wakanda, yes
Whiter than me, Muhammad.
Pls be real
>she's white by mutt standards
hi britt. we love you.
She’s gonna age like milk
Yes, she would be chained in a barn for any white man to use as he pleases.
Shill thread.
>Is she allowed into the ethnostate?
She is allowed in the Milkstate.
only non-white women will be allowed in the ethnostate, since it will be a giant bleaching factory
white women will be kept in deep freeze until their eggs are needed for insemination
Do you think you can stop her?
Sterilize her and put her in the government run brothels where she will have to satisfy any white man that has earned time at the brothel.
Proof that Americans are utter mutts.
Soy milk can last a long time, my man.
She's ugly.
What's up with /pol and their fetishes for ugly women?
Its either this down syndrome looking monster, or that other blonde that love sucking black dicks.
I.... i dont get it.
>Is she allowed into the ethnostate?
pic related.
They're not all bad
fuck off June, no one likes you.
Wouldn't allow her into the ethnostate, but wouldn't deport her either.
I feel sympathy for mutts, but they're not White, they can only ever hope to have White grandchildren.
Fuck no, she belches like a pig
not even close to Brittanys body type
She could service me, if you know what I mean.
Gib milkies.
I want Britt Britt milkies NOW!
I would service that lass, if you know what I mean.
Serious question was "she" born a she or he?
How does a half negro get blue eyes like this? I'm white and I only got brown eyes.
Fuck off june we all know your game kek
She will be allowed in the Mutt Purgatory border town/provence. 85-98.9% Mutts allowed in there will be forced to breed with eachother until their offspring is 99% white. Only then after passing the testing will those people be let in.
Nevermind then. Maybe her greatgreatgrandchildren can get into Purgatory...
I'm one of her Mods that pic is fake
Pick 1
>do one of these
>96% white 2% hispanic
Am I white?
I like how you think hehehe
hi brittany. i'd fuck you.
Cleaning toilets and servicing me after brunch.
I'd allow her anywhere
No Mutts allowed!!
She is ugly as fuck anyways.
that "thing" is clearly not white
gib bobs
>ywn fuck her raw and cumming in her mutt pussy
fuck, all this 56% posting have given me a new fetish. Well played Soros
Do you need "mios" in there?
who knows? We dont speak mutt
ayyyy lmao
It's called espanolesol
dios mio...
What about this one?
>I'm one of her Mods
ahaha, pathetic
Yes, niggers would not only kill whites in their own ethnostate, they'll also kill all mutts. (see Haiti)
Blacks will basically create a zombie society where cannibalism, eating mud, rape and incest will be normal because that's their true subhuman nature.
So unless there's enough mutts to be able to create their own ethnostate we'll take them.